Behaviour and Compatibility: Can't be kept with small fish it may consider food. It may not display this or other websites correctly. Is it fin rot? They have pronounced flexible barbels that they use to seek out food and ward off competitors. It is also know as the Squeaker Synodontis or the Featherfin Squeaker. 1 decade ago. As they mature past 4 inches in length, their distinctive long flowing fins and delicately spotted body makes identification clear. The fish is unsexed. Fish can get intestinal bacterial, viral and protozoan infections but … Sale Sold out. SuperRed Bristlenose Juvies 3 for $100. Favorite Answer. I have a Synodontis eupterus, or Featherfin catfish. Guppies. Prestopets Ltd Kents Lane North Weald Essex CM16 6AX. Iliana M. Lv 7. A lot of strip testers do not include ammonia, so a separate one must be purchased. The Tiger Shovelnose Catfish is an expert-only catfish that comes from South America. Visit and get discounted price and freebies ‼️ Neon Danios (Green, Blue, Orange, Pink, Yellow) Assorted African Cichlids Oranda Goldfish juvy, Semi Breeder and breeder (Trico, Calico, Red n White) Ranchu Goldfish Juvy Black Moore Goldfish Semi Breeder Calico Moore Goldfish Semi Breeder HB Ryukin Juvy Albino Rainbow Shark 3-4" Rainbow Shark 3-4" Bala Shark 3-4" Flowerhorn (male) = 4-5" Thai Glass Fish … Quick links. Also known simply as featherfin catfish. Female swamp guppies will only drop 3-5 fry per day, for a total of around 25 fry. I have a 40 gallon tank and i was looking into this type of fish the African Featherfin Catfish some people say it will do fine in my tank others say the opposite im worried that it would eat my neon tetras or my ghost shrimps. My Featherfin will eat normal fish flake food, and adores shrimp pellets. ... Featherfin catfish $40 each #Clearwater aquariums #Catfish #Featherfin catfish . Featherfin Catfish Tropical Fish Learn all about the Featherfin Catfish's feeding habits and food types, its behaviour, its origins, its natural habitats, is it male or female, breeding advice and information, suitable tank mates, its sizing and growth range, minimum tank size, water PH and more. Tropical Fish Keeping participates in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for website owners to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to Amazon properties (.com,, .ca etc.) No: GB 367847988 | Reg no. Unit price / per . It is a huge genus of fish, with many different colors and patterns. Featherfin catfish Sterbai cory Guppies Japanese blue endler pairs (SOLD OUT) Still in stock: Angel fish Albino corys Common BN Albino BN Peppermint BN Albino long fin BN L104s L270s (SOLD OUT) Common XL whiptail . I have a 20 gallon tank with a red tail shark (VERY peaseful) and 8 guppies. bailee8jane: I was wondering if these little guys would be okay in a tank with a featherfin squeaker catfish (6.5 inches long) the cat I have is pretty none agressive, if not I have reserved space for him elsewhere. Because Featherfin Squeakers can range greatly in color, they are frequently confused with similar Synodontis species and are often sold as a completely different species by inexperienced tropical fish keeping enthusiasts. One big Squeaker (~7 inches) and three smaller ones (~3 inches each)makes 16 inches. Corydoras Catfish (Cory Catfish) These are also the good choice because of their calm nature and they also friendly fish. My pleco and featherfin dont mind though. I saw an upside down catfish at my lfs and decided that it looked pretty cool and I kinda want to get it. 14. They like to school near the bottom of the tank and help eat leftover food, preventing it from fouling the water. Started by SteveS Fish Health. In their natural habitat, Featherfin Squeakers are nocturnal omnivores that feed on insect larvae, algae, and any other foods they can scavenge. The Featherfin Squeaker (Synodontis eupterus) inhabits much of central Africa, specifically Nigeria, Sudan, Niger, Chad, Ghana, Mali, and Cameroon as well as the White Nile river system.. Donne Scott - 2017-03-23 I have 3 featherfin syno cats and they do not bother my 4 cory dorys at all. Because of their clean bodies, betta doesn’t have any problem with shrimps and they produce very little waste. They are a big challenge to take care of, so we don’t recommend them for novices or casual hobbyists. Relevance. So Shrimp pellets, algae wafers, there are specialty catfish pellets too in … Compatibility: Keep with larger fish Although Featherfin Synodontis are commercially bred in fish farms with the aid of hormones, to date they have not been successfully bred in an aquarium environment. Featherfins thrive in well established aquariums and will immediately stake out a hole in a piece of driftwood or a crevasse to call their home when introduced. Their bodies are usually spotted or patterned with brown, black, and sometimes a dark gray. Bristlenose Plec . Use our fish community creator tool to plan your tank set up and ensure that the Featherfin Catfish is the right fish for your … Maximum size: maybe 12" long. Color Form: Black, Brown, Dark Gray VAT Reg. They are still from the genus Synodontis, but they only reach 3 inches in length, and won't harm your neons. Checkered Barb ... Filament Barb . Featherfin Squeaker (Synodontis eupterus), Minimum Tank Size: 55 gallons Its body is long and slender and in captivity it will generally grow to 5 inches in length. The Featherfin Squeaker (Synodontis eupterus) inhabits much of central Africa, specifically Nigeria, Sudan, Niger, Chad, Ghana, Mali, and Cameroon as well as the White Nile river system. I was looking at some guppies yesterday on ebay, the item has sold now, but look here to see the pictures: don't like them you can get the same result if you keep guppies in a tank with tiger barbs lol. Guppies have been very inbred, resulting in them having weakened immune systems. It’d be a 40 gallon breeder, heater, filtered by a fluval 306, … My Featherfin will eat normal fish flake food, and adores shrimp pellets. ... 1 leporinus fasciatus, 1 chinese algae eater, 1 african featherfin catfish and 1 kissing gourami. The name squeaker originates from the sounds they emit during spawning to … Cories complement guppies well, as guppies tend to school in the upper part of a tank while cories tend to school at the … Hardness: 8-20 dH. Ghost Shrimp and Red Cherry Shrimp. But always … Right now I have several guppies, 5 cory cats, 1 bristlenose pleco, 1 chinese algea eater, several ghost shrimp, and a few ramshorn snails in a 120 Gallon. The catfish species I discussed in this article are all suitable for being kept in home aquariums, however, a lot of catfish species become very large and aren’t suitable for home aquariums. Ghost Shrimp and Red Cherry Shrimp I brought a featherfin over a year ago (originally sold to me as an upside-down catfish). Very hardy with beautiful markings. * For the safety of our animals, we now ship live fish exclusively via UPS Next Day Air. They don't appear to have any obvious external signs of illness other than them having ragged tails (tails of the still living guppies look fine) and at present none of my other fish seem to be affected, including my other livebearers (Platies, Mollies). There are also zebra snails. If your order contains this item, you will only see UPS Next Day Air as a shipping option during checkout * The Threadfin Rainbowfish (Iriatherina weneri) is an excellent inhabitant for any community or planted aquarium. Some catfish will actually eat small fish so be careful with neon's and guppies lol, Lucky for me my featherfin is one who doesn't. A great aquarium catfish !! It is also know as the Squeaker Synodontis or the Featherfin Squeaker. My problem is with my featherfin catfish. Guppies are prone to camallanus worms but they don't look like this - they are red bristles like a child's paintbrush protruding from the anus when the fish stops swimming for a moment. Naturally he is hiding most of the time, but I do catch a glimpse of him a couple times a day making his way through a maze of small caves and rocks I've got in the tank. They enjoy each others company and when kept with others of their own kind in a well decorated aquarium, will actively “frolic” with each other around the tank. they are a neat looking fish, but you probably will not see it much. Featherfin Squeaker Catfish Pictures: 2" long Featherfins swimming in our aquariums, when we took these pictures. Other than the Honey Gourami though, dwarf gourami, … When kept with other Squeakers, they should be provided with a tank large enough to give each individual a particular spot under a piece of driftwood or in a hole to call their own. Pictus Catfish Overview. Plec . The Featherfin Catfish can be very timid when first introduced into the aquarium but over time they will settle down and even come out for meals in the daylight hours. He/she has grown to about 13cm. 4 inches for each ofthe Bristlenose Cats, and another 5 inches of the Red-Tail Shark, makes55 inches altogether. It was first described by Franz Steindachner an Austrian zoologist in 1876 and was found in the warm rivers throughout South America.. Equipment The most important purchase for a fish-in cycle is a testing kit. The suckerfish is fairly new. If you want a similar looking catfish, go with an Upside Down catfish. Like their well-known relatives, the Upside-Down Catfish Synodontis nigriventris, the featherfin can swim upside down at will. They are called squeakers because they produce a squeaking sound as a warning to both predators and competitors during spawning time. Family: Mochokidae For fish the size of grown Guppies, 3 square inches of air surface per fish. Aquarist Experience Lever: Beginner, Posted in Catfish, Featured Articles, Freshwater FishComments (1). Tropical fish keeping enthusiasts also know the Featherfin Squeaker as the Featherfin Catfish, Featherfin Synodontis, Synodontis Lace Catfish, and Lace Cat.. Featherfin Squeakers are a species of “upside … JavaScript is disabled. They also can … Answer Save. That is to say, an aquarium 9 x 20 inches, with an air surface of 180 square inches, can safely support 50 grown guppies, giving each over 3 inches.
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