In return, this is less you will have to worry about once you own the dog. The goal is to test the dog for all avoidable health problems. Bouledogue Francais, Franzosische Bulldogge, Bulldog Frances. Life Expectancy About 10-12 years French Bulldog Standard (Accepted by the American Kennel Club) General Appearance ~ active, muscular & heavy boned, smooth coat, compact build, and medium or small body structure. Group: Companion Dog. Origin: England. their lifespan is expected around 10-14 years. You’re not supporting puppy mills. Provide a routine and stick with it. But this does mean that you should take extra precautions when dealing with the health of your French Bulldog. LIFE SPAN: 10-12 years. If so, you may be wondering about the French Bulldog lifespan. It is essential that the oral health and hygiene of your English Bulldog is being monitored. How long do French bulldog Live (Life Expectancy) Unlike most other dog breeds, French Bulldogs very rarely reproduce naturally. Usually, small dog breeds have a shorter life span than larger breeds. Although they can potentially have a few health conditions, there are some things you can do to help. The French bulldog is a minimal to moderate shedder. Although the males are more likely to get certain health disorders, the lifespan of both the male and female are similar. Breed and genetics do play a role, but there are still many factors within your control. Now, that you know the average life span of a French bulldog is around 10 years, you may be wondering why do French Bulldogs have a shorter life expectancy? The French Bulldog (French: bouledogue or bouledogue français) is a breed of domestic dog, bred to be companion dogs. The key is to incorporate safe exercise into your French Bulldog’s life. The breed is the result of a cross between Toy Bulldogs imported from England, and local ratters in Paris, France, in the 1800s. French Bulldogs typically live between 10 and 12 years. A French Bulldog lifespan is sure to be longer if it eats proper foods and has a balanced diet. Now this will depend on your dog’s health. The record for the longest living French bulldog is 14.5 years. An informal assessment by the British Kennel Club recorded an average age of 9 years for the breed. Grooming your dog is important for their cute appearance, of course, but it’s also a factor when it comes to the French Bulldog lifespan. Incorporating a healthy diet is essential for long life. How Long Do French Bulldogs Live On Average? is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to French Bulldogs live for an average of 10 to 14 years. Frenchies are known to have health issues including breathing, skin, and eye problems. The breeder should be both experienced and licensed. Life expectancy. GENERAL APPEARANCE. Hip dysplasia is a serious health concern in this breed. Most experienced breeders will test the dog for health disorders and deliver the proper immunizations to support the health of the dog. To help prevent hip problems later on in their life, French Bulldogs should receive hip scoring. The American Bulldog’s life expectancy is 10-15 years. The akc lists that the french bulldog breed has a lifespan of 11 to 13 years. Regular grooming of teeth, hair, nails, ears, and eyes allows you to be more aware of your dog’s physical health and take note of any bumps, sores, mats, or other issues. If you own a French Bulldog, regular visits to the vet is a must. A great tip is to always show love and kindness to your pup. Because Frenchies are plagued with health issues they need to be taken to the vet more regularly than other breeds. An average life expectancy for French Bulldogs is around 9 to 12 years. Brisk walks are safe for French Bulldogs. They are cute, adorable, and make the best cuddle buddies. Adopted dogs have so much love to give. Since Frenchies belong to small dog breeds, they are naturally prone to live shorter than large dogs (well, not that much shorter). A vet visit every six months, or so, is a good rule of thumb to ensure your dog is doing okay and if they aren’t, you can remedy the problem quicker. Medical history is a playing factor in a French Bulldog lifespan. The sex of the dog can play a major role in health problems. Make these small changes today to increase your French Bulldog’s longevity. Dogs up for adoption can be just as wonderful as a new dog from a breeder. French Bulldogs are excellent companions. The French Bulldog has a life expectancy of 10-12 years and are prone to bloat, respiratory issues, joint diseases, spinal disorders, eye problems, and heart defects. It’s always better to be safe than sorry. What problems can French bulldogs have with their back legs? This is because they have narrow hip joints, making mating quite difficult. According to color: Fawn: Their solid coat texture that may be golden tan, reddish tan, light tan or cream, gives them an elegant look. This question and many more will be answered in the article.eval(ez_write_tag([[728,90],'frenchiejourney_com-box-2','ezslot_5',125,'0','0'])); A French Bulldog is expected to live between 9-12 years. Standard-sized French bulldogs approximately live 12-14 years. The best way to do this is to receive the dog from a source that has run all testing and you can view the results. Keeping a regularly scheduled standing appointment with your vet can help to ensure that your pup stays healthy. These are not just minimal health concerns; they can impact the life expectancy of the dog. While all dogs have a special love for humans, adopted dogs have been wanting and waiting to give their love and affection to a human who wants it. If you are a prospective French Bulldog owner, you should know that their health issues can impact their quality of life. You want to select a dog that comes from a breeder who has a clean and safe environment. Ask for the dog’s medical history. Understanding what problems they can face, how to recognize them, and what to do about them can help increase the french bulldog life span. When we talk about mini Frenchies, they live quite shorter- 10 to 12 years. This can help to eliminate stress in their life. They love to take frequent long walks. If you are thinking of purchasing a French Bulldog, it is important to source from a responsible breeder who is breeding for not only looks, but health and temperament as well. They are stocky, compact dogs with a friendly, mild-mannered temperament. Different factors, such as genes, nutrition, exercise and lifestyle, can influence the potential lifespan. With added attention to their health and lifestyle, they can make excellent companion dogs. Visit the shelter often. If your dog has any underlining health conditions, it could shorten their lifespan, but even some Frenchie Pugs can live longer than 15 years. If you catch a problem sooner rather than later, you can take a trip to the vet to get your dog the care they need. Increased anxiety in a French Bulldog may have a negative impact on their health, which in return may lead to further health complications. Their anxiety is minimized when they feel safe and have a routine. Stress in your dog’s life can have an effect on their quality of life and longevity. This is not the breed that will enjoy fast runs. French Bulldogs also suffer from food allergies. Being around the shelter and different dogs can give you good insight and allow for you to get to know different dogs or see one dog more than once to ensure you’re choosing the right dog for your family. The health concerns do not stop there. The Blue French Bulldog is a family-friendly and affectionate dog breed that is similar to any Frenchie but with a blue-Grayish coat. French Bulldog Life Expectancy. If these health conditions are addressed and treated before breeding, the liter will have a better chance of survival. Size and life expectancy french Bulldogs are a small dog breed part of the toy family, females typically weigh around 11-12kg and stand around 30cm tall, as for the males they typically weigh around 12.5-13.5kg and also stand at around 30cm tall. Not all French Bulldog medical issues can be tested for. In conclusion, while most Frenchies live for about 11 to 14 years, there’s no way of ever being certain of a specific French Bulldog life span. A relaxed dog experiences less stress and less stress increases life expectancy (just like humans). French Bulldog Lifespan: How Long Do French Bulldogs Live? A healthy French Bulldog who is kept on a high-quality balanced diet and given regular exercise can live between 10 and 14 years. This could potentially be a life-saving tactic for your French Bulldog.eval(ez_write_tag([[300,250],'frenchiejourney_com-box-4','ezslot_2',129,'0','0'])); The average life span range of a French Bulldog is around 9-12 years. It is pretty typical for French Bulldogs to experience many health concerns. Not only are they handsome, but these dogs are the perfect size with sweet personalities. Here are some reasons why: Visiting the shelter more than once will also allow you to get an idea of their health. Whether you are looking to get a French Bulldog or you are already a proud Frenchie parent, one thing we all have in common is that we want to be aware of the French Bulldog lifespan and we want to keep our furry family members with us for as long as possible. Use websites before visiting shelters. Both of these dogs have a pretty substantial life expectancy. Mini and teacup versions of any breed generally live longer than their larger counterparts. Kyle has been a bully breed lover for over 13 years. This can vary greatly based on the health and quality of life of your dog. Check out the environment. Nail trimming, teeth brushing, and grooming can all help to improve the quality of life for your dog.Smaller breeds, like the French Bulldog, live with great anxiety. Walking and playing with your dog is a lot of fun and has a number of health benefits which increase life expectancy. French Bulldog sounds. Conclusion: French Bulldog Lifespan The average life span range of a French Bulldog is around 9-12 years. A good oral health can extend their life expectancy by around 3 to 4 years. A trainer can help you decide what dog is best for the needs of you and your family. The French Bulldog has the appearance of an active, intelligent, muscular dog of heavy bone, smooth coat, compactly built, and of medium or small structure. Opinions and statistics vary, but we reached this figure using a combination of credible sources. His newest dog is Augie the Frenchie. Always work with reputable French Bulldog breeders. A longer life expectancy starts from the very beginning of a puppy’s life so it helps if a dog has been well taken care of from the beginning. The French Bulldog Pug mix can live on average 12 to 15 years. The average French Bulldog lifespan is between 9 and 12 years. However, the pug does have the French Bulldog beat by a few years with an average of 13-15 years while the French Bulldog’s sits around 10-12 years. Summary. There are some Frenchies that live shorter periods and some that beat the average. Unfortunately, this breed of dog does not have a great health record. In the United States, the French Bulldog is a popular dog breed. The Blue French Bulldog has a life expectancy of between 10 and 12 years. A loved Frenchie is a happy Frenchie and the happier your dog is, the better their health is. There are a few top health concerns for French Bulldogs, they include:• eval(ez_write_tag([[336,280],'frenchiejourney_com-medrectangle-4','ezslot_7',104,'0','0']));Ear infections• Diarrhea• Conjunctivitis (pink-eye)• Over long nails• Skinfold dermatitis These are not the only health concerns of this breed, but they are the most common. They should also be very knowledgable about all things dog. It may seem as if your French Bulldog is lazy or doesn’t want to be active, it could simply be they are overheating and can’t breathe. Contact us at info [at] and we will get back to you as soon as possible! Many times, when you adopt a dog the cost is less because spay, neuter, and vaccine costs may be included. The eye test is important because French Bulldogs are prone to hereditary cataracts. This may seem rather short for a dog but this is just a range. What is the average life expectancy of my French bulldog? The content on this blog is not a substitute for veterinary advice. This also helps you to notice and address any health concerns before they get out of control. French bulldogs come in a variety of colors. eval(ez_write_tag([[250,250],'frenchiejourney_com-banner-1','ezslot_3',130,'0','0'])); Amazon Associates Disclaimer As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases. This pooch is perfect for anyone that is looking for a companion dog and should be well taken care of. Have a trainer go with you. It is important that your French Bulldog receive an eye test and hip test. The brindle variety comes in a host of combinations like the seal brindle (light hair, white in color that could be invisible giving them a jet black color), tiger brindle (light-haired, resembling a tiger’s coat), black … Be prepared with questions and a praiseworthy breeder should comfortably and patiently answer. Because of their short face, most Frenchies snort, snuffle, wheeze, grunt, and snore loudly. Getting a dog from a breeder means you know exactly what you are getting and where your dog is coming from. A breeder who is reputable should know full well the medical history of your potential future Frenchie and knowing their medical history will also give a better idea of the dog’s life expectancy. Playfulness the teacup french bulldog or the teacup frenchie is one of the most iconic dogs in the 21st century. Due to their flat faces, French Bulldogs may suffer from sleep apnea and snoring. For instance, the American Kennel Club lists a French Bulldog life expectancy of 10-12 years. The French Bulldog Club of America, dedicated to the French Bulldog breed and more than 30-years old, is a great resource. For a Frenchie to live as long as 14 years, as we would hope, expect that there are exceptions and ways to encourage a healthy and long life. There are a number of French Bulldog deaths that are attributed to overheating. 2. Male French Bulldogs have a higher probability of suffering from certain disorders. Adopting dogs is rewarding and can be a better choice than purchasing a dog from a breeder. The French Bulldog History. The median lifespan is 8.4 years for the English bulldog. A quiet area that is also close to humans made comfortable with a bed and/or blanket and toys are best. The average lifespan of these dogs is around 10 years. Some of the health issues of this breed are genetic. These dogs are also affectionately known as “Frenchies.” Are you considering owning one of these wonderful bat-eared dogs? French Bulldog Lifespan is generally between 10-14 years. This can have a negative impact on their quality of life. This is not the case with the French Bulldog, they do not have enough space or surface area on their tongue to keep cool. Depending on the sources you check you’ll find different opinions on the lifespan of this wonderful dog breed. The unknown and different spaces can lead to anxiety for your dog. Always seek advice from a certified veterinarian in a case of emergency. Breed Name: French Bulldog. When looking to add a furry family member, it is important to do your research and put work into properly choosing the right pet. They are found in various colors including brindle, fawn, white and black. The only sure thing is that as long as you are the best pet parent you can be and make decisions that will benefit your dog, you can increase their life expectancy and ensure that the time they are with you is a happy time full of play, love, and care. They may wheeze, snore, and be gassy. We use cookies on this site to optimize site functionality and give you the best possible experience. But how old do French Bulldogs live? Have questions about our content? Of course, no one can know for certain how long their dog will be with them, but there are some things you can do to ensure a French Bulldog lifespan is around the expected number of years. Life expectancy for Frenchton dog is around 12 to 15 years. 1. A French Bulldog lifespan is longer when it shares love and affection with their human. This is partially the case for French Bulldogs. Meet the breeder and observe how the breeder and dogs interact with one another. Why does this occur? The average lifespan of a French bulldog is between 10 and 12 years, although they can live slightly longer in some cases. Of course, no one can know for certain how long their dog will be with them, but there are some things you can do to ensure a French Bulldog lifespan is around the expected number of years. Other life span factors include genetics, exercise, diet, and overall lifestyle. On the top side of the scale, the longest living French bulldog identified in the Kennel Club survey was a little over 14.5 years old. Frenchies with severe breathing problems or other health issues may not reach life expectancy without surgical intervention, however. There are a few factors that contribute to the life span and health of a French Bulldog.eval(ez_write_tag([[300,250],'frenchiejourney_com-box-3','ezslot_1',126,'0','0'])); One of the major factors that contribute to the short life of this breed is health problems. What is the average French bulldog life expectancy? Breeding dogs should always be tested for health conditions. French Bulldogs may have breathing issues, but they are still excellent dogs. Pug vs French Bulldog Life Span, Diet and Health: What’s Their Life Expectancy. You would anticipate a healthy French Bulldog to live for about 9 to 12 years. Yes, it is true that French Bulldogs overheat easily. When we talk about the average French bulldog life expectancy, they live … Most dogs up for adoption are there because of a human. Life Expectancy in French Bulldogs … These dogs are certainly adorable; however, are said to be vulnerable to various illnesses and other health concerns. Other life span factors include genetics, exercise, diet, and overall lifestyle. Unfortunately, prolonged anxiety and stress in a French Bulldog can lead to further health complications. French bulldogs have been bred in such a way that they have short rear legs. How old do French Bulldogs live? Regular movement together increases its exercise time, helps it to develop important social skills, allows you to build a trusting connection with one another, and can reduce your dog’s stress (and yours too). These issues do not just affect their lifespan but also have detrimental effects on … This can vary greatly based on the health and quality of life of your dog. You cannot fix the fact that French Bulldogs have flat faces and therefore suffer from breathing problems. The coat is short, smooth and easy to care for, requiring only a weekly brushing. But there are some health concerns that you can help to treat or eliminate.eval(ez_write_tag([[728,90],'frenchiejourney_com-medrectangle-3','ezslot_4',127,'0','0'])); All hope is not lost for the French Bulldog. Most dogs depend on the evaporation from their mouths to keep cool. Pet adoption sites allow you to look for specific breeds and you can read more about each dog to help you narrow your choices down. During hot temperatures and while exercising, French Bulldogs cannot maintain healthy and safe body temperature. You save a life. I know we think the cute little sounds and snorts a French Bulldog make are adorable, but in reality, this is a sign that they cannot breathe. Out of the 195 different breeds of dogs in the U.S., the French Bulldog ranks number four. Routine health maintenance adds to the life span of your dog. The average depends on the specific breed. When you pick up your Frenchie one of the first recommendations I have for you is to look into French Bulldog Health Insurance. French Bulldogs like to receive love and affection. Adopting a dog means that you are definitely not giving business to a puppy mill. French Bulldogs were known to live for almost 15 years at the end of the spectrum. Frenchies are wonderful house mates, terrific at snuggling, they are great outing partners, and love to go on adventures. This is relatively moderate when compared to other small breeds. Where French Bulldogs Came From. Crate training is an excellent option for many dogs and owners. Join me in discussing how to increase your French Bulldog's life expectancy. You should be able to tell a lot by observations and you can ask the shelter what they know about the dog’s medical history. When we talk about the average French bulldog life expectancy, they live between 9-14 … Be sure to pay close attention to any food that your dog may have an allergen for. Despite the name, this breed originated in Nottingham, England, in the 19th century. A healthy dog’s diet consists of protein, fat, fiber, and water. There is a lot to know and many options when it comes to a proper diet for dogs. French Bulldogs have made their presence known on social media. Anxiety is another major factor, especially with smaller breeds. This is relatively moderate because smaller dog breeds live shorter. Read more about French Bulldog Health. French Bulldogs live for an average of 10 to 14 years. Slobbering. One reason why they are so popular, these dogs are simply adorable. Learn More. If you have the mini version, you can expect a slightly longer life span. Both are good options for the perfect new pup. If you already own this breed or you are contemplating ownership, it is recommended that you do extensive research so that you can properly take care of your furry best friend.The French Bulldog is more prone to medical conditions than other breeds. The French bulldog’s life expectancy is 10-12 years. While this should be a given, it is estimated that barely half of the dogs in the United States are regularly taken to the vet for an examination. You save money. Genetic health concerns in a breed should be considered to help predict their quality of life. You can choose to adopt a French Bulldog or purchase one from a breeder. What is the average French bulldog life expectancy? A bad oral health on the other hand can cause gum diseases and gingivitis; and can even lead to more problems that can affect English Bulldog’s kidney, heart and brain. A trainer knows what to look for when it comes to the dog’s body language, reactions, and more. As a general rule, French Bulldog lifespan is about 10 to 14 years. The cause of these disorders is because the dogs have brachycephalic facial structure or better known as flat-faced. As you may have guessed, this can be dangerous and lead to overheating. The French bulldog has a life expectancy of about 10 to 12 years. More seriously, French Bulldogs experience upper respiratory tract disorders. While this appearance may seem to look cute for some people, this could actually cause some serious problems.
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