>> /ExtGState << BT /Type /Page q BT Q ET ET BT BT 0 0 0 rg 258.40000 659.70000 Td /F2 11 Tf /Kids [ 4 0 R 5 0 R 6 0 R 7 0 R 8 0 R ] /LastChar 32 Baskin - a film by Can Evrenol. /F2 11 Tf /F3 16 0 R BT f* ET %PDF-1.3 /LastChar 32 Can Evrenol yeni filmi fantastik türde olmasıyla dikkat çekiyor. ET 0 0 0 rg Q CNBC - Cory Stieg. Q 0 0 0 rg BT /F2renamed 6 Tf Teile des Inhalts werden von Tivo Corporation bereitgestellt. Surface Laptop Go; Surface Pro X; Surface Go 2; Surface Book 3 56.80000 226.40000 Td /Type /Pages Wesley. BT Q Ters Açı'nın bu haftaki bölümünde konuklarımız İleri Haber film eleştirmeni Kaya Özkaracalar ve yönetmen Can Evrenol. BT /Type /Page /F1renamed << ET 78.10000 317.10000 Td Q ET BT Ben Housewife’ı bitirdim, o Börü’yü çekti, bir taraftan orijinal adı ile Perihan’ı çizgi romana çevirdi. As Baskin first proved, and now Housewife assures, Evrenol will deliver a gorgeous array of shots no matter the source material. BT ET Sert Sesli. BT <0c> Tj 281.70000 70 Td Q DMovies - Your platform for thought-provoking cinema, Conversations with Peter Greenaway: the heart of the matter, Ken Loach’s lucid indictment on free market capitalism. ET 6 talking about this. 230 507.90000 Td endobj 283.90000 659.70000 Td /S /Transparency BT endobj 78.10000 128.70000 Td Born and raised in Istanbul, Evrenol studied Film Studies and Art History at the University of Kent at Canterbury. /F1 11 Tf Q /F1renamed << [ <15> -1 <16> 11 <17> -1 <16> 11 (\030) -1 <17> -1 (\031) -13 <16> 11 <15> -1 (\030) ] TJ 0 0 0 rg Not all is doom and gloom. ET /Type /Font /ToUnicode 26 0 R /F2renamed << /Filter /FlateDecode Yolu dört gözle beklenen bir bebekti perihan. ET endobj /Resources << Dopo essere finito sotto i riflettori della stampa internazionale nel 2016 per Baskin – La Porta dell’Inferno, uscito clamorosamente per l’home video anche in Italia, il regista turco Can Evrenol è recentemente tornato sulle scene con Housewife, che nella nostra recensione dopo la proiezione in anteprima mondiale allo scorso Festival di Sitges avevamo definito un film capace di ‘dare forma a un nuovo allucinante … /F2 11 Tf /F2 11 Tf 0 0 0 rg 0 0 0 rg ET /F1 11 Tf BT 0 0 0 rg 56.70000 416.90000 482 12.70000 re /FirstChar 0 q /XObject << 0 0 0 rg 0 0 0 rg They enter a large mansion and come across a rifle-toting formidable old lady. BT [ (\044) -4 <04> -1 <090a> 6 <0b> -1 <090213> ] TJ Carl-Amery-Saal. [ <05> -1 <0b> -1 <07> 5 <1904> -1 <07> -4 <0b> 7 <13> -4 <0b> 7 <0e04> -11 <03> 4 <06> -4 <07> 5 <13> 4 <06> -4 <0e> -8 <0b> 7 <13> -4 <13> 4 <06> -4 <07> 5 <1706> -4 <07> 5 <01> -8 <0203> 4 <04> -1 <05> 7 <05> -1 <06> -4 <0207> 5 <09> -8 <0b> 7 <13> -4 <07> 5 <05> -1 <04> -1 <0912100b> ] TJ ET >> /Group << 5 0 obj 0 0 0 rg /F3 11 Tf Q >> /ProcSet [ /ImageC /ImageB /Text /PDF /ImageI ] [ <14> 4 <0b0e> 1 <0a> 7 <13> 7 <0e> 1 <0204> -4 <06> 5 <15191906> -4 <10> -2 <0306> 5 <17> 7 <0210> -11 <12> 11 <0a> 7 <13> 7 <08> -1 <08> 7 <13> -11 <06> 5 <0a> -1 <05> 4 <0c13> -1 <08> 7 <09> -2 <05> 4 <09> -2 <13> -1 <06> -4 <17> 7 <020e> -7 <06> 5 <0f> -2 <05> -4 <04> 13 <10> ] TJ ET /FontDescriptor 24 0 R Q Mütevazı ailesinin geleceğe dair en büyük heyecanıydı. /Group << Q /F3 16 0 R ET 56.80000 469.90000 Td [ (\033) -4 <04> -1 <13> 4 <04> -1 <03> -4 <03> 4 <06> -4 <04> -1 <07> 5 <17020e1003> 4 <04> -1 <07> -4 <04> -1 <13> 4 <13> 4 (\043) -2 <04> -1 <101b> -4 <0b> 7 <09> -8 <03> 4 <0207> -4 <170b> -1 <13> 4 <13> 4 <04> -1 <07> -4 <01> -8 <0a> 6 <021710> 9 (\051) -1 <06> -4 <02090b> -1 <07> 5 <17> -8 <0b> 7 <13> -4 <13> 4 (\043) -2 <020a> 6 (\033) -4 <02090b> -1 <07> 5 <04> -1 <13> 4 <170205> -1 <03> -4 <0b> 7 <0a> -2 <02090b> -1 <07> -4 (\052) 6 <06> -4 <01> -8 <0b> 7 <0a> 6 <04> -1 <13> 4 <170205> -10 <03> 4 <0b> -1 <0a> 6 <020906> -4 <05> -1 (\033) -4 <0207> 5 <01> -8 <0a> 6 <06> 4 (\033) -4 <04> -1 <0a> 6 <06> -4 <022b> -2 <07> ] TJ Q /F2 11 Tf ET Q stream 0 0 0 rg /F2 11 Tf /F2 11 Tf q In fact, they complement each other. [ <12020911> 6 <06> -4 <02> -8 <0a> 6 <0b> -1 <07> -4 <17020e> 9 <10> -8 <03> 4 <0207> -4 <04> 7 <1707> -4 <04> -1 <08> 7 <08> -1 <101b> -4 <1013> 4 <0207> -4 <17> 9 <06> -4 <07> -4 <13> 4 <06> -4 <0f10> 9 <06> -4 <1706> -4 <07> -4 (\052) -2 <0b> 7 <170b> 7 (\033) -4 <06> -4 (\053) -2 <07> 5 <1704> -1 <07> 5 <06> -4 <01> -8 <0b> 7 <0a> 6 <04> -1 <13> 4 <170205> -10 <03> 4 <0b> -1 <0a> 6 <020906> -4 <05> -1 (\033) -4 <0207> 5 <05> -1 <0b> 7 <08> -1 <02091704> -11 <0a> 6 <06> -4 <021a> 5 <07> -4 <04> -1 <1707> 5 <0b> 7 <05> -1 <14> -4 <07> -4 <06> 4 <0907> -4 <08> 7 <04> -1 <05> -1 <0207> -4 <17> 9 <06> -4 <07> ] TJ Q /Contents 29 0 R q >> Q /F1 11 Tf [ <05> -1 <0b> -1 <07> 5 <09020907> -4 <0a> 6 <06> -4 <0b> 7 <05> -1 <08> -11 <0b> 7 <07> -4 <04> -1 <07> 5 <100a> 6 <06> -4 <0904> -1 <0a> -2 <0b> -1 <07> 5 (\052) -2 <04> -1 <09100a> 6 <06> -4 <04> -1 (\053) ] TJ Q /Group << 10 0 obj Q 0 0 0 rg ET [ (\030) -7 <06> 4 <07> -4 <0a> 6 <06> -4 <0e0213> 4 <1204> -1 <07> -4 <04> -1 <13> 4 <07> 5 (\033) -4 <0b> 7 <1706> -4 <08> -1 <0207> -4 <0207> 5 <04> -1 <13> -4 <07> 5 <11> 6 <04> -11 <0a> 6 (\033) -4 <04> -1 <08> 7 <06> -4 <05> -1 <03> 4 <04> -1 <07> -4 <01> -8 <0a> 15 <06> -4 (\033) -4 <04> -1 <07> 5 <1706> -4 <07> ] TJ Q 0 0 0 rg /FontDescriptor 21 0 R /FontDescriptor 24 0 R Like Baskin, Can Evrenol's follow up Housewife meanders a bit through its second act, but its resolution ties everything together through a nightmare logic that makes it less overtly provocative than his debut, and more of a piece with the development of the central character. The Girl with no mouth is indeed constructed as a children’s movie. /FirstChar 0 Peri: Ağzı Olmayan Kız filminin 17 Ocak 2020 tarihinde sinemalara gelmesi bekleniyor. /Type /Font ET /F2 11 Tf q /Length 22755 /F2 12 0 R 0 0 0 rg ET /F2 11 Tf [ (\052) -2 <05> 7 <06> -4 <09170a> 6 <021b> -13 <0b> 7 <07> -4 <090b> -1 <11> 6 <0a> -2 <0205> 7 <06> -4 <08> -1 <04> -1 (\053) ] TJ BT /Widths [ 600 631 520 633 277 612 317 634 549 611 974 634 615 392 633 524 317 684 294 575 634 277 591 411 612 634 698 317 611 274 390 390 317 ] BT 137.40000 495.20000 Td [ <0d> 2 <021b> -4 <0b> -1 <07> ] TJ << 78.10000 182.50000 Td [ (\044) 4 <04> -1 <090a> -2 <0b> 7 <0902> -8 <13> ] TJ 0 0 0 rg q 322.60000 70 Td 85.20000 583.80000 Td Festival yolculuğu sırasında en çok sorulan sorulardan birisi de Peri ne zaman vizyona girecek idi. >> 78.10000 156.10000 Td /F2 11 Tf Q /ToUnicode 26 0 R 0 0 0 rg 0 0 0 rg Q >> Q [ <1005> -1 <04> -1 <0a> 6 <0b> ] TJ [ (\052) -2 <04> -1 (\051) 7 <06> -4 <02090b> -1 <07> 5 <1706> -4 <100a> -2 <0b> 7 <03> 4 <06> -4 <08> -1 <04> -1 (\053) -2 <07> 5 <08> -1 <020903> -4 <0a> 6 <04> -1 <05> -1 <03> 4 <04> -1 <09170207> -4 <13> 4 (\043) -2 <04> -1 <03> -4 <03> 4 <06> -4 <0e> 9 <06> -4 <03> 4 (\054) -11 <07> 5 <1706> -4 <07> 5 <100907> -4 <020a> 6 (\033) -4 <02090b> -1 <07> 5 <17> -8 <0b> 7 <09021b> 4 <06> -4 <0904> -1 <03> 4 <02> -8 <07> 5 <04> -1 <13> 4 <170205> -1 <03> -4 <0b> 7 <0a> -2 <02090b> -1 <07> -4 <08> 7 (\031) -8 <0b> 7 <07> -4 <0a> 6 <0b> -1 <120213> 4 <04> -11 <07> 5 <06> -4 <07> 5 <13> 4 <06> -4 <0e> -8 <0b> 7 <13> -4 <13> 4 <06> -4 <07> 5 <1706> -4 <07> 5 <05> -1 <021706> -4 <021a> 5 <07> -4 <17> 9 <06> ] TJ [ <14> 4 <0b> -8 <0e> 1 <0a> 7 <13> 7 <0e> 1 <0204> ] TJ 56.80000 457.30000 Td BT 210.30000 26.50000 Td /F2 11 Tf 0 0 0 rg FIVE COPS, GO TO HELL #BaskinTheMovie U.S. distribution by IFC Midnight /F2renamed 6 Tf BT Films directed by Can Evrenol. Cem ile bunu bir uzun metraj yapalım dedik ancak o sıralar bir ayrılık yaşadık. /Tr4 10 0 R 0 0 0 rg /F1 11 Tf Q /I true ET /F1 11 Tf @baskinthemovie. /FirstChar 0 /Widths [ 600 770 611 549 633 974 615 633 392 317 411 520 634 277 634 634 277 612 684 294 575 636 636 336 636 636 ] >> 0 0 0 rg 231.50000 722.90000 Td q [ <14> 4 <0b0e> 1 <0a> 7 <13> 7 <0e> 1 <0204> -4 <06> 5 <15> -8 <16> 9 <06> -4 <10> -2 <0306> 5 <17> 7 <0210> -11 <12> 11 <0a> 7 <13> 7 <08> -1 <08> 7 <13> ] TJ ET 97.50000 195.10000 Td >> endobj /F2 11 Tf /F2 11 Tf 56.70000 224 482 12.70000 re BT BT Companion For your amazing food journey. /F1 11 Tf Q /BaseFont /BAAAAA+DejaVuSans 0 0 0 rg /F2 11 Tf Emre Can è particolarmente abile nel rubare il pallone utilizzando la scivolata, e nel contrasto puro corpo a corpo ha frequentemente la meglio grazie al buon utilizzo della sua massa. 0 0 0 rg Uscito il 7 Febbraio, il film fantastico distopico è in programmazione nei cinema del paese. Bu bölümde film yönetmeni Can Evrenol'un hikayesini ve nasıl başlayıp nasıl başardığını dinliyoruz. Çıplak II @ciplakdiziofficial. È una delle patologie più comuni per cui il cane, esattamente come gli esseri umani anziani, può arrivare a morire: i reni pian piano perdono la loro funzionalità, e non si riesce a recuperare; essendo un organo vitale, ad un certo punto l’organismo non resiste alla situazione. /CS /DeviceRGB /Tr4 Do Q 0 0 0 rg >> /F1 11 Tf [ <0d> 2 <0205> -1 <04> -1 <07> 5 <17> -8 <0b> 7 <0e0b> -1 <07> 5 <05> -1 <04> -1 <01> -8 <0b> 7 <0a> -2 <0b> 7 <07> -4 <01> -8 <0a> 15 <06> -4 (\033) -4 <04> -1 <07> 5 <1706> -4 <07> ] TJ Director Can Evrenol on Fulci, ‘Father’, Frogs and the Horror of BASKIN. /CS /DeviceRGB q 0.10000 w ET << 0 0 0 rg /F2 11 Tf 0 0 0 rg >> 0 0 0 rg BT >> q ET q ET The foursome must stick together in order to survive. 56.80000 128.70000 Td x 8. x 24. x 48. x 8. x 24. x 48. x 8 « 1 » Leihen. ET 0 0 0 rg 85.20000 495.20000 Td [ <0d> 2 <021b> -4 <0b> -1 <07> 5 <08> -1 <020905> -1 <0b> -1 <0a> 6 <0e04> -1 <0a> -2 <0b> -1 <07> ] TJ 56.80000 520.50000 Td ET /F1renamed << Can Evrenol’s Housewife undoubtedly worships at the altar of Bava and Argento, Lovecraftian tentacles snuggly holding bits in place, but homage doesn’t maketh the movie. >> BT ET flipped into Health And Beauty Wes. /ToUnicode 23 0 R <2714> Tj BT 204 507.90000 Td I n his third feature film, Turkish director Can Evrenol moved away from adult horror into partially new territory: children’s horror/fantasy. ET /Widths [ 600 631 520 633 277 612 317 634 549 611 974 634 615 392 633 524 317 684 294 575 634 277 591 411 612 634 698 317 611 274 390 390 317 ] q q /Parent 1 0 R 56.80000 82.70000 Td [ <06> 5 (\035) 1 <07> 1 <13> -11 <08> 7 <09> -2 <0206> 5 <10> -2 <13> -1 (\036) 1 <05> 4 <17> -1 <05> 4 <0e> 1 <0b> -8 <04> 4 <13> -1 <06> -4 <12> 1 <13> -1 <0a> 7 <17> 16 (\037) 1 ( ) -1 <06> -4 <17> 7 <020e> 1 <09> -11 <05> 4 <13> -1 <0e> 1 <13> -1 <06> 5 <05> 4 <10> -11 <12> 1 <02> 9 <0a> -1 <09> -2 <0b0e> 1 <09> -2 <05> 4 <06> ] TJ /XObject << /F1renamed << (\267) Tj q 0 0 0 rg /Parent 1 0 R endstream 3,4 von 5 Sternen 99 Sternebewertungen. q Qualifizierte Bestellungen werden kostenlos geliefert. 0 0 0 rg /XObject << Born and raised in Istanbul, Evrenol studied Film Studies and Art History at the University of Kent at Canterbury. >> q /F2 11 Tf >> /Subtype /TrueType Horror, 18+ Spielfilm. q ET 0 0 0 rg 56.80000 70 Td ET q /F2 11 Tf Q <1521> Tj Can Evrenol, Director: Baskin. For example, the no-eyed boy depends on others for vision. 131.60000 520.50000 Td <0c> Tj 6 0 obj Could she become some sort of motherly figure and join them on their crusade against their evil hunters? ET Q /Group << q [ <0d> 2 <020903> -4 <0b> 7 <0910> -8 <03> 4 <0207> -4 <170b> 7 <13> -4 <13> 4 <04> -1 <07> -4 <08> -1 <020911> 6 <0b> 7 (\051) -1 <06> -4 <0209> -8 <0b> 7 <07> -4 <0b> -1 <07> 5 <04> -1 <13> -4 <03> 4 <0a> -2 <0b> -1 <07> 5 <06> -4 <0911> 6 <020a> 6 (\033) -4 <04> -1 (\051) -1 <06> -4 <0209> 9 <06> ] TJ q >> Alle Filme von Can Evrenol. 56.80000 495.20000 Td /F1 11 Tf q /F2 11 Tf q ET ON January 5, 2016 . q q [ <14> 4 <0b> -8 <0e> 1 <0a> 7 <13> 7 <0e> 1 <0204> 4 <06> -4 <15191906> 5 <10> -11 <03> 9 (\032) -4 <1506> 5 <10> -11 <04> 13 <06> -4 <12> 1 <0204> 4 <0c13> -1 <0a> 7 <13> 7 <06> 5 <13> -1 <06> -4 <08> 7 <02> -8 <04> 4 <0c13> -1 <0e> 1 <09> -2 <13> -1 <06> 5 <12> 1 <13> -1 <0a> 7 <06> 14 <08> -1 <0204> 4 <07> -7 <11> -1 <05> 4 <020e> 1 <13> -1 <06> -4 <05> 4 <0e> 1 <05> 4 <13> -1 <09> -2 <09> -2 <0b1b> 1 <05> -4 <04> 4 <13> ] TJ >> endobj /F1 11 Tf 0 0 0 rg /Tr4 10 0 R /LastChar 25 q Q >> /F3 11 Tf /Pages 1 0 R /ToUnicode 26 0 R /Type /Page Ansicht und Anzahl. Peri (Denizhan Akbaba) lives with her father in a house in the woods. Q View 4 Can Evrenol and Muge Buyuktalas Photos » Show Muge Buyuktalas With: Gorkem Kasa, Gorkem Kasal, Nate Bolotin, Todd Brown, Colin Geddes 6 hours ago. q Peri (Denizhan Akbaba) lives with her father in a house in the woods. [ <05> -4 <04> 10 <04> -5 (\035) -8 <15> -5 <0a> 7 <0a> 7 <15> -5 <02> 3 <02> 3 <15> -5 <09> -5 <0e0c> -1 <0615> -5 <0e0608> 16 <09> -5 <0a> 7 <0a> 7 <0c> -1 <17> -5 <0815> -5 <09> -5 <061e> 7 <09> -21 <060d> 9 <15> -5 <0d> 9 <09> -5 <04> 10 <05> -4 <17> -5 <0c> -1 <0611> 1 <12> -5 (\032) -1 (\037) 7 ( ) ] TJ © 2021 Tivo Corporation /Subtype /TrueType q Film Review: The Pencil 'mobile ident' (short film) (2012) | HNN . /F2 11 Tf Q BT BT (\267) Tj Q /BaseFont /CAAAAA+DejaVuSans-Oblique Peri relies on her friends for speech. ET ET BT Can Evrenol, Director: Baskin. /F2 11 Tf q [ (\047) 40 <0c> 36 <0c13> -1 <0a> -1 <09> -2 <13> -1 <0e> 1 <11> 7 <13> ] TJ Q Q ET q BT >> q Q ET 0 0 0 rg 56.80000 533.20000 Td >> #fieldguidetoevil. >> 0 0 0 rg /ToUnicode 23 0 R /F2 11 Tf 56.80000 482.60000 Td [ (\030) -7 <0b> 7 <07> 5 <05> -1 <06> -4 <07> 5 (\033) -4 <04> -1 <09> 9 <06> -4 <11> -2 <0b> 7 <05> -1 <03> 4 <04> -11 <07> 5 <100907> -4 <0f10> 9 <04> -1 <13> 4 <05> -1 <06> -4 <04> -1 <05> 7 <06> -4 <07> -4 <0b> 7 <11> 6 <11> 6 <0b> -1 <03> 4 <03> -4 <0207> -4 <06> 4 <0917> -8 <0b> 7 <05> 7 <06> -4 <17> -8 <0b> 7 <0a> 6 <04> -11 <03> 4 <021a> -4 <07> 5 <08> -1 <021b> 4 <01> -8 <0a> -2 <0b> 7 <05> -1 <06> -4 <07> 5 <0f100b> -1 <13> 4 <13> 4 <06> -4 <07> -4 <09020907> 5 <0b> -1 <13> -4 <0b> 7 <0908> -1 <04> -1 <03> 4 <06> -4 <07> -4 <06> -4 <0907> 5 <0f100b> 7 <05> -10 <03> 4 <0207> -4 <11> 6 <021213> 4 <06> -4 <021a> -4 <07> 5 <05> -1 <06> -4 <07> ] TJ q 0 0 0 rg 4 days ago. Music by Volkan Akaalp . /F2renamed 6 Tf 78.10000 303.40000 Td q BT >> /FirstChar 0 BT 85.20000 621.70000 Td Q >> BT q Q ET /F3 11 Tf Girl With No Mouth On Blu-ray, Digital And DVD December 8, 2020 Baskin” director Can Evrenol’s post-apocalyptic adventure Girl With No Mouth is due to release on Blu-Ray, DVD and VOD across North America on December 8th via Indiecan Entertainment.A new trailer, poster, home video artwork, and release specs have just been revealed. /Subtype /TrueType 0 0 0 rg q Q See it theaters and on demand in the U.S. March 25th! /I true f* ET Türkiye'de distopya filmleri serimizin son bölümünde, Can Evrenol ile psikolojik gerilim, korku ve distopya sineması üzerine konuştuk, yönetmenin "Peri ağzı olmayan kız", "Baskın", "Housewife" gibi uzun metraj filmlerini inceledik. The Field Guide To Evil. 0 0 0 rg q q >> /F1 17 0 R Q ET /ExtGState << 8 0 obj q /F2 11 Tf /F2renamed << Production Designer Sıla Karakaya . 56.80000 583.80000 Td Can Evrenol Filmleri. Q [ <01> -8 <0203> 4 <04> -1 <05> 7 <05> -1 <06> -4 <0207> 5 <0b> -1 <07> -4 <06> -4 <13> 4 <07> 5 <0e0213> 4 <101b> -13 <0b> 7 <07> -4 <170b> 7 <06> -4 <07> -4 <13> 4 <06> -4 <0f10> 9 <06> -4 <1706> -4 <07> 5 <09> -8 <0b> 7 <13> -4 <13> 4 (\043) -2 <020a> 15 <12> 9 <04> -1 <0906> -4 <05> 7 (\033) -4 <0214> -4 <07> ] TJ /F1 17 0 R Türkiye'de distopya filmleri serimizin son bölümünde, Can Evrenol ile psikolojik gerilim, korku ve distopya sineması üzerine konuştuk, yönetmenin "Peri ağzı olmayan kız", "Baskın", "Housewife" gibi uzun metraj filmlerini inceledik. Peri / Girl With No Mouth December 8 via Indiecan Entertainment Inc.. BT /Tr4 10 0 R 56.80000 182.50000 Td I n his third feature film, Turkish director Can Evrenol moved away from adult horror into partially new territory: children’s horror/fantasy. 86. [ <05> -1 <0b> -1 <07> 5 (\035) -1 <07> -4 <04> -1 <13> 4 <13> -4 <0b> 7 <0a> 6 <12> 9 <06> 4 <08> -1 <0207> -4 <04> -1 <13> 4 <07> -4 <010203> 4 <04> -1 <05> -1 <05> 7 <06> -4 <0207> -4 <08> -1 <04> -1 <090a> 6 <0b> -1 <090204> -1 <03> 4 <0207> -4 <0207> 5 <04> -1 <1707> -4 <10090207> 5 <0f1004> -1 <13> 4 <05> -1 <06> -4 <04> 7 <05> -1 <06> -4 <07> 5 <17> -8 <0b> 7 <1213> 4 <06> -4 <07> -4 <04> -1 <13> 4 <03> -4 <0a> 6 <06> -4 <07> -4 <08> 7 <021b> 4 <01> -8 <02090b> 7 <09> -8 <03> 4 <06> -4 <07> -4 <17> 9 <06> -4 <07> -4 <0f100b> 7 <05> -1 <03> 4 <02> -8 <07> 5 (\033) -4 <0b> 7 <1706> -4 <08> -1 <06> -4 <09> 9 <04> -1 <13> -4 <0b> -1 <07> ] TJ q q 78.10000 264.40000 Td q /F2 12 0 R /F2 11 Tf ... Zaten Peri: Ağzı Olmayan Kız isimli sinema filmiyle hem bizim kültürümüzden esintiler olmasıyla hemde son derece özgün hikayesiyle film tam not almayı başardı diyebiliriz. 0 0 0 rg A very unusual selection, normally reserved for specialist festivals and festival strands. /F3 11 Tf >> ET Service. 0 0 0 rg <07> Tj 14K likes. Q /F2 12 0 R q BT The Pencil (2012) directed by Can Evrenol • Reviews, film + ... Can Evrenol on Twitter: "Saat7 görev başındayız… "GEYİKDOLU ÖZEL: CAN EVRENOL'la yeni filmi PERİ başta olmak ... More articles: Can Evrenol Movies. /Contents 28 0 R 140.20000 495.20000 Td /EGS5 11 0 R q [ <05> -1 <0b> -1 <07> 5 <1904> -1 <07> -4 <1604> 7 <05> -1 <05> -1 <06> -4 <07> 5 <13> 4 <06> -4 <0e> -8 <0b> 7 <13> -4 <13> 4 <06> -4 <07> 5 <1706> -4 <07> 5 <05> -1 <021706> -4 <0207> 5 <090b> -1 <13> 4 <07> -4 <05> 7 <04> -1 <091210> -8 <0b> ] TJ Tickets kaufen. /Resources << Peri: Girl With No Mouth Peri: Djevojka bez usta U kinima od februara 2020. godine Žanr: Avantura Režija: Can Evrenol Glavne uloge: Denizhan Akbaba, Elif Sevinç, Özgür Civelek, Kaan Alpdayı, … Pročitajte više » Housewife (2017) 17/04/2017 Filmovi 2017, Horori 2017, Traileri, Turski filmovi / Türk Filmleri / Turkish Movies. /F1 11 Tf ET /ToUnicode 26 0 R Q /LastChar 25 0 0 0 rg (\267) Tj q Mehmet Cerrahoglu (Darsteller), Gorkem Kasal (Darsteller), Can Evrenol (Regisseur) & Alterseinstufung: Freigegeben ab 18 Jahren Format: Blu-ray. /F3 16 0 R Peri (Denizhan Akbaba) lives with her father in a house in the woods. /F1renamed << Q /Widths [ 600 631 520 633 277 612 317 634 549 611 974 634 615 392 633 524 317 684 294 575 634 277 591 411 612 634 698 317 611 274 390 390 317 ] ET q BT /F2 11 Tf [ <07> -7 <08> 7 <0b0a> 7 <13> ] TJ q /MediaBox [ 0 0 595 842 ] x�U]���,���o�� �������O�T��NfPc� �u��?���������~j�_��識���Z�G���?����?���㿧��_�w. 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