If your pet has a cataract his eye will appear cloudy and his vision may be affected. The bacteria that causes conjunctivitis in dogs is not the same as the one that affects humans, so dogs can't pass conjunctivitis on to humans. I suspect we've all been guilty of that at some time, but it's a recipe for disaster. Where entropion is hereditary, puppies may be born with it or develop it within the first 12 months of their life, however it's more commonly seen in older Cocker Spaniels. Cocker Spaniels are dogs belonging to two breeds of the spaniel dog type: the American Cocker Spaniel and the English Cocker Spaniel, both of which are commonly called simply Cocker Spaniel in their countries of origin. Your dog may display a hesitancy to walking down steps or stairs, and his eyes may look like they're glowing or shining. It is characterized by thick mucus like discharge along with loss of appetite and diarrhea. Where the discharge is runny and watery, it's possible that it's allergy related, ie pollen, or other air-born particles. Symptoms will vary depending on what's causing the problem and how inflamed the eyes are, but typically will often include: If you see your dog pawing at his eyes or trying to rub his face on anything he can get near to, it's probably because his eyes are very itchy. Many conditions could affect your dog's eyes during his lifetime. Canine conjunctivitis can be caused by a bacterial or a fungal infection. Cocker spaniel puppies: Get yours via Lancaster Puppies. The conjunctiva can become irritated by an allergic reaction to pollen or grasses, or from infections caused by bacteria, fungi or a virus. Tumors, or cancer, also affect cocker spaniels at a higher rate than other dogs. Neonatal conjunctivitis can be present in one or both eyes at the same time and can cause the eye to crust over, making it difficult to open. So many pet owners wait a few days (or more) to see if the symptoms clear or they feel they don't want to 'bother' the vet with something that appears fairly minor...unfortunately, that's often a big mistake! Replied by Stacey (London) 05/05/2016. Dry eyes can lead to infections, injured corneas and in serious cases, blindness. We are blessed to have a spacious property where we are able to provide large housing for all of our dogs and have the space to provide a large state of the art nursery, Grooming Facility, Delivery room and an infirmary for our pups needing special care. About Cocker Spaniels is owned by Pauline Simpson Copyright © 2008 – All Rights Reserved. KCS can usually be treated with antibiotics and corticosteroids. Find your cocker spaniel puppies for sale here! Usually, Cocker Spaniels beyond the age of 5 or 6 would be most affected, but it is not unusual to see a young Cocker Spaniel affected by this horrific disorder either. The most common culprit is adenovirus, which is actually a group of viruses that typically cause upper respiratory problems. It's advisable therefore, when buying a Spaniel puppy to check that there's no history of cataracts in either parents or grandparents. As our Cockers grow older the lenses of their eyes can become hardened and turn a cloudy blue-grey which can look very similar to a cataract. As far as canine eye problems go, this is probably one of the most painful. As well as inspecting the eye itself, he may check tear ducts, lashes, eyelids (including the third eyelid), and the cornea. You can play your part at home too by checking your pet's eyes daily. Dry eye (also known as KCS) is a condition where your pet's eyes don't produce enough tears to lubricate the eyeball and his eyes become dry and irritated as a result. Conjunctivitis is a fairly common eye problem in dogs and is sometimes referred to as pinkeye. Your vet will be keen to determine what's causing your dog's conjunctivitis so that he can treat it successfully. Find Cocker Spaniel Puppies and Breeders in your area and helpful Cocker Spaniel information. We are located in the Ozarks of Missouri just west of Springfield MO. This is an inherited dog eye problem to which Cocker Spaniels may be prone and which can lead to eventual blindness. If you'd like to learn more about canine conjunctivitis just follow the link. They're usually okay, maybe a little 'gunk' in the corner of one eye, but I take the time to remove it. eyelid to the eyeball. Treatment for canine conjunctivitis caused by an allergy usually involves flushing or washing the eye with a mild eye wash, preferably prescribed by your vet, but you can buy over-the-counter treatments too. It's more likely to point to either a scratch or something in your dog's eye, in which case your vet may use a fluorescent dye which, under blue light, will highlight any foreign bodies, ulcers, or abrasions. Distemper can also cause seizures which can be fatal. When the mucous membranes of the eyes are inflamed, conjunctivitis occurs. Unsurprisingly, viral conjunctivitis can precede a common cold or respiratory infection. We are small hobby American Cocker Spaniel owners/breeders located in Fairport, New York. Early symptoms include dilated pupils, night blindness and difficulty in low light. If your dog went through this procedure, not only would he have to have the eye drops on a daily basis, but he would also be likely to develop a condition similar to conjunctivitis. Your vet may prescribe antibiotic eye drops or ointment depending on whether the problem is the result of an allergy or an infection. The most common breeds affected are cocker spaniels, bulldogs, beagles, bloodhounds, Lhasa apsos, mastiffs, Shih Tzus, and other brachycephalic breeds. *The conjunctiva are all the tissues in and around the eye – the inside of the eyelids, the third eyelid, etc. Surgery may be followed up with a course of antibiotics to prevent infection and to help clear up any ulcers or infection caused by the distichiasis. Our Cockers are prone to certain dog eye problems. I check and clear Max's eyes every morning. In fact, everything you need to keep your precious Cocker Spaniel's eyes healthy! If you enjoyed this page, please click on the 'Like' button below and tell your friends about us. The conjunctiva can become irritated by an allergic reaction to pollen or grasses, or from infections caused by Distichiasis is a common condition in dogs, but it is more prevalent in the American Cocker Spaniel, English Cocker Spaniel, Miniature Dachshund, Longhair Dachshund, Bulldog, and Weimaraner breeds. For example, if only one eye is affected with pink eye, it's unlikely to be caused by an allergy. It should be a case of 'treat the disease, not the symptom'. If we can catch problems early, before they escalate, we'll be able to minimize any discomfort for our pet and keep any damage to his eyes to an absolute minimum. Dogs with severe inhalation allergies can lose all the hair around their eyes. Unfortunately, cherry eye is not preventable. Although this delicate membrane is transparent, it actually contains tiny blood vessels, and when inflamed it causes the eye to look swollen and bloodshot. Cocker Spaniel parents simply take their dog to have their eyes examined and submit a blood sample to help find a DNA marker to eliminate cataracts in Cockers. Distichiasis, or the presence of extra eyelashes, in dogs is a condition where hairs grow in an unusual area on the eyelid. It also is referred to as tear film deficiency and aqueous tear deficiency. Nothing so far has worked. Cherry Eye is the term used to refer to canine nictitans gland prolapse, a common eye condition in various dog breeds, including Cocker Spaniels, where the gland of the third eyelid known as the nictitating membrane prolapses and becomes visible. About Us. If the condition isn't treated properly, and in time, it can lead to serious problems with the eyesight, and in rare cases, loss of vision. Neonatal conjunctivitis can be serious if not treated quickly by a vet; it can result in damage to the cornea and, in very serious cases, it can lead to blindness. Conjunctivitis - This Cocker Spaniel eye problem is commonly called 'pink eye' and can result if your Cocker is allergic to grasses or pollens. He has a sturdy, compact body and a cleanly chiseled and refined head, with the overall dog in complete balance and of ideal size. This third eyelid also contains a tear gland and 'Cherry Eye' is where the tear gland bursts out of its normal position and appears in the inside corner of the eye as a red swelling. Cherry eye may be caused by a hereditary weakness in the connective tissue surrounding the gland. The eye produces mucus and pus, often causing the eyelids to crust over. Glaucoma is a condition where there is an abnormal increase in pressure inside the eye, which long-term, can result in irreversible blindness for your pet. Your vet may also recommend antibacterial eye drops (with or without steroids, depending on how serious the condition is) to help reduce any inflammation. This can also be caused from an infection cause by fungi, bacteria or a virus. There are many different causes of pink eye in dogs and your vet will try to work out which one he's dealing with so that he can treat it properly. This condition requires no treatment and probably won't affect your pet's eyesight until the very late stages, by which time his eyesight would probably have deteriorated to that point due to old age anyway. For scratches, abrasions or irritants, soothing eye drops may be all that is necessary. Conjunctivitis (eye infections). This condition normally affects both eyes at the same time and can be in upper or lower lids, but it's more common in the lower lids. Thank you. However, if conjunctivitis is present in both eyes, it could be caused by a viral or bacterial infection, an allergy (to pollen, for example) or an environmental irritant such as cigarette or wood smoke, or chemicals. So, whilst we can't actually prevent dog conjunctivitis, there are things that we can do to reduce the risk for our pets. Introduction. Cherry eye is seen in young dogs, six months to two years of age. Keep your precious little Spaniel’s eyes sparkling and healthy! Conjunctivitis can occur in both eyes or just one eye. There are also sterile saline pre-moistened dog eye cleaning pads you can use to quickly clean away debris from the eyes. If the eyes are open, you'll see symptoms typically associated with pink eye such as discharge, squinting, swelling, redness etc. Isselee at https://www.dreamstime.com/royalty-free-stock-photography-american-cocker-spaniel-1-year-old-sitting-image21061747, 3. As well as routine eye examinations with his vet, we can play our part by being vigilant by checking our Cocker's eyes when we're grooming or petting him. This is conjunctivitis, but you'll also hear it referred to as 'pink eye' or 'red eye', for obvious reasons. In the past few days his right eye has gotten red and now it looks like there is a skin coming from the bottom of the eye. I usually give Max's eyes a quick check when I'm 'talking' to him or giving him a cuddle, but they're thoroughly checked and cleaned when I groom him. Information and advice given on this site is meant for educational purposes only. If the eyes are closed, the vet will bathe them with a warm solution and open them very carefully and gently. Usually, viral conjunctivitis affects both eyes. Once your vet has established that the problem is indeed conjunctivitis, and he understands what's causing it, he will then be able to recommend an effective treatment. Find all you need here; symptoms, causes, diagnosis and treatment. A surgical procedure called blepharoplasty is the only effective treatment. Here’s a picture of my cocker spaniel’s eye. Many eye conditions can affect our pet's health and although we may not be able to prevent those that are hereditary, regular checks and weekly cleaning can help keep other eye problems in dogs at bay. Treating conjunctivitis in dogs very often depends on what's causing it, for example: If it's a bacterial infection, your pet will need an antibiotic, which may be in the form of an injection, an ointment, or tablets. If it's a symptom of an underlying illness or serious eye disease and he only treats the conjunctivitis, the underlying problem will continue to develop and the problem will more than likely return. Canine conjunctivitis can also be caused by an allergic reaction to: The allergic reaction causes the membrane to become swollen and pink, and produces a watery discharge and itching. After surgery however, your dog may be at risk of developing a dry eye problem. Use a veterinary saline solution or pet eye wash. An anti-fungal ointment will be given for treatment of a fungal infection.
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