Breeds: Doberman Pinscher & Great Dane. Their bite is scissors or level, while their eyes are almonds, set apart in their heads. The Great Pyrenees is a livestock guardian and too independent for personal protection. For that , you need an animal that is more game, like Curtis said, a German Shepherd Dog or Rottweiler. Kuvasz vs Doberman Pinscher. Both the Doberman Pinscher and the Great Dane look quite similar compared to most of the other mixes on this list, so you can expect a dog that is going to sit in the middle of both of his parents height, at around 28 to 30 inches tall, and between 60 to 170 pounds (maybe even more) in weight. The Great Pyrenees could be from Spain or France because the dog hails from the Pyrenees Mountains, which spans both France and Spain. I've bred show line Kimmelot German Shepherds for 35 years, and they will stand between their family and danger, and fight, even tho they are show lines. Male Great Pyrenees average between 27 and 32 inches in height; weights start at 100 pounds (45 kilograms). compare height, weight, life span, litter size and more. Link to this: Doberman Pinscher vs Giant Schnauzer vs Great Pyrenees – Which one is a better dog breed for you? Personality: The Great Pyrenees is a calm, well-mannered, serious dog known for his great devotion to family, including well-behaved children. The dog was used to defend flocks from predators but its lineage goes a long way back, thousands of years in fact. It was officially recognized as a breed in 1900. He is more agile and slenderer than those two dogs. Fossil evidence indicates this dog’s ancestors date all the way back to 1800 B.C.! The Great Dane is at best a watchdog, not a protection dog. The Great Pyrenees is an ancient purebred dog breed. Sharing is caring. The Anatolian Shepherd is much like the Kuvasz or the Great Pyrenees in their size, shape and responsibilities. Can’t decide which breed is right for you? Great Pyrenees are not really fierce enough protectors to take on a bear or a serial killer. Females range in height from 25 to 29 inches, with weights starting at 85 pounds (38 kilograms). Help our free service by spreading information about dog breeds. The name originally called as Thuringer pinscher or Plizeilichi and the peer was renamed as DOBERMAN PINSCHER in 1899.American Kennel Club recognized DOBERMAN PINSCHER in 1908. In this guide, my only goal is to compare the two Doberman varieties in great detail and refrain from picking a side. ... breeding efforts were started but it is believed that other large dogs such as the Great Pyrenees were used with the Kuvasz to continue with the breeding programs. Comparison between Kuvasz Dog and Doberman Pinscher Dog. Today, the Great Pyrenees, or Pyr as fans sometimes call this dog, are still productively engaged as working canines in many parts of the world. ... As you would imagine when you hear a dog breed with “great” in its name, the Great Pyrenees is a giant dog breed. Compare dog breeds below to see how different breed characteristics and attributes stack up against each other. The origin of Doberman is Apolda, in Germany in 1890. Due to their size, these gentle giants are prone to crippling illnesses that... Continue Reading. Other dogs you could have put on this list would have been the Cane Corso, American Bulldog, Boxer, …
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