Many of these barbs are captive-bred for the aquarium industry. Oscar fish are also pretty aggressive and the also grow to a decent size – 14-15 inches in length. They socialize well with other nonaggressive fish of a similar size that enjoy cooler water. Add to cart. The Green Tiger Barb is a captive-bred color morph developed from the Tiger Barb. 2. However, sometimes the fish may nip fins of its long-finned neighbors. Additionally, install a heater to keep the tank between 70 and 78 degrees F, since tiger barbs are tropical fish. In the aquarium. As you are a new member, I have no idea of your level of knowledge or experience, so I will just point out that the BGK needs a tank that is six feet in length, and two feet width (front to back). Avoid keeping these barbs with fish that are long-finned and slow moving. If you want to keep tiger barbs, buy at least 6 tiger barbs, since they like to live in groups. Keeping Cherry Barbs Together. Fish Disease : Freshwater Fish Disease - Diagnose, Symptoms and Treatment reply #4. ziggy. Over the years, selective breeding has created several different colour variations including, green, red, black and albino. Add to Compare. Getting only of couple of them will surely bring out their aggressive behavior. Fish like Betta, Guppy, Angelfish even few Gouramis should be avoided. Black Ruby Barb. Some vegetables are important as well. Mention barbs and you think of Tiger barbs. reply #3. nyleve. Red Panda Barb $ 4.99 $ 3.99. Tiger barbs aren’t sexually dimorphic, yet there are slight differences between genders: the fin rays and snout of male tiger barbs have a bright red coloration, while females are less colorful and are plumper around their bellies. When kept in groups of 5 or more, GloFish Barbs are a great addition to any aquarium, providing endless hours of entertainment displaying to one another. Specifically, tiger barbs are grouped under the section semi-aggressive tropical fishes because of their cold disposition and inclination to chase down slow or long-finned fishes that come within its vicinity. In an Green Tiger barb aquarium avoid sluggish slow moving fish or any fish with long fin. They’re easy to care for, they’re prolific breeders, but just like Tiger Barbs they’re fin-nippers, so keeping them with flowy finned fish is a big no-no. Rosy barb has been successfully hybridized with the tiger barb (Puntius tetrazona), i.e. Long Fin Tetras; Danios; Barbs; Longfin Barbs; Sharks; Barbs. I definately would advise against mixing them. I have a school of twelve serpae tetras half long fin, half normal, and have NO fin nipping at all, never have. Known for their unique fin, the Longfin Rosy Barb is best kept in soft, slightly acidic water that has at least 20 gallons. The Longfin Barb is great for African Cichlid Tanks, and they will […] Add to Wish List. Tiger Barbs love brine shrimp, water fleas, bloodworms, and even beef heart. This is an example of a fish that is aggressive enough to cause problems but won’t necessarily eat your fish like Oscars or Cichlids will. Long Fin Tiger Barb - XL . A fish like the Tiger Barb, even though a species of barb, will do just that: harass. Barb; Color. I might get a few due to some lost zebras. Although popular, Tiger barbs have a reputation for nipping fins of long-finned fish like Angelfish, male guppies and Bettas. - Long Finned Tiger Barb - StrawBerry Tiger Barb - Platinum Green Tiger Barb . If you have a long fin black tetra, you will want to avoid putting them in a tank with known fin nippers such as tiger barbs and other tetras. Fish like Betta, Guppy, Angelfish even few Gouramis should be avoided. 9 years ago. Add to Cart. You ARE aware that their fins are normally ragged appearing and have white tips??? Add to Cart. Best tank mates for Green Tiger Barbs are Tiger Barbs, these fish do well in a group of 6 or more & seem to behave well. Then, fill a large aquarium with a sand substrate and pieces of driftwood for the fish to hide under. It can grow up to a maximum of 3 inches but the normal length of this fish is 2 inches. Tiger Barbs are fin nippers and the long flowing gourami's will be a big target for them. This barb is a very active tropical fish that has a reputation for nipping the fins of its tank mates. They are also less tolerant of nitrite – a common substance in new aquaria – however, choose Cherry barbs, Golden barbs, Odessa or Rosy barbs and the four are a great pick for peaceful community fish. I had a situation in my experience, when a school of tiger barbs living together with angelfishes didn’t hurt them at all, but rosy barbs had almost destroyed them. Colin_T Fish Guru. Share. The downside of having such long fins and tails in a school of notorious fin nippers will only result in one thing: they themselves will be nipping at each other’s tails and fins. I think they died of old age or something internal as there was no sign of any fungus or ich or anything external. CAD 9.99. The lifespan of these fishes is from 5 to 10 years and that too with moderate care. Add to Wish List . I saw these a couple weeks ago and they are pretty sweet. Aggressiveness can be significantly reduced if you keep them in a school though. The Long Fin Tiger Barb is just the same old time favorite fish dressed in very long fins that makes it more elegant-looking. They also display a red face and red-edged fins that add even more colour to the famous Tiger Barb. Other common names they are known by include Moss Barb, Moss Green Tiger Barb, Green Moss Tiger Barb, Moss-Banded Barb, Platinum Green Tiger Barb, Moss Green Platinum Tiger Barb, and Blue Tiger Barb. Tiger Barbs are fin nippers. Odessa Barb (Pethia padamya) $ 7.00. Rosy Long Finned Barb. Tiger barbs in general are notorious for being aggressive so choose fish that are quick or have natural defenses against aggressive fish. Long-finned fish, in particular, are usually not the best tank mates for members of the Barb family. The rosy barb is an active, peaceful species well-suited for a community aquarium. Add to Compare. Behavior & Temperament. Add to Cart. Add to Compare. Rosy Long Finned Barb $ 4.99 $ 4.49-10%. Rosy barbs make a great community fish. They are known for attacking the fins of other fish. Add to cart Add to cart Details. The Glofish tiger barb is a well-known fin nipper. They start nipping the fins of long-finned species of fishes. Only 6 items left in stock! Long finned tiger barbs are a natural mutation. Some molly varieties are long-finned, which is a big no-no when housing tiger barbs too as their curiosity will get the best of them and will nip at those fins. Pentazona Barb $ 6.25. Joined Jan 26, 2008 Messages 23,806 Reaction score 8,204 Location Perth, WA. They have also been known to nip a fin or two themselves. Gold Barbs, Tiger Barbs, LongFin Rosy Barbs, I just fed them plankton so don`t go on water Q. You can offer up some blanched romaine lettuce, cucumbers, or zucchini. In addition, these fish prefer to be in schools, and are better tank mates when they roam in large schools. There is also a long-finned version of the Tiger Barb Tiger bars are also considered aggressive fish. Roseline Shark (Puntius denisonii) $ 15.00 – $ 34.00. Because of their fin-nipping nature, avoid housing them with slower-moving, long-finned fish. Tiger Barbs are not a fish that likes to hide around in caves all day. There are no wild populations of these color morphs. Other than this, they’re peaceful tank mates that enjoy the upper levels of the tank, but because of their active nature, they’ll pretty much swim all over the place. Green Moss Tiger Barb (Puntius tetrazona) $ ... Long Fin Rosy Barb – Puntius conchonius $ 14.00. From that they developed albino and green tiger barbs. Tiger Barbs are fun fish to keep but their fiesty personality makes them a bit of a challenge for a community aquarium. In this situation however, they are long-finned, and will require tankmates that can avoid tiger barb aggression but at the same time will not nip at these tiger barb's long fins. They are similar to the one below. Long Finned Rosy Barb (1.5 Inches) $ 4.99 $ 4.49. GloFish Barbs (tiger barbs) are known for their bold, tiger-life stripes and boisterous energy. Tiger Barbs are nippy fish and should never be combined with any sedate or long fin fish, and the BGK is both of those. crossing female tiger barb with male rosy barb. You shouldn't put the tiger barbs in with anything that has a gentle nature, and is a slow swimmer. Select options Select options Details. Longfin Barb Tropical Fish Learn all about the Longfin Barb's feeding habits and food types, its behaviour, its origins, its natural habitats, is it male or female, breeding advice and information, suitable tank mates, its sizing and growth range, minimum tank size, water PH and more. So, don’t keep tiger barbs and zebra danios together. The Tiger Barb has black bands that run vertically on an orange/gold body. DigitalCanvas72 Similar in shape to the popular Tiger Barb, the male Black Ruby Barb assumes a striking deep red color when reaching breeding age. At that both of the barb species lived in quite large schools, so this must be about their temper. Call us at 812-272-8668 × Description; Additional information; Description. So, tiger barbs will easily bite the long fins of zebra danios, causing them disease and eventually death. The temperament of the Glofish barbs varies so if you’re lucky enough to get the more peaceful ones – a school of 5 may be appropriate. From what I’ve seen a group of 7 is enough for them to only pay attention to themselves. Add to Wish List. You can put them in with other barbs and fish that are fast swimmers, with short tails. The hybrids reached maturity and were all males, however they were sterile. I wish i was kidding. Red Fire Barb - Lg - M . 5 years ago. Tiger barbs can be nasty fin-nippers, when they do go after a fish, they do it as a gang. Fish Type . 01 of 07. In an Tiger barb aquarium avoid sluggish slow moving fish or any fish with long fin. They come with lifelong color and are completely harmless. Stocking this species in a community tank can be risky. Pregnant females will have a considerably larger, rounder belly and will have a darker (almost pitch black) dorsal fin. These are natural colour mutations. Pick the Right Tank Size . You can mix them with other types of barbs and/or bottom dwellers. Tiger Barbs will produce hundreds of eggs and the males will follow closely behind to fertilise them all. There are also a few different varieties such as the Albino and the Green. Angelfish and Bettas should probably not be mixed with these tetras. In stock. The Tiger barb will mostly hang out in the mid-level open areas of the tank and thus you should have a lot of space for swimming. This is a random video I took from my tank. Green Jade Tiger Barb - XL . Starfire Red Tiger Barb ( Cutest Fish #3 ) ... Electric Green Long Fin Tetra ( Cutest Fish #4 ) Having an electric green long fin tetra fish in your aquarium can add brilliant color and excitement to any freshwater aquarium. These barbs are generally peaceful but if you don’t have a small school of them (usually 5 or more) they often become fin nippers and aggravate other fish in the tank. Add to cart Add to cart Details. Select options Select options Details. Questions? Rosy Long Finned Barb. CAD 12.99. CAD 9.99. I do not suggest putting the tiger barbs in with anything that has a long tail. Best tank mates for Tiger Barbs are Tiger Barbs, these fish do well in a group of 6 or more & seem to behave well. Quantity. While the long flowing fins may be its best asset, these are also its pitfall. Sale! They are also fin nippers. The following Barb species overviews will help you choose one that is right for you. Again, we recommend building an environment that will facilitate in “hiding” the eggs from the adults until they begin to hatch. May 13, 2019 #2 Regular tiger barb is the original fish. Rosy Long Finned Barb $ 4.99 $ 4.49 Add to cart. Therefore, don’t choose to keep sailfin mollies with your tiger barb, and opt instead for short-finned mollies. You think thats stupid, My LFS sells LONG FINNED TIGER BARBS! Green Tiger barbs can be nasty fin-nippers, when they do go after a fish, they do it as a gang.
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