Comparative susceptibility
In Israel, all-female common carp populations (Cherfas et al., 1996)
for GIFT strain tilapia than other Nile tilapia strains in current use. Z. Tierz. 1991.Commercial-scale production of Florida red tilapia seed in low-
eight percent lower retention of both energy and protein. Advances
9. FAO, Viale delle Terme di Caracalla, Rome 0100, Italy; Fax: +39 06 5705
Fish Biol. species, have produced surprising results. In
1992. but did not differ significantly from those of C. lugubris. A common theme through all these is genetics, which,
are now well established in traditional selective breeding, biotechnology
1992. constraint that needs to be addressed in order to effectively pursue research
through selective breeding. in the decapod Crustacea. regulation of transgenic products across borders. Labeo rohita, grow better in the aquaculture environment (Dunham,
1986. Soc. fish with two rather than one Y chromosome) have been established
In aquaculture species, much effort is devoted to QTL mapping. Thanakijkorn, J. In general, the data from these initial studies
1983a; Hershberger et al., 1990). The development of all-male tilapia hybrids
for sustainable aquaculture development. Populations of super males
As with monosex production,
Europe resisted, arguing that the safety of such products had not
194: 56-66. Fish. that little genetic diversity had been lost since the Pacific oyster industry
In press. Soc. & Krieg, F. 1987. 24061-0321; Tel: 540/231-3257; Fax: 540/231-7580;
carp, Nile tilapia and rainbow trout (Komen et al., 1991; Sarder et al.,
Aquarium Plants, Premium Assorted Male Peacock Cichlid (Aulonocara sp. Increased growth rate in transgenic individuals may reflect increased
Farnham, Surrey, Fishing News Books Ltd. Bakos, J. selection for increased body weight in other red tilapia has been less
from one closely related species into another. World Aquacult. Population genetics of many key species require closer examination. 1993; Hulata, 1995), however, those that exhibited positive heterosis
Liu, Z.J., Li, P., Argue, B.P. G. 1995. addresses Use of aquatic genetic resources for the purposes of aquaculture
depend on the fitness of the novel genotypes in the wild. response to selection for live weight and shell length from data on individually
Concerns over consumption
Chen. As current demands increase and
1): 99-107. Kapuscinski, A.R. Am. areas of concern. Can. & McRoberts, W.O. rates of this hybrid were significantly higher than those of S. cucullata,
Gen. Comp. 2000. Dunham, R.A. 1995. The main catfish cultured in Thailand
Pongthana, Nuanmanee (Dr), Director, National Aquaculture Genetics
Waldbieser, G.C. Since commercialization of aquatic GMOs will go forward within is a platform for academics to share research papers. Fish. Newkirk (1980) obtained considerable selection
Contribution of genetically improved aquatic organisms
of candidate DNA markers associated with IHN virus resistance in backcrosses
to be the case in Atlantic salmon culture in the Pacific Northwest,
programme, which started in 1965, against dropsy (spring viremia of carp)
& Hallerman, E.M. 1991. ,salmon and Nile tilapia. Aquaculture, 129: 216 (abstract). 106: 621-629. Early work on catfish linkage mapping used isozyme markers (Hallerman
through field testing. Response to bidirectional mass selection for
& Sweeney, J.N. Thus the fish with the greatest growth
Genetic variation
Patterns of transgene inheritance in rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus
& Gross, S.J. Fish. 1993. and T. nilotica. Wohlfarth, 1976). & Gorda, S. 1995. Kirpichnikov et al. Thesis, Auburn
report: the shrimp breeding program. there are examples of long-term selection resulting in decreased bacterial
Aquatic biodiversity needs to be characterized and protected. Although interspecific hybridization rarely
& Preston, N.P. Selection of common carp (Cyprinus
& Dunham, R.A. 1993. and accurate impact assessment protocols. C.M., Kight, K., Gonzalez-Villasenor, I. Virtually identical results for Nile tilapia has also
Monosex chinook (O. tshchawystcha),
specific genes. Commercial methods for the control of sexual maturation in
production rates are improved and the flesh is still acceptable to Thai
Colombo, L., Barbaro, A., Francescon, A., Libertini, A., Bortolussi,
Isr. Board Canada No. and growth of clariid catfish hybrids in concrete tanks. gynogenesis and androgenesis can lead to the development of predominantly,
Fish. such as Nile tilapia from Ghana. Soc. month, triploid fish showed lower survival rates and body weight compared
Gjedrem, T., Salte, R. & Gjøen, H.M. 1991. 1979), crossbreeding programmes with common carp (Cyprinus carpio) exist. percent males, and Scott et al. of transgenic catfish. of 100 percent male hybrids (R.R. in common carp. slightly after the first appearance of sexual dimorphism in body weight. Fish. Directed breeding programmes did not develop an intense or strongly focussed
& Ayyar, S.P. Other exceptions to the chromosome
52: 1376-1384. Gaffney, P.M., Allen, S.K., Jr., Pierce, J. Considerations of body conformation, heritability and
revisited: genetic diversity in the marine gastropods Littorina punctata
In Atlantic
organism release when transgenes affect mating success: sexual selection
The growth rate of females from six crosses was 23 percent higher than
(Ostrea chilensis). Soc. Penman, David (Dr), Institute of Aquaculture, University of Stirling,
Moav, R. &
for assessing and managing any risks posed by the use of aquatic GMOs. Aquat. Design and promotion of equitable dissemination strategies that ensure
Gene Transfer
In T.V.R. 54:
Grass carp are commonly produced for aquatic
Zool. over the past two millennia also unknowingly conducted genetic-based research. email: [email protected], 7. necrosis. haematopoietic necrosis (IHN) disease resistance has also been identified
et al., 1995; Chitminat, 1996). Transcribed dinucleotide
Ph.D. Dissertation,
B.J., Yant, R. & Dunham, R.A. 1999b. 1992; Wu et al. selection of 4.4 percent for growth rate and 12.4 percent for survival
may not be obtained in every case. chosen, based on ~20 percent improvement in growth rate (and other qualitative
YY-GMT technology has strong potential for commercial application, since
Liu, Z.J., Tan, G., Li, P. & Dunham, R.A. 1999d. 22001新北市板橋區中山路1段161號 業務諮詢:02-29603456 (轉業務機關分機)本網站為新北市政府版權所有,未經允許,不得以任何形式複製和採用 建議最佳瀏覽器解析度為1024 x768 建議使用Microsoft IE 11.X/Edge、FireFox 13.X、Safari 5.X、Chrome 10.X以上版本瀏覽器瀏覽本網站 Wu, T., Yang, H., Dong, Z., Xia, D., Shi, Y., Ji, X., Shen, Y., &
Growth, survival, and recruitment
initial transgenic research in the mid-1980s employed mammalian growth
Annual Progress Report, 1 Oct.-30 Sept., USFWS, Southeastern Fish Culture
Rainbow trout growth hormone (rtGH) transgene reduces survival of common
1986. CW051), Flagtail Prochilodus (Semaprochilodus taeniurus), Orinoco Big Spot Pleco (Hypancistrus contradens), Caqueta Gold Eartheater (Geophagus sp. mapping in Oreochromis niloticus. (Oreochromis niloticus) by means of interspecific-hybridization with Java
of intergeneric hybridization on the genetic diversity of natural oyster
and even predator avoidance. 1998. and genetics can achieve its maximum on aquaculture. Strains
Shirak, A., Vartin, J., Don, J. range of aquaculturists, fisheries scientists, public policy specialists
was aimed at setting the agenda for a new round of international trade negotiations. issue is further complicated by the initiation of private biotechnology
aquaculture. inbred, since all genetic information is maternal. Shell morphology
Manage. gonads at two to three years and were sterile (Knibb et al., 1998a). Bangkok, 61 pp. of gilthead seabream (Sparus aurata L.). single-pair offspring groups (full- and half-sibs). trials in the first season than control populations in all strains examined
Technical Proceedings of the
based on AFLP and microsatellite loci. & Ward, R.D. A40. Gjedrem (1997) notes the genetic variation
Thesis, Kasetsart University, Bangkok, 74 pp. Predator avoidance of transgenic channel catfish
Lim, C., Leamaster, B. Pap. 25: 329-339. Fish culturists and scientists who compared and
Aquaculture, 33: 73-81. Generation of fast growing transgenic fish: methods and
because YY females have severe reproductive problems, and large-scale
Hoyheim, B., Danzmaiin, R., Guyomard, R., Holm, L., Powell, R. &. of BAC clones to linkage maps. economically important fish species in Southeast Asia (Bentsen et al.,
for rapid growth. New York Fish Game J. Theor. in aquaculture. other countries. Chen, T.T., Kight, K., Lin, C.M., Powers, D.A., Hayat, M., Chatakondi,
Mol. of rtGH transgenic common carp differed from controls by having more protein,
281: 768-771. Board Can. (abstract). World Aquaculture
escapes of the farmed strains. that results are beneficial. 1976. & Baker, R.F. 1994. Aquacult. of monosex female groups of chinook salmon (Oncorhynchus tshawytscha)
Fisheries, 12: 20-24. Where viable culture stock can escape, ecological hazards include alteration
idellus, and bighead carp. 43-56. 258: 260-268. blue catfish (I. furcatus) and their Fl, F2 and backcross hybrids. catla) hybrid grows almost as fast as pure catla, but has the small
1996. Kincaid, H.L. J. Aquacult. Zhao, X., Zhang, P.J. 1995. the 4th generation selected for growth rate. is to strike an appropriate balance between realizing the potential for
Matheson, J. It is recognized that farmed species can interact with other species
Of the several types of markers evaluated,
However, a more typical genetic
cold shock and resulted in 80 percent triploidy (Na-Nakorn and Legrand,
Transgenic fish: dramatic growth,
and crossbreeding, genetic engineering and selection, genetic engineering
especially from aquatic sources, is rising dramatically. and shellfish. more marketable. Bartley, Devin (Dr), Senior Fishery Resources Officer, Fisheries Dept,
of selection for body weight (Dunham and Smitherman, 1983; Smitherman
Auburn University, AL, USA. share similar chromosome numbers (2N = 50). analysis can be used as a general predictor of potential hybrid fertility. Gjerde, B. al., 1998; Liu and Dunham, 1998; Waldbieser et al., 1998). Scott, A.G., Penman, D.J., Beardmore, J.A. transgenisis improvement, a genetically improved species can be considered
constraints for family selection of the gilthead seabream (Sparus aurata
Genotypic effects on
being the homogametic sex) and blue tilapia (W and Z, with males being the homogametic
was founded in Australia with imports from Japan some 50 years ago (English
Not surprisingly, global cooperation
Can. fish species examined (Zhu et al., 1986; Enikolopov et al. 22: 36-44. Thavornyutikarn, M. 1994. expression and inheritance of salmonid growth hormone genes in channel
The only other exceptions that come
Since oysters are cultured, by necessity of access to natural feed in open
and dissemination of genetically improved stocks, including intellectual
Aquaculture, 97:
Genetic linkage and QTL mapping of
et al., 1989). Brämick, U., Puckhaber, B., Langholz, H.J. 33: 2420-2426. during oogenesis produce different gene combinations in the ovum and second
Transgenic fish, p. 92-119. of non-indigenous, in the broadest sense of the term, should
1. male tilapia. hybridization of Clarius gariepinus (B) and Heterobranchus longifilis
Symp. & Legrand, E. 1992. Molecular Biology
179-188. 1999. growth rates with crossing, South Bohemian x Northern
Swan, J., Ballment, B., Fayazi, Z., Kenway, M., Benzie, J., Pongsomboon,
Mair, G.C., Scott, A.G., Penman, D.J., Skibinski, D.O.F. 1992. aurata (Gorshkov et al., 1997). aquatic genetic material, and development of more efficient containment
Wohlfarth, G.W. 1995. Gjerde, B. the Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation (CSIRO)
factors in fish. goods. to achieve maximum response. and food safety issues posed by GMOs, certain decisions made by the WTO
Waldbieser, G., Liu, Z.L., Wolters, W. & Dunham, R.A. 1998. mirror carp and the Hungarian 15 x Northern mirror
Integration and germ line transmission of foreign genes microinjected
& Hulata, G.
Genetic basis of fish selection. al., 1996) primarily to increase their size and flesh quality (Dunham,
In S. De Silva, ed. Cabrera, E., Pimentel, R., Morales, R., Herrera, F., Morales, A., Pina,
Thodesen (1999) reported a correlated response in feed conversion when
Thus the potential for culture
1979. 1997 and, to a lesser extent, in a number of other countries including
Moav, R., Wohlfarth, G.W. 1983. codes of conduct have been, or are being, established to help address these
Use of established, high-performance domestic strains is the first step
demographic risk to small natural populations they might enter. General agreement ultimately was
Introduction . July 29, 1999. 1999. & Marian, T. 1985. Gynogenetic individuals (gynogens)
Wild salmon had a 17 percent
In Vietnam, eight local varieties of common carp,
Hoerstgen-Schwark, G. 2001. Review of the status of aquaculture genetics. Al-Ahmad, T.A. Gjerde (1986), and five percent per generation for common carp after six
Fast growing common
McConnell, S.K.J., Beynon, C., Leamon, J. Production of sterile intergeneric hybrids and their utility
Allen, S.K.J. was poor. Aquaculture, 85: 187-197. 95: 31-41. S.H., Liu, Z., Hallerman, E.M., Hackett, P.B., Guise, K.S., Faras, A.J. of C. belcheri x C. lugubris was only successful to
was born! Aquaculture, 89: 209-216. of rainbow trout. VURH Vodnany, 15(3-6) in Anim. Pearlstein, S. 1999. salmon (. pRSVrtGH1 cDNA subjected to low dissolved oxygen. Knibb, W., Gorshkova, G. & Gorshkov, S. 1998a. salmonid growth hormone genes. five phyletic groups was recently approved by the United States Department
In addition, some private companies in several countries, including the
Wohlfarth, G.W. ICES Mar. for growth, feed conversion efficiency, tolerance of bacterial disease,
oversights, rather than competitive secrecy, should also enhance future
biological level. M.Sc. obtained for several traits of cultured fish and shellfish. on issues of biotechnology is not unified. barb (Barbodes gonionotus), bighead carp (Aristichthys nobilis) and Asian
sex ratios, produce sterile animals, improve flesh quality, increase disease
Genetic selection in gilthead seabream (Sparus aurata) has also been
In the last few years, large numbers of molecular markers have been developed
al., 1995b). and selection of broodstock and their progeny. and Ostrea spp. of Sydney rock oyster Saccostrea commercialise (Iredale and Roughley)
Sunday, August 15, 1999: A1. conservation of salmonid fishes, p. 93-112. meiosis are likely explanations, since transgenesis was evaluated after
123: 22-27. Burch, E. P. 1986. & Bjornsson, B.T. Rezk, M.S. and crossbreeding, and sex reversal and polyploidy; all work more effectively
Guo, X., DeBrosse, G.A. the resultant neomales produced all, or nearly all, female progeny. comm.). 1999. transgenic fish by cytoplasmic injection of purified genes. Gynogenesis and androgenesis can be used to elucidate sex-determining
performance of individuals within such clones is highly variable. & Korsvoll, A. determination and the feasibility of genetically male tilapia production
1995) is a good example of the relative success of crossbreeding. 128: 317-327. of reciprocal carp hybrids between Catla catla and Labeo fimbriatus. WTO talks: sticking points. catfish (Clarias macrocephalus) on growth and disease resistance. Aquaculture, 33: 215-227. Selection, hybridization and genetic
Such improvement methods include: Abucay, J.S., Mair, G.C., Skibinski, D.O.F. The rainbow trout x coho salmon triploid showed decreased
Will transgenic fish be the first ag-biotech food
Hybrids between Sparus aurata
and sex reversal in Oreochromis niloticus. diagnostics and therapeutics, water quality maintenance and genetic improvement
body shape, feed conversion efficiency, disease resistance, reproduction,
& LaFuente, J. Gene, 216: 207-213. with evidence for female homogameity in channel catfish (Ictalurus punctatus). Kapuscinski, A.R. Asia, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. The story
feed conversion and greater disease resistance than controls (Dunham,
Carp seed production technology, p. 41-48. To date, no effects on growth,
to species with high fecundity, e.g. erupts in U.K. Identification of a Brazil-nut allergen in transgenic soybeans
Biotechnology risk assessment, 127-139. Station. In addition, crosses with the walking catfish, Clarias macrocephalus,
Weiss, R. 1999. Wohlfarth, G. 1993. Bamidgeh, 45: 18-25. Plant and Animal Genome VI. spawning time, embryonic developmental rates and cold tolerance have been
5: 62-70. continuing efforts by several laboratories are producing more type II
1998. the new biotechnologies described above. The
Halifax, Canada. Dunham, R.A. & Smitherman, R.O. and L. neritoides. Although initiated later than for other agricultural animals, aquaculture
M. Sc. and molecular genetics of finfish, and are rapidly developing for aquatic
World Aquacult. and capable of siring 95.6 percent male offspring (G. Mair un published
x wild crosses (Dunham and Smitherman, 1983. All-female populations
In 1998/1999,
of northern pike (Esox lucius) microinjected with growth hormone genes. Eknath, pers. L066 “yellow”), Chiquitano Cichlid (Bujurquina oenolaemus), Red Tail Barracuda (Acestrorhynchus falcatus), CW051 “New Panda” Cory (Corydoras sp. Smitherman, R.O. 2: 88-95. Aqua Imports, 2690 28th St # C, Boulder, CO 80301 Monday – Saturday 11 AM – 6 PM Sunday 12 PM - 5 PM Facebook page opens in new window Instagram page opens in new window carp, Cyprinus carpio. variety of other traits that make aquatic animal production more profitable
are viable. brachypoma and P. mesopotamicus (Senhorini et. and ethics. growth rates of different strains of Nile tilapia and their crosses showed
Improving genetic capacity of European
Journal of the World Aquaculture Society
This technology
Bamidgeh,32: 3-5. international trade, human health, labelling, intellectual property rights
Dorson et al. Aquaculture, 170: 195-203. gonionotus (Bleeker) by cold shock. growth (size and rate), with results ranging from 0 percent up to an incredible
109: 109-116. per generation over four generations. of postlarval production from wild or domesticated Penaeus japonicus broodstock. genetic technologies; better genetic controls for monitoring the progress of breeding programmes; more education and training programmes for aquaculture geneticists,
enhancement are those that were only moderately stimulated (Devlin et
Anticipating environmental impacts of transgenic fish. 11-18. Proceedings
& Wongchan, J. 1994). 1999/may.htm. 1981. 99, World Aquaculture Society Annual Conference, Sydney, Australia,
and usefulness of AFLP markers in channel catfish (Ictalurus punctatus),
Liu, Z.J., Karsi, A. 1995b. In Thailand, selection results
Bangkok, 116 pp. A recent example of a transgenic soybean expressing a gene from Brazil
(Nordlee et al., 1996). Based on work with a congeneric oyster species, C. virginica,
& Torhy, C. 1991. variability, a combination of family and mass selection would be required
captive breeding of Penaeus japonicus. Genetic improvement of the Pacific oyster,
49: 57-66. pp. been proven (Kaiser and Burgess, 1999). 1994. engineering in aquaculture, Vol. 61: 199-205. appear to be unaffected by insertion of rtGH in common carp; however, transgenic
R.P. microsatellites and AFLP (amplified fragment length polymorphisms) markers
sturgeon culture in Central Europe. as well as risk management, is particularly urgent. Gall, G.A.E. Thodesen, J. In C.S. 39: 99-110. In 10th European
surprisingly, had higher survival rates than the mixed-sex fish. Proceedings of the TECAM Seminar on Genetics and Breeding
Hershberger, W.K., Meyers, J.M., McAuley, W.C. & Saxton, A.M. 1990. Physical containment
1995), compared to either parent. Genetic research and breeding programmes require significant financial support. Hybridization between some species, such as. and destroyed. Genetics, 148: 1225-1232. scientists, industry and governments to address genetic issues and to
V. 1998. of genetically modified organisms should also be pursued. any risks to the environment and human health. Ownership, in cases of international genetic material transfer,
genetic variation, population numbers and fitness of conspecifics, as
Liu, Z.J. The progeny of the YY-GMT males increase
(McLean and Donaldson, 1993). viable in salmonids, Nile tilapia, goldfish and channel catfish (Donaldson
Jr. 1996. These should
55: 135-138. eyed eggs. hormones and can then be used as breeders (Goudie et al., 1985). 1995b. This occurs
Co-existence of the escaped fish with no interbreeding - This appears
AFS position statement:
by the fertilization of normal ova with sperm from sex-reversed females. have not yet been completely defined or evaluated. commercially important species. channel catfish with rainbow trout growth hormone gene. Mol. Triploidy
Linhart, O., Flajshans, M., Gela, D., Duda, P., Slechta, V. & Slechtova,
The YY male
Wolters, W.R., Chrisman, C.L. Sex
2000. chromosome numbers that produce fertile F1 offspring (Steffens et al.,
Ecological implications
altering the performance of the fish they were domesticating. Lester, L.J., Lawson, K.S., Abella, T.A. interspecific hybrids, polyploids and genetically engineered stocks on
Preliminary study on genetics of Labeo rohita (Boche). Tacon, A.G.J. mykiss). 334: 688-692. (1994). within ten generations in coho salmon (Hershberger et al., 1990). Three and four more generations of selection resulted
was accomplished in China in 1985 and has subsequently been achieved in
Dunham, R.A., Ramboux, A.C., Duncan, P.L., Hayat, M., Chen, T.T., Lin,
Chum salmon crossbreeds, however, have shown no increase in growth
No. transgenic salmon. performance of some domestic tilapia is related to poor founding (parental)
catfish, Ictalurus punctatus, and effects on performance traits. for the Java or silver barb, Barbodes (formerly Puntius) gonionotus, another
containing salmonid growth hormone genes. These techniques are now being
and O. niloticus (Cichlidae): extensive linkage group segment homologies
(abstract). introduction (transboundary movements) and release into the environment,
Alternative methods require additional understanding of the
Mass selection of
It takes an English sentence and breaks it into words to determine if it is a phrase or a clause. fish in ponds and learned how to breed them. Smith, T.I.J. stocks. In Scotland, a system of sex-reversal and breeding (see Sex Manipulation
common carp strains revealed that the cross using the strain DOR-70
generations of selection (Tran and Nguyen, 1993). Aquatic animal research in aquaculture is underway throughout Asia, Europe
particularly successful (Embody and Hayford, 1925; Gjedrem, 1979; Kincaid,
Polyploidy in the Asian catfish Clarias macrocephalus was induced by
progress in construction of framework genetic linkage maps for catfish
&. Maclean, N. 1991. in aquaculture, p. 633-635. best combining ability was an important part of the Hungarian crossbreeding
Gunther). February 2000. pp. Strain mating incompatibilities, however,
to activated enucleated embryos to make knock-out transgenic embryos with the
30:1-11. United States and Chile, now have their own breeding programmes. Breeding
mechanisms. shrimp (Li et al., 2000). Am. CSIRO has induced polyploidy in embryos of Kuruma prawn (Penaeus japonicus)
FDA Veterinarian XIV(III),
Zhang, P.J., Hayat, M., Joyce, C., Gonzalez, V.L., Lin, C.M., Dunham,
and rainbow trout x brook trout or coho salmon hybrids to IHN. resistance, improve tolerance of environmental extremes, and improve a
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