The most defining feature of this ecosystem is the amount of precipitation it receives, which is the least as compared to any ecosystem. However, a significant part of this desert lies in Rajasthan. These deserts are called tundra. Examples of animals that live in hot deserts are lizards, small rodents, snakes, and camels. Heavy snowfall in winter-feeds these glaciers and in summer when they melt, small streams carry down the waters to irrigate the fields and fill up the lakes. A desert is a dry biome. Asia is broadly divided into six regions as shown on the map right. Through many of them have taken to a settled life a great number still roam the desert with their herds. Privacy Policy The 25cm. The whole region receives less than 7.6 cm of rainfall per year. Desertification is a type of land degradation in drylands in which biological productivity is lost due to natural processes or induced by human activities whereby fertile areas become increasingly arid. They get less than 25 cm (9.8 inches) of rainfall a year. A caravan is a large group of people and animals travelling together for days together. Jules Renard. TOS Deserts are defined as being very dry. The western part is a big desert and the land is covered with sand. The Gobi is a cold desert and is located on a high plateau making much of the desert… Advertisement Remove all ads. Evaporation rates regularly exceed rainfall rates. The Great Indian Desert lies to the west of the Aravalli range. It is considered as the hottest region in the country. The largest hot desert is the Sahara desert… Give reason. They can be covered by sand, rock, salt lakes, stony hills and even mountains. What is a Desert? Plants and animals in hot deserts must live with very little water. And he told me that in a year or so, when he had aged enough for any man, then he would walk into the wind, until he saw the tents. Last Updated on May 5, 2015, by eNotes Editorial. It is the spread of arid areas caused by a variety of factors, such as climate change (particularly the current global warming) and overexploitation of soil as a result of human activity. Flora and Fauna It is said that an entire household can be packed on a camel. Its total area is about 1.75 lakh sq km. Even though moisture levels are really low, deserts are prone to flash flooding when they recieve rain. below 150 mm per year and therefore it is a dry region. The following vegetation types are found in these different deserts. It has high range of temperature as days are hot and nights are cold. The days are extremely hot because the moisture evaporates very fast. Light winds occur often which evaporates any type of moisture that is typically going to develop in them. An oasis is an area of natural water in a desert that allows plant life. Desert Biome Description. The Great Indian Desert is a rolling sandy plain covered by sand dunes and most of these are crescent-shaped sand dunes, called Barchans of longitudinal dunes. Write a short note on earthquake preparedness. ADVERTISEMENTS: Paragraph on Desertification! ← Short Notes: Coordinate Geometry. It is located partly in Rajasthan state, northwestern India, and partly in Punjab and Sindh (Sind) provinces, eastern Pakistan. Expert Answer: On 12 March 1930, Gandhi started the Dandi march from Sabarmati Ashram towards the small coastal village of Dandi. This Himalayan area is one of the most remote regions of India and has the Karakoram Range in the north-west and the Himalayas to the south-west. Complete Chapter Notes - Life in the Deserts Class 7 Notes | EduRev chapter (including extra questions, long questions, short questions, mcq) can be found on EduRev, you can check out Class 7 lecture & lessons summary in the same course for Class 7 Syllabus. Some deserts can be visited but not lived in. A wide variety of birds and animals can be found in the Thar desert. Thar Desert, also called Great Indian Desert, arid region of rolling sand hills on the Indian subcontinent. 2. Write a short note on the untouchability existing in the society as stated by the Fa Xian. The Great Indian Desert is a rolling sandy plain covered by sand dunes and most of these are crescent-shaped sand dunes, called Barchans of longitudinal dunes. Write a short note on (a) Adaptations of desert plants and animals (b) Adaptations of plants to water scarcity (c) Behavioural adaptations in animals (d) Importance of light to plants (e) Effect of temperature or water scarcity and the adaptations of animals. When we think of a desert, we imagine hot, dry and barren areas without water. The UN Conference on Desertification (UNCOD) has defined desertification as “the diminution or destruction of the biological potential of the land, which can ultimately lead to desert-like condi­tions”. It has arid climate with low vegetation cover. Due to extreme of temperature, the species composition of desert ecosystem is less varied and typical. He marched against the state monopoly in manufacturing and selling of salt. It may be a small well that has been dug out or it may be in the form of a lake.
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