Tenerife: Universidad de La Laguna, 1981. Kuznetzov-Ugamskij (1929a) notes that in the Ussuri region this species occurs under the "widest environmental conditions.". Chérasse et al. Natura Montenegrina 8(3): 151-162. Ecología 8 (1995): 429-438. Ward. 2016. Ed. 1960. Bulletin de la Société royale belge d’Entomologie 151: 150-165. 1984. Soc. Journal of the Society for British Entomology. niger queen. Acta Rerum Naturalium 1:127-130. A list of ants (Formicidae) from Hokkaido Is. The habits of Ponera and Stigmatomma. Mayr, G.. "Formicina austriaca. EOS (Revista española de entomología) 18 (1942): 175-241. These form massive colonies and are one of the more classic ants to keep out there! Acta Biologica Szeged 18(1-4): 159-164. Ecological data accompanying several peripheral collections determined during this revision are noteworthy. It nests in many different environments and objects, such as stubs, meadows or pastures, beneath rocks, crevasses or in your regular lawn. Übersicht der Ameisenfauna der Krim nebst einigen Neubeschreibungen. Aras A., and N. Aktac. All of these conclusions were offered with the caveat that gene expression changes in newly mated insects has not been extensively examined. 73: 90-93. Individual and collective foraging decisions: a field study of worker recruitment in the gypsy ant Aphaenogaster senilis. The queen is very energetic, and despite her huge size, she has no problem running around. "Ants as colonizing agents of pine stumps in San Juan de la Peña (Huesca, Spain)." ; Lim, K.H. Wilson (1955) - (1) More than 95 per cent of the workers within HW range 0.61-1.21 mm., exclusive of material from North Africa, the Balearics, Azores, Madeira, and eastern Asia, possess a SI between 95 and 103. Lasius niger is a small brown to dark brownish black ant that is common in gardens and if not our commonest ant is certainly the one people are most familiar with. Marko B. Saunders, E.. "Balearic Insects." Sci. Entomological Review 95(3): 370–387. The male is best distinguished by the possession of abundant standing pilosity on the appendages combined with the "niger type" mandible described below. New data on the ant fauna Hymenoptera, Formicidae in the middle Volga River Basin. La biología de, Aron, S., Deneubourg, J. – Far Eastern entomologist 92: 22-24. Wellenius, O. H.. "Entomologische Ergebnisse der finnländischen Kanaren-Expedition 1947-1951. Bulletin of the Biogeographical Society of Japan 48:63-67. Aphididae) de los cultivos de la provincia de León." 24: 397-460 (page 460, Combination in Acanthomyops), Giuliani, C., L. Lastrucci, L. Cresti, G. Santini, B. Fogg, and M. M. Lippi. Collingwood. The first eggs are laid the following spring, and the first adult brood hatches that summer. Marocana Forel (n. status) de la région de Tanger. 47: 79-275 (page 240, Combination in Formicina (Donisthorpea)), Fabricius, J. C. 1804. Distribution pattern of ants in pine stands, with special reference to Monomorium nipponense Wheeler (Hymenoptera: Formicidae). Abhandlungen und Berichte des Naturkundemuseums Görlitz 66(5): 1-67. 1987. 2003. Sociobiology 66(3): 440-447. 62:59–71. Ant species richness, endemicity and functional groups, along an elevational gradient in the Himalayas. Bulletin Scientifique de Bourgogne 44: 53-72. Kurentsov's Annual Memorial Meetings 17: 114-119. Ari 14:5. The vegetation, the species composition and the colony density of ants in Mt. L. neoniger is skilled in the art of tending aphids for honeydew. esp. Kim, J.H. 1990. 2005. A list of Insects collected at and around Sugao Marsh. Santschi, F.. "Inventa entomologica itineris Hispanici et Maroccani, quod a. Ant distribution in Gangweon Do. BioControl 65, 601–611. 2017. Kanghwado. 1987. Ant fauna of Hiroshima Prefecture, Japan. Mirok. ; Kim, K.G. 1993. Scotland. Publicaciones del Instituto de Estudios Almerienses. ; MCZ), contains individuals with two distinct lobes, a single lobe, and several stages intermediate in the coalescence of two lobes. Tomus I. Editio decima, reformata. Species list of the Netherlands. Qiu, B., Larsen, R.S., Chang, N.-C., Wang, J., Boomsma, J.J., Zhang, G. 2018. Mushi 13:94. L'Argiope 39: 25-49. Investigation on ant species for garden tree in Chengdu. Les peuplements de fourmis et les peuplements d'acridiens du Mont Ventoux II. On the myrmecological fauna of Mt. Steffek J., and M. Wiezik. 1974. 1987. Galkowski C., and C. Foin. 2016. ; Kim, K.G. Natural history of the national parks of Hungary 7: 445-448. Poldi B., M. Mei, and F. Rigato. 205:745-753. doi: Collingwood, C. A. The habitats examined were river banks and disturbed habitats. 1958. Écologie des milieux montagnards et de haute altitude. 1967. Climate change impoverishes and homogenizes ants’ community structure: a long term study. Remarque : la Garantie client eBay s'applique lorsque les paiements sont effectués avec PayPal ou par carte bancaire. Its above-ground activity, as measured by the number of ants soliciting honeydew, is highest at midnight and lowest in the early morning. The exceptional diversity of ants on mount Coronat (Pyrénées-Orientales), and Temnothorax gredosi(Hymenoptera, Formicidae) new to France. 2011. Includes queen with 10-20+ workers, plenty of eggs, food and care kit. Novel thoracic glands in the ant, Blatrix, R., Aubert, C., Decaëns, T., Berquier, C., Andrei-Ruiz, M.-C., Galkowski, C. 2020. 2013. Natura Somogyiensis 13: 155-158. Beckerman and F.L.W. Ant Communities from East Slope of Mount Demola to Zayu Valley in Southeastern Tibet. This was my best option to have a colony to hibernate this year. Bernard F. 1975. Contribution to the Myrmecofauna (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) of East and South Serbia. The diversity, mite communities, and host specificity of pygmephoroid mites (Acari: Pygmephoroidea) associated with ants in Western Siberia, Russia. Systematic study of ants from Chejudo province. Novgorodova, T. A. 2018. Cagniant, H. 1968. CÎRLIG, N., IURCU-STRĂISTARU, E., ŢÎŢEI, V. 2020. Polish Ecological Studies 6(4): 665-672. Trophallaxis: the functions and evolution of social fluid exchange in ant colonies (Hymenoptera: Formicidae). Classification of assemblages of ants in the green areas in Sofia City. Universite de Toulouse, 1973. Biol. United States: Mackay and Mackay (2002) - [Schar et al. 2005. Sveum P. 1979. Hungarian Natural History Museum, Budapest, pp. Distribution patterns of ant species from mount Sejila, southeastern Tibet. 2010. On the Canary Islands (Gran Canaria, Teneriffe, La Palma) Wheeler (1927) found niger mostly in moist, shady spots between 1500 and 5000 feet. K., Sato. Estimation of trophic niches in myrmecophagous spider predators. Formiciden des Naturhistorischen Museums zu Hamburg. (3) Clypeus and mandibular dentition as in worker. Baroni Urbani, C.. "Formiche dell'Italia appenninica (Studi sulla mirmecofauna d'Italia, III)." A Numerical Analysis of the Distribution of British Formicidae (Hymenoptera, Aculeata). Entomologisk Tidskrift 83: 215-230. Mosaic structure of ant communities (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) in Eastern Carpathian marshes: regional versus local scales. Stor. Soc. Ants of the Hengduan Mountains: a new altitudinal survey and updated checklist for Yunnan Province highlight an understudied insect biodiversity hotspot. 2000. Weather conditions during nuptial flights of four European ant species. Tesis Doctoral Universida (1991): 577 pp. They … Lasius niger (Black Garden Ant) Very hardy beginner species. Paraschivescu D. 1972. Contribution to the myrmecofauna (Formicidae, Hymenoptera) of the Banat Province (Serbia). Korean Journal of Entomology 23: 117-124, Kim B.J. Martínez Ibáñez, M. D., and A. Tinaut. Fowles, A.P. 1990 variation in the number of chromososmes were reported due B-chromosome). Barcelona vol IV nº (1924). Etudes Vauclusiennes 82: 71-78. Insekten gesammelt vom schwedischen Arzt der Expedition Dr. David Hummel 1927-1930. Sociobiology 60(2): 135-144. 31: 38-48. Atusanupuri, An Active Volcano in Akan National Park, Hokkaido. 2002. 2011. Black garden ants are wide spread across Europe, some parts of N. America and Asia. Ants of Bukozan. Bull. 2008. Harada Y., D. Fukukura, R. Kurisu, and S. Yamane. Transactions of the Society for British Entomology. The ants of Los Alamos County, New Mexico (Hymenoptera: Formicidae). 2021. Zool. Dekoninck W., K. Desender, and P. Grootaert. Rosalia (Nitra), 20, p. 63–70. Korean Journal of Entomology 23: 117-127. An increase in antimicrobial peptides post mating, and other presumed immune responses, have been observed in other insects. Petrov I. Journal of Morphology 275(4): 414–430. 1988. Cagniant, H.. "Contribution à la connaissance des fourmis marocaines. Bollettino del Laboratorio di Zoologia Generale e Agraria della Reale Scuola Superiore d'Agricoltura, Portici 23 (1929): 1-5. Volume 4. Br. Instructions about the breeding of Queen of Laius niger:(small black ant): Lasius niger is a very common species throughout Europe. Annales de la Société Entomologique de Belgique 37 (1893): 454-466. Entomol. I caught some Lasius Niger queens recently. Sci. Bulletin American Museum of Natural History. Wu J. and Wang C.. 1995. 16:93-121. Collana del programma finalizzato "Promozione della qualità dell'ambiente". 617-629. The ants will also eat the larvae of many insects. Terayama M. 1983. Emery, C.. "Voyage de M. Ch. Korean J. Appl. 1955a. Fragmenta Faunistica 56(1): 1-15. Bull. Bull Soc Linn Provence 18: 3-6. Sur la présence d’une fourmi envahissante (Tapinoma magnum) dans le Sud-Ouest de la France. Biodiversity Data Journal 4: e8050. 1999. Bernard, F.. "Notes sur les fourmis de France. Formicides de l'île de Port-Croz (Hyères) récoltées par le docteur Chassagne. Entomologist 101: 153-155. A study of the geography, hydrobiology and ecology of the river system and its environment. Ser. Boer P., W. Dekoninck, A. J. van Loon, and F. Vankerkhoven. Groupe d'Etude des Invertebres Armoricains, 37 pages. Acta Musei 7(3): 499-520. A survey of Irish Formicidae. ARI Reports of the Myrmecologists Society (Japan) 16: 4-13. Shilap-Revista De Lepidopterologia. doi: 10.3897/BDJ.4.e8050. Boln. 1997. 1981. 1981. La Rivers I. Cagniant, H.. "Liste préliminaire de fourmis forestières d'Algérie. 145: 210-225. Boletín de la Estación Central de Ecología 10 (1981): 55-58. de Haro, Andrés, and C. A. Collingwood. Same length, different shapes: ants collectively choose a straight foraging path over a bent one. Journal of the Institute of Science Education (Cheongju National Teachers' College) 11:17-30. Wang S. Z. et al. 1999. Berville L., C. Santelli, J. Reybaud, M. Renucci, P. Ponel, O. Blight, and E. Provost. Nymphaea 6: 463- 474. The European species was split into two species; L. niger, which are found in open areas; and L. platythorax, which is found in forest habitats. Data to the ant fauna of the Bukk (Hymenoptera: Formicidae). 2019. Formosan ants collected by Dr. R. Takahashi. Korean Journal of Applied Entomology 31:101-112. Terre Vie 32(1): 161-218. Novgorodova T. A., A. S. Ryabinin. Korean Journal of Entomology 23: 117-121, Kim B.J. Pp. Przyroda Sudetow 17: 161-172. Weather conditions during nuptial flight of, Díez-Méndez, A., García-Fraile, P., Solano, F., Rivas, R. 2019. A check list of ants from Korea, with taxonomic notes. Touyama Y. Preliminary Study on Ants in Liaoning Province. Peking Natural History Bulletin 5: 53-81. It’s my first ever brood so not entirely sure if what I’m seeing is normal? Entomologische Berichten (Amsterdam) 63: 54-58. Studies on the distribution of ants (Formicidae) in Korea (15) -Ant fauna islands Ullungdo and Dokdo. Karyotypes of nine species in Ponerinae, Formicinae and Myrmicinae. Ants in Finland. Chongju Sabom Taehak Nonmunjip (Journal of Chongju National Teacher' College) 25: 217-231. Ce montant pourra être modifié jusqu'à ce que vous ayez effectué le paiement. Japanese Journal of Ecology 27: 111-116. 1993. (Collingwood 1979). und Apis mellifica L. (Ins. Ants from Hakone region. The pastoral habits of niger have been the subject of an excellent study by Eidmann (ibid.). In Eurasia it is found from Scotland and southern Fennoscandia south to Morocco, Algeria, and the offshore Atlantic Islands, east through Lebanon, Afghanistan, and the Himalayan plateau to central China and Formosa, then north to northern Russia, southern Yakutsk, and Kamchatka. & d'Ettorre P. 2010. Graellsia 58(1) (2002): 21-37. Sci. A. Représentation des trois castes. ZooKeys 978, 1–171. Naturae Tutela 12: 15-19. Menozzi, C.. "Formiche di Cuba e delle Isole Canarie raccolte dal Prof. Filippo Silvestri." (page 580, worker described). Bezdeckova K., and P. Bezdecka. The first endemic ant from the Balearic Islands (Lasius balearicus sp. Collingwood C. A. I keep this exact same blog on a different place for Dutch antkeepers, but Id like to share my colonies journey on Formiculture as well. Bracko G., K. Kiran, C. Karaman, S. Salata, and L. Borowiec. 1904. 2016. Soil Zoology 2(2): 115-128. Fourmis luxembourgeoises. Découverte de Temnothorax pardoi (Tinaut, 1987) dans la réserve naturelle nationale du Pinail (Hymenoptera, Formicidae). Zur ameisenfauna (Hymenoptera, Formicidae) von Gonnersdorf (Kr. Yoshimoto T., and S. Yamane. Neumeyer R., and B. Seifert. Biodiversity and Conservation 22, 2305–2320. Wegnez P., D. Ignace, E. Lommelen, M. Hardy, J. Bogaert, and C. Nilsson. 1956. There will also be at least the number of specified workers. Etude myrmecologique des tourbieres dans les Hautes-Fagnes en Belgique (Hymenoptera, Formicidae). Wheeler, William Morton. Formicidae) from north-east Asia. H., Yamaoka. in: Terradas, J., Miralles, J. Wagner H. C., B. Seifert, R. Borovsky, and W. Paill. However, the queen eats a few of the eggs she has laid. Effects of area and fragmentation of forests for nature conservation: Analysis by ant communities. Entomologica romanica 16: 53. Accessed on February 5th 2014 at, Johnson, R.A. and P.S. 2012. The ants (Hymenoptera, Formicidae) collected in the Habomai and Shikotan (Kuril Islands) in 1998. 297-302. Suay-Cano, V. A., A. Tinaut, and J. Selfa. Naturaliste can. Entomologische Berichten 63 (3): 54-58. Garcia-Martinez M. A., V. Vanoye-Eligio, O. R. Leyva-Ovalle, P. Zetina-Cordoba, M. J. Aguilar-Mendez, and M. Rosas-Mejia. Manabe K. 1994. Bollettino del Laboratorio di Zoologia Generale e Agraria della Reale Scuola Superiore d'Agricoltura. Psyche 98 (4) (1992): 351-354. IV Jana Dlugosza Lwowie) 50: 1-10. FINALLY! Bulletin de la Societe d'Histoire Naturelle de Toulouse 104 (1968): 138-147. Bulletin de la Société royale belge d’Entomologie 153: 46-49. Subfamily Formicinae. Japan 48(1): 37-49. Chinese Bulletin of Entomology 44(2): 267-270. & Odegaard, F. 2016. 2010. 2013. Alcune note sulla fauna dell'alta Valsesia. Ecological distribution of ants in Sapporo and vicinity. The effect of mineral fertilization on ant populations in meadows. Espadaler X., F. Garcia, X. Roig, and R. Vila. 1951. 1997. Hisamatsu M., and S. Suzuki. Ergebnisse der Mongolisch-Deutschen Biologischen Expeditionen seit 1962, Nr. the ToR pathway, difference in the metabolism of digestion). Die Chromosomen einiger in der Schweiz vorkommender Ameisenarten. 70: 12-21, Collingwood C.A. Thanks to our exploratory approach, we now have a more global insight into all the functions that can be affected by the division of labour in a eusocial species. Zbornik “Naucno-strucni skup Zasavica 2007, Sremska Mitrovica, 67-75. 2010. The distribution of ant nests (Hymenoptera, Formicidae) in coastal grey dunes of Flanders (Belgium) and their relationship to myrmecochorous plants. Cagniant, H.. "Étude de quelques fourmis marocaines. Barrett K. E. J. Sasaki, T., Briner, J.E., Pratt, S.C. 2020. Mouquet C. 2006. Grandi G. 1935. Lenoir A., and C. Galkowski. 1901. 2002. 1980. 23: 1-5. Bulletin de la Société d' Histoire naturelle de l' Afrique du Nord 47 (1956): 254-266. 1928. Acta Zoologica Academiae Scientarum Hungaricae 46(2): 79-102. I. Consani M., and P. Zangheri. Materi?li par R?gas kukai?u faunu. Menozzi, C.. "Zur Kenntnis der Ameisenfauna der Balearen." Ants of the shrine forest in Fukuoka Prefecture (First report; Ants of lowland). Kim et al. Avhandlingar utgitt av det Norske Videnskaps-Akademi i Oslo. Im a Dutch antkeeper from the northern Netherlands. Sc. Cienc. Fennici 31: 131-144. Korean Journal of Entomology 23: 117-119, Kim B.J. Do Holarctic ant species exist? Emery C. 1869. k. 160-166, Nieoprawiony maszynopis pracy, Praca doktorska. Bernard, F.. "Remarques sur le peuplement des Baléares en fourmis." 92:1-21. A Lasius niger queen can live up to 15 years and it has been claimed that some have lived for 30 years. Kim, and B.J. A. Andersen, S. P. Cover, and R. Vila. Czechowski, W., and A. G. Radchenko. Santschi F. 1941. Marko B. 25. The basal angle broadly rounded, the masticatory border curving gradually into the basal border. (1) A list of ants collected at the parks. Collingwood C. A. UNBOXING LASIUS NIGER QUEEN! León. Fauna entomologica italiana. Fractional composition of organic matter in the soil of anthills and of the environement of meadows. Görlitz 66(5): 1-67 (page 27, see also), Sevastianov, V.D. European ant species (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) in the ant collection of the Natural History Museum of Sibiu (Hermannstadt/Nagyszeben), Romania II. Nemet E., Z. Czekes, I. Tausan, and B. Marko. Rzeszowski K., H. Babik, W. Czechowski, and B. Marko. Workers were also taken with the aid of a Berlese funnel from around the roots of grass growing on the banks of the Orontes River two miles south of Hermel. The queen can live up to 28 years in captivity. Pascual, M. R.. "Estudio taxonómico y ecológico de los Formícidos de las Sierras de Alfacar, La Yedra, Huétor y Harana." Ital. Les fourmis de l'île de Port-Cros. Lab. pages 79-131 in J.C. Trager, editor, Advances in Myrmecololgy. - Latvijas Entomologs, 15: 30-32. Bull. Lasius niger is a small brown to dark brownish black ant that is common in gardens and if not our commonest ant is certainly the one people are most familiar with. 2012. I. Hymenoptera.-Formicidae. Memoirs of the National Science Museum (Tokyo) 4:29-38. 1993. Travaux du laboratoire de Zoologie et de la Station Aquicole Grimaldi de la Faculte des Sciences de Dijon 25, 39 pages. Copyright © 1995-2021 eBay Inc. Tous droits réservés. Contribution à la faune myrmécologique de la Chine. 2008. Social network plasticity decreases disease transmission in a eusocial insect. I toke the queen home and recorded some videos/picture - afterwards the queen was safety returned back to her colony. Annales Universitatis Mariae Curie-Sklodowska Lublin-Polonia 22(9): 117-130. I. Hymenoptera.-Formicidae. Malozemova L. A. To aid this process a queen may bury the larva so that it can spin its cocoon undisturbed, and begin a process of metamorphosis. Journal of the Society for British Entomology. Pour en savoir plus, consultez les. 13: 69-96. Individual and collective foraging decisions: a field study of worker recruitment in the gypsy ant. Ovazza M. 1950. 1967. Journal of Anhui Agri. 2008. Master's thesis Saint Petersburg State University. The North American population shows a similar latitude in habitat preferences. While workers expressed more proteins related to metabolic pathways (except lipid metabolism) and sensitive nervous system or immunity. In Peng, J. et al. nov.) is endangered by climate change. Usually arrives 1-2 working days after dispatch in the United kingdom. Lasius niger est une espèce phare pour débuter, et mérite une redécouverte : Cette espèce est plutôt petite mais se développe vite une fois à la bonne température et généreusement nourrie des liquides sucrés et protéinés dont elle raffole. 1798. 1992. Mushi 16:21-28. 1991. Galle L., and G. Szonyi. Ants from Mt. Yu N., Z. Xu, C. Zhang, J. Chu, B. Yang, and X. Liu. Heijerman and K. V. Sýkora. 2 and 3.) Envoyé sous 1 jour ouvré après réception du paiement. 9: 159-166. Longévité de la reine 20 ans et + (jusqu'à 30 ans) Longévité des ouvrières entre 1 et 3 ans. 2003. Gouraud C. 2015. Degradation changes in the structure of multispecies associations of ants in urbanized areas. Wiezik M., M. Kozon, and A. Wiezikova. Holecova M., M. Klesniakova, K. Holla, and A. Sestakova. Collingwood C. A. Kvamme T. 1999. Warsaw: Natura Optima Dux Foundation, 1-496 pp. Núñez-Pérez, E.. "Bases para el desarrollo del control integrado de los pulgones (Hom. Zoology 13:173-177. Collingwood C.A. Entomol. Hunan Scientific and Technical Publishing House. Konowia 5: 281-303. Ants at Kaga side of Mt. Materiaux pour la Faune des Hymenopteres de la Normandie. Parazitologiya 4: 338–341. Collingwood C. A. ?ii de Biologie, Univ A.I. Peuplements de fourmis des Albères Orientales (Pyrénées-Orientales, France) (Première partie). Sell. Atti della Società dei Naturalisti e Matematici di Modena. Veröff. (3) Mandibular dentition characteristics of the niger complex: basal teeth two to four in number, equal in size, and spaced at even intervals; opposed to the neoniger complex, in which the two or three basal teeth are irregularly spaced and the central one of a set of three is often reduced in size. Naturae Tutela 23(1): 101-111. Zeitschrift für Morphologie und Ökologie der Tiere 6 (1926): 694-742. Gensei 44:1-6. Ent. (SW-Hungary) (Hymenoptera: Formicidae). XV. Ant colony Lasius niger 5-10 workers Species. To ensure delivery before xmas our last standard order cutoff date is 21.12.2020 at 12pm. Stumper R. 1953. 1918. BioInvasions Records 10, 28–32, Horna-Lowell, E., Neumann, K.M., O’Fallon, S., Rubio, A., Pinter-Wollman, N. 2021. 305-318. This colony has 5 to 10 workers and the workers are thus hatched by the queen ant itself. Wiezik M. 2007. Soc. Depickère, S., D. Fresneau, C. Detrain and J.-L. Deneubourg. Educ. Kondoh M., and Y. Kitazawa. Comín del Río, P., and X. Espadaler. 1988. 1995. doi: 10.3897/zookeys.106.139. 2016. Myrmecofauna of the Lituanian SSR. In: Mahunka, S. Colonies may be large with numerous small, crater-like openings in an area (Headley, 1941 ), then are reduced to a central core at the end of the season. Distribution. - P. 215-216. Ant studies in Rogaland (south-western Norway). Abundance and diversity of soil arthropods in olive grove ecosystem (Portugal): Effect of pitfall trap type. "Formícidos del Valle de las Batuecas y parte occidental de la Cordillera Central (Salamanca)." Russian Journal of Ecology 44(6): 523–526. All queens were collected from a 2017 mating flight in Belgium. 1992. Once you have it at home, it is important to add a micro drop of water with … Journal of Cheongju National University of Education 30:317-330. M., Murata. Ants from Northwestern China (Hymenoptera, Formicidae). Lasius niger habitat facts size habitat and images petworlds Kim C.H., B.M. 1960. Great Basin Naturalist 27: 67-78. Lasius Niger (common black garden ant) starter colony. The clypeus has dense pubescence. 92:1-21. Entomol. Systematic study of ants from Chejudo province. Polish Journal of Entomology 79: 91-99. Ant fauna of Miyagi prefecture , Japan. Mackay, W. P. and E. Mackay. Nat. The Ants (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) of the Kuril Islands. There were 8 queens in each group of the 5 types of queens examined (pre-mated queens, and singly and multiply mated 1 day and 5 day post-mated queens). Spatial cognition in the context of foraging styles and information transfer in ants. Iberomyrmex 6: 23-24. 4eme serie 12, section A(2): 415-442. esp. Tausan I. Second, certain impacts of mating on female insect physiology are generalized across species independent of their mating strategies, while others seem to be species-specific. Petchey, A.P. Ann. Transylv. Science. Ecol. Csősz S. and Markó, B. Beitr. Elles sont fondées en été (juillet et aout), généralement en fin de journée après un orage, pendant ce que l'on appelle l'essaimage. Polskie Pismo Entomologiczne - Bulletin Entomologique de Pologne 4 (1925): 1-3. Kim, and B. Choi. Barrett K. E. 1967. Bulletin de la Société Vaudoise des Sciences Naturelles 30 (1894): 1-45. Journal of Comparative Physiology a-Neuroethology Sensory Neural and Behavioral Physiology. Faunal comparison among islands of Southern Korean and northern Kyushu, Japan. Baroni Urbani C., and C. A. Collingwood. In. Strongylognathus Huberi et voisins. Resource-dependent mutual association with sap-feeders and a high predation rate in the ant Crematogaster scutellaris: help or harm in olive pest control? Species diversity and nestedness of ant assemblages in an urban environment. Santschi F. 1925. Korean J. Ant fauna of Tisza river basin (Hymenoptera: Formicidae). Accessed on January 22 2019 at. Ottonetti L., L. Tucci, and G. Santini. 1970. Dusmet, J. M.. "Linneo y los himenópteros de España." I. Taxonomy. The Lasius niger workers eventually accept the umbratus queen as their own. Memorabilia Zoologica 29: 183-189. Dusmet, J. M.. "Algunos formícidos y mutílidos de España." 2010. Insectes Sociaux 7: 125-162. Wheeler W. M. 1930. Certain of the workers function as guards during the day, remaining constantly at fixed posts; one worker was observed to return to the same spot each day for eight days. 11(1):101-113. Vol 102. 1993. Budapest: Akadémiai Kiadó, 415 pp. I have a lasius niger queen from a previous colony which died of food contaminated with pesticide.
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