There are many reasons why your Shih Tzu may have a runny nose or your Shih Tzu sounds congested, and whilst some can be treated at home yourself, others need urgent medical attention from your vet. Shih Tzus do have runny noses, and it’s normal for a small amount of clear snot to be coming from their nose most of the time. Immediate discontinuation of a collar. This can only be given short-term without risk of severe side effects. Available in paperback (large 8.5x11", 360 pg) and ebook. What might start off as a skin rash on your Shih Tzu, and possibly nothing that problematic, can soon become a hot spot if your Shih Tzu starts to give it attention. Shih Tzu eye problems are very common because of the breeding issues! Just about all Shih Tzu have elongated soft palate to some degree. A dog may take a stance of extending his neck and spreading his elbows apart as if trying to cough something up. It may be a different consistency, amount or colour than you’re used to or be one of many unusual symptoms your Shih Tzu is experiencing at that time. If your dog can't get enough oxygen because he's stressed or has been running and playing, he might become overheated or might even collapse. The large, exposed eyes are prone to many irritations and eye infections. Although stenotic nares are present at birth, the symptoms of respiratory difficulty may not begin until a dog is several years old. Perhaps nothing is more worrisome than when a Shih Tzu has difficulty breathing. This website is not intended to replace the professional advice of vets. The discharge they produce makes for a very accommodating environment for bacteria to breed. Cough medications such as hydrocodone or dextromethorphan can help. Though this condition can develop or occur at any age, the genetic type typically leads to collapsed trachea by the age of 6-years-old. These dogs were called the Shih Tzu. Healing time varies, but the typical healing time is between 2-3 weeks. A middle-aged woman walked to my desk with her Shih Tzu on a leash. These conditions happen when the dog is in the embryonic state where the tissue in the nose that separates the nasal passage from the throat and oral areas does not correctly fuse. This is common with both brachycephalic breeds and with toy breeds, and therefore with the Shih Tzu. As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases. They need special care to keep them healthy and clear. This can include rice with minced pieces of chicken, eggs, oatmeal and sweet potato. With others there may also be coat issues and/or runny nose. 1. These narrowed breathing passages will cause a dog to have trouble taking in air. Over time, this can cause the larynx to become weak. It’s better to be safe than sorry, so if you aren’t fully confident about the cause of your Shih Tzu’s runny nose it is important to take them to the vets. 1. I made eye contact with her as she made her approach so I smiled and when she reached my desk I said, “Hello, how can I help you?” The woman made sure to look at me, but she didn’t speak; I don’t understand people who do this. Eye discharge ( sometimes becoming red) Itchiness. Once the allergy is confirmed, you will be able to reduce allergic reactions by avoiding the allergy trigger altogether. However, it is also important to trust your judgement if you think something is not right about the nasal discharge or runny nose. In minor cases, when it is deemed safe, the vet will examine the mouth when a dog is awake. This involves using a mesh-type sleeve to reinforce the trachea, along with prosthetic polypropylene rings to form a tube that will not collapse. Any minor issues of a weakened trachea or collapsed trachea can be severely exacerbated by wearing a collar while on leash. Shih Tzu puppies often have slightly pinched nostrils that generally open with time. Shih Tzus can be allergic to all kinds of things, with some examples including pollen, chemicals, food and even our shed human skin (called dander)! If you are a Shih Tzu owner then here are a few other things to look out for in your pup: I write about the things I've learned about owning a dog, the adventures we have, and any advice and tips I've picked up along the way. He slept in our room in his... All of the advice and content on this website is written from my own personal perspective of owning and caring for dogs over the last few years. He is only 7 pounds and had a tiny nose to start with. Yes, it is a very common problem in this breed. This problem is most acute during the teething stage. # 1. Follow general care tips to limit exercise during the hottest parts of summertime days. Some of the most common include: Infections: Because the Shih Tzu has large eyes and shallow eye sockets, foreign materials that fly around in the air can enter the area under his eyes, leading to inflammation and infection. These foods can cause a decrease in biotin absorption which leads to skin and coat problems which can make your Shih Tzu uncomfortable. 1) Taking action to avoid overheating is key. If your Shih Tzu is suffering from a fungal infection, your vet will prescribe you specialist anti-fungal drugs, whereas if your Shih Tzu has a bacterial infection, your vet will put them on a course of antibiotics. The Shih Tzu's short face and big, bulgy eyes can present him with several different eye problems. It cauterizes as it cuts, which decreases bleeding and swelling, and shortens recovery time. This makes it important that you distinguish between the different reasons why your Shih Tzu may have a runny nose, with some of the most common reasons being listed below. Surgery is the treatment in moderate to severe cases. Handy Hint: I’ve written the complete guide to taking care of your Shih Tzu in cold weather, as they can be very intolerant to cold winter days and nights. A collar should never be worn again; a harness will be used when on leash (this is also recommended to help prevent this issue). Cataracts: Cataracts usually occur from birth to three years old and typically lead to blindness.However, after age three, the condition is milder. Most Common Shih Tzu Eye Problems. Therefore, with puppies that have minor cases, you may want to speak with the vet about waiting until the teething stage is complete. • Corticosteroids such as prednisone may be given to help reduce pain and inflammation. CAUSES OF DRY NOSE IN SHIH TZUS Climate. As well as this isolated nasal discharge, other common signs of a blockage in the nose include nosebleeds, sneezing and pawing at the nose. Limit exposure to cold air. Itching can be caused by various reasons. This time both sides closed up almost all the way. Other colours include black mask gold, black and white, solid black, solid liver, liver and white, brindle, white, red and white, and grey and white. The bubbly discharge from a Shih Tzu puppy’s nose is NOT serious if the discharge is clear and watery and the dog is otherwise thriving. April 7th, 2016 by Silvia Brown Filed under: Shih-Tzu. Brachycephalic breeds such as the Shih Tzu are prone to breathing issues. If you desire confirmation and x-rays are inconclusive, you can ask for a fluoroscopy, which allows real-time visualization of the trachea as a dog inhales and exhales. Shih Tzu eye problems – Critical things you MUST Know about your pet! Even short-term, there may be changes in thirst or appetite and risk of susceptibility to infections. However, in most cases in which the obstruction is causing breathing distress that interferes with the dog’s quality of life, surgery is recommended. • Argument for delaying surgery – Veterinarians who are not breed-specific may want to surgically fix this as soon as it is diagnosed. If the nasal discharge is just coming from one nostril, this could mean that there is a foreign object (like a piece of grit or a blade of grass) partly blocking your Shih Tzu’s nasal passage. All rights reserved. If a Shih Tzu is suffering from allergies, they may display some of the following symptoms: If your vet suspects your Shih Tzu has an allergy, they will perform an allergy test in order to confirm it. Shih Tzu dogs are one of the brachycephalic breeds meaning that they have short noses and flat faces. If you have one of these popular pups check the information in this page about Shih Tzu breathing problems. 5. Skin diseases of Shih Tzu are generally divided into itchy and non-itchy. Shih Tzu Health Problems and Issues Keratitis. Because Shih Tzu noses are short and flat, things like snot are a lot more visible compared to other dog breeds. Essentially, the nostrils are too small (too narrow). Many vets prefer to do this after a Shih Tzu has reached the age of 1-year-old. All text and images are protected by copyright laws. However, there may be other issues that go along with this such as a soft palate or a collapsed larynx or trachea that are less obvious and typically require light, general anesthesia for diagnosis. Reverse sneezing can cause too much carbon dioxide to be released, so this can restore it to normal levels. If there’s one common thread between the range of Shih Tzu health issues, it’s that their eyes can fail. A dog with very itchy skin can develop lesions, especially if he scratches a lot. The most common symptoms seen with Brachycephalic Airway Syndrome include: However, if a judgment call is made that the examination will cause a dog to become overly excited and this in turn will cause dangerous breathing problems, the dog will be sedated. If you take your Shih Tzu to the vets, they’ll be sedated, have the source of the blockage removed and be prescribed antibiotics to avoid infection. The Shih Tzu comes in a range of colours that include various shades of gold, white, brown, and black. In some cases, x-rays will not show a tracheal collapse; however, a dog may still be treated for it. With their help, your Shih Tzu will be back to their old selves in no time! This is common with both brachycephalic breeds and with toy breeds, and therefore with the Shih Tzu. The unique look of Shih Tzus has been bred extensively down the years but does mean they can suffer with breathing issues and nasal / sinus infections more than other breeds might. Please always consult with your vet if you have any concerns about your dog. Shih Tzu dogs are the ultimate companion for you and your family. Itching can be also caused by allotopia, scab and food allergy. Given the fact that polyps tend to reappear, your Shih Tzu may need multiple bouts of surgery. Everything from the weird noises to the small nostrils to the running back and forth around the house, my dog went through. Moreover, if you know anyone whose pet died because of this disease, then surely the whole idea is worrying you more. With moderate to severe cases, ultimately, the larynx may collapse, causing trouble breathing, sometimes to the point of being fatal. • Antibiotics. Many dogs begin showing signs at eight to 10 weeks. Secondary lower respiratory tract infections are a concern. • Place a small dab of peanut butter on your dog’s nose. It is a general term that includes at least one of the 4. of stenotic nares, elongated soft palate, collapsed larynx (voice box) and trachea issues (abnormally small or collapsed trachea). Shih Tzu skin problems: Odor Natural oils act also like a barrier against some bugs and fungus. Proptosis. Of all the possible Shih Tzu skin problems, it’s certainly one of the nastiest looking ones. However, Shih Tzu potty training problems will definitely test your patience and consistency. • Noisy, funny breathing (especially when the Shih Tzu breathes in), • Cyanosis (blue appearance of the gums, due to lack of oxygen). In 1935 a new standard breed was created. We are a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for us to earn fees by linking to and affiliated sites. It is one of the most common reasons behind an abnormally runny nose. The DoggySaurus website works as a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program. This is particularly true given that Shih Tzus are inclined to have breathing issues, so seeing a runny nose can make owners think there’s a serious health issue. Diagnosis. During post-op recovery, only soft food should be given to allow the throat time to heal. However, this isn’t always the case. Green or yellow mucus or pus being discharged from their nose, which is often followed by coughing and choking. Coughing. When they are extremely bad, they can even cause paralysis. Polyps and benign nasal tumours are often treated with surgery. And it is important to note that this issue often worsens as a dog grows older; in time ligaments in the lynx may stretch, and often to the point of collapse. This surgery is most often successful with dogs under the age of 6. So, read here about the major indications to know if the disease is in your A dog will need to be carefully monitored. The cause of irritation can be both external (fleas and ticks) and internal (worms) parasites. If a ring(s) structurally collapses inward, partially obstructing the breathing passage, this is referred to as collapsed trachea. However, if this isn’t possible, your vet can prescribe antihistamines, steroids and immunosuppressants amongst other kinds of medication. These are secreted in small amounts. This may be from other animals or from coming into contact with something unsavoury outside. Struggling to breathe. A collar should never be worn again; on leash (this is also recommended to prevent this issue). Shih Tzu Health Problems and Issues. But what if you know about the signs from an early stage? A distinctive cough, often referred to as a honking noise (like a goose) * This is the #1 sign and can be one of the most troubling symptoms. Other areas where pyoderma may occur include between the toes and on the calluses of the elbows that mostly affects the abdominal area in young puppies. Brachycephalic Airway Syndrome and what this means, The 3 top concerns of elongated soft palate, stenotic nares and collapsed trachea, This is the term given to brachycephalic breeds such as the Shih Tzu that have breathing issues related to their body structure. Clean the surrounding area of the eyes as specified above. You can feed your Shih Tzu eggs but make sure to boil or fry them first to avoid unwanted side effects. Death can occur in … And this, of course, can be frustrating and worrisome for owners who are being told that everything is normal, but they still see their puppy or dog having breathing difficulties. It often results in skin damage. HOW TO ALLEVIATE SHIH TZU BREATHING PROBLEMS 1. Traditionally, the period of rest is 4-6 weeks, but it is equally important that after that time you … Nose bleeds. 4. Sounds a bit more relieving? 3. Although symptoms may vary based on the type of infection, some of the most common symptoms of an infection in your Shih Tzu include: Depending on the type of infection, your vet’s treatment plan may vary. The episode will generally be short, lasting only seconds to a few minutes. My imperial Shih Tzu had the nose surgery to help him breathe better over a month ago. Minimize activities at... 2. There are some steps that you can take to help a Shih Tzu breath better: This can include taking short breaks from play, making interval introductions to a new place or when meeting new people and distraction if a Shih Tzu is responding to a trigger. If your Shih Tzu is producing a noticeably larger amount of snot than before, or it changes colour to yellow or green, you should take stock of those abnormalities and take them to see a vet. A Shih Tzu’s Ear. I have a 1.5 year old Shih tzu and his nose was EXACTLY like that when he was a puppy. Just like humans, Shih Tzus can suffer from allergies too. Such diseases as … Well his nose closed up on one side so went back in again and cauterized again. Obese dogs and dogs of the pug-nosed breeds are frequently affected by pyoderma in the skin folds on their face, lips and vulva. Weakened tracheal rings can be genetic; collapse may occur at any rate but can be triggered by pressure and stress placed on the neck (collar). So they suggested to go ahead and put the iV tubes in and … The Shih Tzu Club of England was later formed in 1934. Antibiotics will be prescribed as needed. Dog food can also be softened with warm water, warmed gravy or warmed low-salt chicken broth. Limit over-excitement. Hot spots will become angry, with thick scaly skin and occasional discharge on the fur. The inside of the nose is incredibly sensitive, so even a small cut could lead to a lot of bleeding. Unfortunately, whilst cancerous nasal tumours can be treated with radiation, they are inoperable and don’t have a great prognosis. But it is worth it in the end. Shih Tzu Health Problems Related to The Face Because of the shape of their face, Shih Tzu are prone to the following health issues: Brachycephalic Syndrome: Brachycephalic airway obstruction syndrome (BAOS), or Brachycephalic Syndrome in short, is a condition unique to Brachycephalics (short-nosed dogs) like the Shih Tzu. • NSAIDs (nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs) such Rimadyl or Etogesic can help with pain and inflammation. Corneal ulcers: All Shih Tzu eyes are not the same; however, those whose eyes protrude are at a higher risk for these ulcers.Many corneal ulcers are a result of wind blowing foreign substances in their eyes.
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