Apple), Android, BlackBerry OR Windows. If you're switching to Metro and bringing your own device, you may need to change your APN settings. dynamisch (leer) bzw. Swipe up on the Home screen to view your apps, then tap Settings. T-Mobile APN Settings. Hier erfahren Sie, wie Sie die APN Einstellungen für Android und iOS ändern können. If you could access the web and no longer can, or you transferred from another mobile provider and cannot access the web, your APN may need to be reset. WhistleOut. Öffnen Sie als Erstes die "Einstellungen"-App. Possible MCC-MNC values for APNs. T-Mobile APN Settings for iPhone Open Settings Select – Mobile Data/ Cellular Data But be careful to enter values as given by the carrier. Settings/Mobile Data/Access Point Names/ "3dot Menu"/ New APN 2. Dafür müssen Sie auf Android-Geräten die Einstellungen der Zugangspunkte und bei iOS-Geräten die Optionen für "Mobile Daten" in den Netzwerkeinstellungen öffnen. You can easily troubleshoot this common issue. The following guide shows you how to setup T-Mobile 4G APN in the US. ; Tap Network & Internet > Mobile network > Advanced > Access Point Names. Change settings … T-Mobile Austria Manual 4G LTE 5G Internet and MMS APN Settings for Android Smart Phones HTC Galaxy S Nexus iPhone 12, iPhone 12 Pro, Pro Max, SE, 11 iPad Blackberry Windows Phone. Or. Try one by one until you get your internet working in your device. From any Home screen, tapApps. T-Mobile HTC One devices usually have the best settings selected by default, however if you feel that your wireless settings are insufficient try this! Does anyone know if there is w similar code for moto phones? Here, I am listing APN settings for all these users. 260-02. Der APN definiert den Zugangspunkt um mobil im Internet surfen zu können. Ensure that your phone with Metro by T-Mobile SIM card has network bars. APN is the data network that your Internet-enabled handset access to get onto the Web. Upon arrival in the United States, most mobile phones will locate the network automatically. Then follow the step by step to configure the T-Mobile APN USA for your iPhone. Thankfully, you don't need to go scouring the internet looking for them, as we've listed the APN settings for every major network right here at AndroidPIT. APN Parameter zu konfigurieren T-Mobile. Should it not work then the basic APN setting should be tried next before you try the older APN settings from T-Mobile. These configurations are not required to be touched normally, however if you are facing issues with your connectivity or not able to send or receive multimedia messages, you may want to review and make sure you have the correct APN Settings . T-Mobile USA APN settings can be manually configured in your device to access internet with T-Mobile USA in United States. Select Settings. Fix your MMS picture messaging and data internet problems with one of the APN settings listed. Die APN-Daten müssen in der Verbindungssoftware passend zum Mobilfunknetz eingetragen werden. Please check: T-Mobile APN settings . For Windows Phone 7 or 8: Go to Settings > Cellular > Sim Settings > Add Internet APN. Die APN-Einstellungen finden Sie auf Ihrem iPhone oder iPad auf folgendem Weg. APN: User name: Password: More info website: New information about T-Mobile USA APN settings was found. I know since metro and T-Mobile are on the same network you can switch between the 2 APNs. ; Tap Plus icon to add a new APN.The default APN is named 'T-Mobile US' and has these settings: Wir zeigen Ihnen, wie Sie die Einrichtung richtig vornehmen und welche Daten Sie benötigen. Subscribe to BestMVNO and be happy by getting the latest deals and carrier promotions delivered to your inbox! APN: Don’t neglect any comma, dash, and dot. Da die APN-Einstellungen die mit Abstand am häufigsten gestellte technische Frage zum Betrieb von GPRS/UMTS oder LTE-Endgeräten ist, ... (APN) Internet.t-mobile: oder Internet: Benutzer: t-mobile (leer) (leer) Passwort: tm (leer) (leer) IP-Adresse (leer) bzw. APN-Einstellungen von T-Mobile, Vodafone, O2 und E-Plus: And, if you are consuming MetroPCS APN settings on T Mobile and cannot get access to its internet data and MMS services. Type of sing-in info: Leave Blank. To setup your device on T-Mobile’s 4G network, you need to configure the T-Mobile 4G APN settings for your device so that it can connect to the carrier’s data network. APN and Data Settings. Get Happy! Scroll to 'NETWORK CONNECTIONS,' then tapMore networks. ; If available, tap the T-Mobile US APN (the bullet point fills with green). Die APN-Einstellungen sind notwendig, damit Sie eine mobile Internetverbindung aufbauen können. Apple), Android, BlackBerry OR Windows. Step 1: The first thing you have to do is enter «Settings» on your iPhone device. APN & data settings. Jeder Mobilfunkbetreiber hat sein eigenes APN-Profil. These T MOBILE apn settings usually include a list of values such as: Name, APN, username, password, server, etc. Down below, we have mentioned all the required APN settings. Mobiles Internet von T-Mobile Tarifen, wird über die folgenden APN Einstellungen geregelt. Select the More Networks icon. Then do not get confused for your easiness we have provided you with a complete and proper guide to fix APN settings. Cheap Cell Phone Plans Starting at $10/mo - Compare Now. T-Mobile APN Settings. Plans Coverage Bring Your Phone Phones Reviews. dynamisch: Gateway IP (leer) bzw. Mint Mobile Internet/MMS APN 4G Settings ( Updated – March 2021 ) Updated APN Settings for Mint Mobile 4G & users who’re using iOS Device (i.e. Go with the settings instructions. If you are not certain which of the three settings you should use then try the LTE version first as that is the easiest APN of the three. (located within Apps or the pull-down notifications tray) Scroll down to the Network Connections menu section. iPhone: APN-Einstellungen einrichten. You're not happy with your carrier because they couldn't even do a simple thing like tell you the right APN! Verwenden Sie folgenden Einstellungen und Daten für Telekom: Name: Telekom; APN: internet.telekom – Standard-APN für Datenverkehre in allen Zugangsnetzen (2G/3G/LTE). APN settings for other networks in United States. This are the correct APN Settings for your T-Mobile (USA) phone. Metro by T-Mobile APN Internet Settings for iPhone Profile Name: internet. You can follow the procedure and can transform your slow Simple Mobile internet into a really fast one! ; Verify and update the following settings for the Data APN: LTE APN: INTERNET APN : gprsinternet MMS APN : gprsmms t-zones: gprswap T-Mobile LTE APN Einstellungen für Android In your Android Lollipop […] Check coverage in your area See Deals. Es kann jedoch vorkommen, dass die Internetverbindung nicht funktioniert, wenn wir ein neues Smartphone gekauft haben oder kürzlich auf T-Mobile umgestiegen sind. For Windows Phone 10: Go to Settings > Network and Wireless > Cellular & Sim Settings > Add Internet APN. TapMobile networks. Here are the APN settings you’ll need for Metro by T-Mobile: Name: Metro by T-Mobile APN: TapAccess Point Names. » T-Mobile APN Einstellungen. This guide shows you how to setup your T-Mobile APN settings on Android and iOS in the US. You only need to change one setting for this. T-Mobile APN Settings 4g LTE. AT&T. T-Mobile APN Einstellungen. What are T-Mobile's APN Settings? T-Mobile APN Settings. We have 3 manual configuration APN settings for above. T-Mobile APN settings Tutorial How to add an Access Point Name (APN) on your unlocked Android Device. Password: Leave Blank. Ensure that the Mobile Data is enabled. You can follow the procedure and can transform your slow Mint Mobile internet into a really fast one! In der Regel werden die Einstellungen für die Internetnutzung beim T-Mobile von der SIM-Karte abgerufen. If you have an iPhone iOS device and cannot access the internet, here we will explain what are the steps you have to follow to carry out this process correctly and very easily. IP Type: IPv4. MetroPCS T-mobile APN Settings. Möchten Sie mit Ihrem Smartphone eine mobile Verbindung zum Internet herstellen, benötigen Sie die richtigen APN-Einstellungen. In this step by step video we will show you how to setup APN settings on your Android device, we are using an unlocked ZTE Maven 3 (Used to be an AT&T prepaid cellphone) running Android Nougat 7.1.1 but this method should work for any Android device. If you are using T-Mobile as a carrier and need the fastest internet access; this guideline is simply for you. 23 March 2018. T-Mobile 4G LTE APN Settings for iOS. Metro by T-Mobile (formerly MetroPCS) just like any other broadband service provider needs APN settings in order to connect to the internet via 3G or 4G networks. If not available, tap Menu > New APN.To reset your APN settings, tap Menu > Reset to default. Down below, we have mentioned all the required APN settings. Simple Mobile Internet/MMS APN 4G Settings ( Updated – March 2021 ) Updated APN Settings for Simple Mobile 4G & users who’re using iOS Device (i.e. What should I do if my data doesn’t connect automatically upon arrival? By Matthew Mullins. Dial-up numbers for *99# Get customized settings for your device. dynamisch (leer) bzw. Make sure your mobile is unlocked before changing the APN settings. User name: Leave Blank. T-Mobile USA. Check the settings below and add them as they are. Metro by T-Mobile APN Settings Metro by T-Mobile APN settings for Android & iOS. Select the Access Point Names or APN menu option. What is the best T-Mobile APN? APN steht für die Abkürzung von Access Point Name. Find the Metro by T-Mobile APN settings section of your phone’s settings menu. Tiger Series (T-Mobile) APN Settings. Metro by T-Mobile 4G internet & MMS APN settings. TapSettings. If you want to access Internet on your smart phone, you need to set it up via APN (Access Point Name) settings so that you can surf the web, retrieve email, and send multimedia messages. The telecom provides correct APN settings for T-Mobile, Verizon, and Straight Talk users. Once you're on the screen where you can add a new APN, you'll need to enter the APN settings for your cellular provider. HOW TO ADD IPv6 TO SENSE 1. Otherwise, you will not able to change anything manually. dynamisch (leer) … ; Tap Cellular networks > Access Point Names. However, if you are experiencing difficulty accessing the internet in the United States, please follow the steps below to check your APN setting. If the settings show “Tracfone”, don’t write it as “TracFone” because the settings are case sensitive. Unter Handy-Konfiguration und Handy-Einstellungen gibt es auf der Seite von T-Mobile zu den verschiedenen Smartphones Anleitungen, die mir unverständlich blieben: "Entfernen Sie alle aktuellen APN-Einstellungen mit Ausnahme von MMS: Wählen Sie den APN aus, wählen Sie die Menütaste und dann APN löschen." internet.t-mobile (alt) O2 Telefónica: internet: Vodafone: Bei Vodafone ist für sämtliche Vertragstarife, egal ob Smartphone oder Surfstick/Tablets, die APN zu verwenden. From any home screen, tap Apps > Settings. To fix the APN manual settings are not difficult. There are also cases where you may experience slow connection on your phone. APN & data settings. Select the “+” plus sign to add a … ; Under ‘WIRELESS NETWORKS,’ tap More. Once that is done, you will be able to surf the Web with your mobile device. T-Mobile APN Settings for Windows Phone. So konfigurieren Sie T-Mobile APN auf Windows Phone Wischen Sie vom oberen Bildschirmrand nach unten Wählen Sie Alle Konfiguration> Mobilfunknetz + SIM> SIM-Konfiguration (APN).. Normaler Weise müssen bei den Einstellungen für die DNS-Server keine Änderungen vorgenommen werden. Also on my old LG using code 237634#*# 8f im correct on the code unlocked a menu that allowed me to change different network settings and unlock locked APNs also a metro variant. You need help! This includes 1 picture messaging APN configuration for as well. They are only valid for the specific carrier in that specific country, in other words, the T-Mobile APN settings here provided is only for the United States (USA) T Mobile APN Settings 2018 .
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