In the average home, humidity levels are usually between 40-50% which is ideal for ZZ Plants. Again, when caring for this plant, think back to where it grows in nature: dry grasslands and forests, mostly. Characterized by their shiny, oval-shaped deep green leaves, ZZ plants make excellent additions to any home or office. This method takes longer than propagation by division and you may be waiting six to nine months before any new rhizomes begin to grow! On the flip side, low humidity is characterized by the presence of static electricity and dried or cracking paint or wood. If you do decide to mist your ZZ, fill a spray bottle or mister (like this one from OFFIDIX) with lukewarm water. Placing your ZZ Plant on top of a pebble tray can help to increase the moisture level around the plant, without adding water directly to the soil. ZZ plants prefer an average room temperature between 65 degrees F-75 degree F. Stunted growth can happen if the average room temperature drops down below 45 degrees F or if you place your plant near an air-conditioning vent. Their resistance to drought and their high tolerance for temperature, humidity, light, and soil make them excellent beginner houseplants. Some people swear by daily misting while others prefer to leave their plants alone. Zz plants like to live in an average temperature home (ideally between 60-85 degrees F) and can do well with your normal amount of humidity. Since the ZZ plant is a tropical plant, it prefers a more humid environment. Also, mold and moisture on walls points to high levels. ZZ plants don't require humid conditions, but if your home runs on the dry side consider increasing the humidity around your ZZ plant by purchasing a humidifier or placing it on top of a water tray. The rare way you can kill the plant is by overwatering it. Humidifiers use a reservoir to hold water which then releases into the air. Because this topic is so controversial in the houseplant world, I’ll give you a bit of information from both sides. If you want to have lush and green foliage in your living area but occasionally forget to water the plants, a ZZ plant is a great choice. Originating from warm, tropical regions, outdoor ZZ plants grow their best in dappled shade and humid locations, though indoor specimens also thrive in low humidity levels. The ZZ grows smooth, naturally shiny leaves that … If you’re new to the ZZ world and you’re anything like me, you’re researching everything you can do to give your ZZ the perfect environment. So how can you know the actual humidity level in each room of your home? Raven ZZ plants grow well in average household humidity levels, meaning you don’t have to worry about adding a humidifier or pebble tray to increase humidity. It really doesn’t need to be fertilized much- maybe a diluted application in spring and then again in summer. Fill the tray with water and set your ZZ pot on top of the tray. ZZs (Zamiifolia Zamioculcas) are loved by so many people because of how simple they are to care for. As mentioned above the plant tolerates low light, bright light and different levels of watering. When that moisture is released from plants, the water vapor increases the local humidity around the plant. This will naturally boost the humidity surrounding your ZZ plant. During the early 2010s, rumors circulated that ZZ plants were so toxic that they could cause cancer and that they should be avoided at all costs. Why Your Monstera Deliciosa Is Crying, Sweating and Dripping Water, How to Save a ZZ Plant From Root Rot: A Step By Step Guide, How to Choose the Best Soil and Pot for Your ZZ Plant. On the other hand if your ZZ Plant leaves are turning yellow very quickly and there is a lot of them changing colour it's normally a symptom of overwatering. As long as your home is not extremely dry, you’ll probably not notice any real difference in your ZZ by adding moisture to the area surrounding the plant. HUMIDITY: Average indoor humidity TOXICITY: The ZZ plant is toxic to pets, and ingesting the leaves and sap can be toxic to both humans and pets; C ontact your veterinarian in the event that your pet ingests any part of the plant Our pledge to plant a tree However, it is important to note that extremely high humidity levels can invite pests and disease to your ZZ Plant. We are a member of several affiliate advertising programs designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to external sites. In general, ZZ plants do not tolerate cold temperatures well (no lower than 45F) so avoid placing your ZZ plant in a location close to drafts or particularly cold areas of your home. Place the cutting in a warm spot that receives bright (but not direct) light throughout the day. ZZ plants in general don’t need a lot of humidity. As with most houseplants, it is usually a good idea to wait until the spring or summer to repot ZZ plants as they will be better able to tolerate disturbances during the active growing period. All they need to thrive is adequate light, and a good watering every couple of weeks. Those situated in dark locations or bathrooms mustn't be over-misted, as it could cause powdery mildew or botrytis. While ZZs can tolerate a wide range of humidity, you should know that there are risks for all houseplants with extremely low or extremely high levels of humidity. ZZ plants grow best between 60 and 75 degrees Fahrenheit in an environment with average humidity. ZZ plants are not overly picky about their potting medium as long as it is well-draining. Those who advocate misting houseplants believe that adding moisture into the air near the plant, via misting, is the best way to keep humidity levels up. Those people say that spraying water into the air around your plants dissipates so quickly that it doesn’t alter the humidity levels at all. This plant doesn’t require a lot of time or effort, so it is perfect for beginners. Whilst you should always be assessing the plant andn the dryness of the potting material to determine when to water your ZZ plant, your climate will determine how often you need to check your plant. One favourite variation of the classic ZZ plant is the dwarf ZZ. They can thrive with humidity levels of all kinds, but do best with regular indoor humidity levels As the temperature goes up and down, the air’s ability to hold water vapor increases and decreases. Humidity Average house humidity is advised but increase humidity if the artificial heating within the home or workplace is quite dry. As the water is heated, it will evaporate into the air adding moisture to the surrounding area. The leaves are a fleshy type which are only a couple of inches in length and an inch … Humidity or the lack of there of is also a factor in watering frequency. I put mine out in the rain 1 afternoon & left it out the next morning until 11. With more plants together, the humidity level will be higher in that area. Most standard potting mixes should be sufficient for your ZZ plant. Low humidity is fine with ZZ Plants, as long as its foliage is hosed down from time to time for the removal of dust particles and potential pests. Do ZZ Plants like humidity? Your ZZ plant could have problems if you have very high humidity levels in your home. For more information on which humidifiers are best for tropical houseplants as well as my personal recommendations, click here. Generally, ZZ plants do not require regular fertilizing to thrive. Solving Common Problems Why are the leaves turning yellow? Average household temperatures and humidity are fine for ZZ plants. ZZs are extremely hardy plants. Water/Humidity: The ZZ Plant is similar to a succulent that thrives on less water. Too much humidity can make your houseplant the perfect environment for disease and pests, while too little can cause your leaf tips to turn brown. Flush the plant with water over a sink and let the water drain entirely. Most household plants do enjoy at least a bit of humidity, but the ZZ plant tolerates low humidity quite well. Keep your ZZ plant out of temperatures below 45 degrees Fahrenheit, and consider placing it near a humidifier if your air is on the dry side, particular in winter. Never clean the leaves of a ZZ plant with a commercial leaf shine as it will clog the pores of the plant! In cooler months, you’ll want to be sure your plant is kept warmer than 60 degrees or the cold will stunt its growth. This is usually evident by the rhizomes under the soil pressing up against the edge of the container or warping the shape of the container. Alternatively, ZZ plants can also be propagated by leaf cuttings. The reservoir will have to be refilled regularly. If you’ve been noticing brown tips on the end of your ZZ leaves, you may need to increase the humidity levels in your home. Although it looks very similar to its larger & more common relation, It only grows to around 30-45cm. Place your plant … I also live in the south where the humidity level in my home is always between 40-50%. I would re-pot the ZZ plant once a year at the beginning of spring, especially during the first 3 - 5 years - whilst it's growing up. I’ve never moved my ZZ plants outdoors for the summer since they are such flexible and great houseplants in lower light. This is a great option if you wish to display your ZZ on a table top or in a more confined space. However keep an eye out for common houseplant pests such as mealy bugs, scale, fungus gnats, and aphids as ZZ plants can get infested by these pests. It does happen on occasion though, particularly as things get colder and Winter arrives all of which will result in ZZ Plant yellow leaves appearing. Spray your ZZ leaves top and bottom. ZZ Plants are native to tropical regions. This small device is easy to move from one room to the next which will allow you to measure and determine the best locations in your home for healthy houseplants. No leftover water needed to stand in the plant saucer! Get our 80+ page care guide and you'll be on your way to a very healthy houseplant. (I have this model from ThermoPro). One great thing about taking care of a ZZ Plant is that you don’t need to worry worry about upping the humidity levels, they aren’t that fussy! Temperature and Humidity. Since ZZ Plants do not need very high humidity, this is probably not necessary. Average room temperature will be just fine for your ZZ plant, as will high humidity and heat. Fogging or condensation on the windows is an indicator of high humidity levels. Tips to Get It Growing Again, Why Do ZZ Leaves Curl? Humidity. They can survive a range of conditions and require little input from us. The more natural light you provide, the more water it will require. Be sure to choose a potting container with drainage holes for your ZZ plant! Without a hygrometer, you can check your home for signs of high and low humidity. Indoors, ZZs like temperatures between 65°-75° F and average humidity levels of about 40%. Only this 1 leaf burned. ZZ plants do well in average indoor humidity and don’t need to be misted. That can be hard to achieve in the winter months. ZZ Plant Varieties. They say that misting in the morning will help your plant’s leaves to retain more water and reduce the amount of water they lose during the day. So, to combat the lack of humidity there a few things you can do. While their natural habitat is humid, ZZ plants can also adapt to lower-humidity indoor spaces as well. How it looks: The ZZ plant grows similar to tree plants or palms and has stems with many leaves growing from these stems. Home humidity levels are generally higher in the summer and lower in the winter. ZZ Plants are mildly toxic to pets Try and keep your ZZ Plant out of the way of pets and children as they can be mildly toxic if … The standard ZZ plant can grow to 2-3’ tall and wide if allowed. TaoTronics 6L Warm & Cool Mist Humidifier, Help for an Overwatered ZZ Plant: 5 Steps to Recovery, When to Water Your ZZ: Four Signs Your Plant Needs a Drink, Why Is My ZZ Plant Not Growing? Water the plant only when the soil has completely dried out. ZZ plants propagate in two main ways: through division, and through leaf cuttings. However, if you have multiple houseplants in an area and you want to raise your humidity levels, a humidifier will give you exactly what you need. However, to keep the plant in optimal health, fertilize your ZZ plant with indoor plant fertilizer diluted to half-strength one to two times during its active growing season. Humidity Requirements. Some people swear by misting their houseplants anywhere from once a week to four times a day. However, watering depends on how much light it receives (i.e., less light = less water and more light = more water). Propagation by division is the simplest way to create more ZZ plants—simply separate the rhizomes the next time you repot your ZZ plant and plant in a separate container. Thanks to their thick rhizomes, ZZ plants are extremely drought-tolerant and can handle infrequent watering. Humidity is an important piece of that puzzle. If additional drainage is required, mixing in perlite or sand will help. It is most easily propagated by dividing the roots (rhizomes) with young stems attached. The Zamioculcas zamiifolia – or ZZ plant — is a tropical perennial native to Eastern Africa that has become popular worldwide in recent years due to its tolerance of a wide range of conditions. They are native to eastern Africa (think Tanzania and Kenya) and are hardy year round outdoors in USDA zones 9-10. Water when the top two inches of the soil is dry. Money Trees and Sapping: What Is It & Why Does It Happen? It can survive droughts but will grow faster when watered regularly, usually about once every 10-14 days. So I’m somewhere in the camp in between these two extreme opinions. Look no further than the infamous ZZ plant, also known as the zanzibar gem! Family: Araceae Common Name: ZZ Plants, Zanzibar Gem, ZZ Plant, Zuzu Plant, Aroid Palm, Eternity Plant, Emerald Palm Botanical Name: Zamioculcus Zamiifolia, Zamioculcus Zamiifolia 'Zenzi' A perfect gift for your negligent, plant-loving friend, this shiny and slick easy-care plant has a unique, eye-catching form and a gorgeous, dense cluster of glossy zig-zag leaves. Another thing you can do to increase humidity in an area of your home is to group multiple houseplants together. ZZ Plant Symptom: Potential Causes: Turning Yellow (Leaves and or Stems) Overwatering/Poor Drainage or Underwatering or Underfeeding: Turning Pale Green (Leaves or Stems) Overwatering/Poor Drainage or Nutrient Deficiency or New Growth: Turning Brown (Leaves or Stems) Overwatering/Poor Drainage or Root Issues or Underwatering: Visible Rot (Roots/Rhizome/Stems) ZZ plant light and temperature Light. In general, ZZ plants should be watered once the soil dries out completely—usually once every week or two depending on their growing conditions. The ZZ plant can tolerate less humid climates, but thrives best in humid climates. ZZ Plants (Zamiifolia Zamioculcas) are tropical plants, but unlike a lot of their counterparts, they are not particularly sensitive to humidity levels. While ZZ plants can ‘technically’ survive without any natural light, they do best in bright, indirect light and can quickly become leggy when not given enough light. The kitchen and bathroom are always more humid than bedrooms or family rooms. They prefer the average levels of house humidity. ZZ Plants are tough. In their natural habitats they tend to grow in lightly shaded environments with taller trees blocking out direct sun but not all light. It wouldn’t hurt to mist it every so often with a spray bottle. I would recommend checking the humidity level in your home and experimenting with raising and lowering it to see what works best for your ZZ. Learn tips for creating your most beautiful (and bountiful) garden ever. If you live in a very dry area, you may want to consider it. Like most of our favorite house plants, ZZs are tropical. And, it was the end of October – they burn fast! Do be aware that the ZZ plant will flower, but it … ZZ Plants require little watering depending on where you place them within your home or office. Average household temperatures and humidity are fine for ZZ plants. On the other side of the fence are those who believe that misting houseplants is not only useless but can keep your plants too moist and spread disease and encourage pests. In general, ZZ plants do not tolerate cold temperatures well (no As the water evaporates from the tray beneath, your ZZ will receive extra humidity. The Healthy Houseplant is reader-supported.
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