When looking for discus fish tank mates you want to make sure that you select fish that are essentially like the discus fish in terms of behavior, that is, slow moving and ensure they will not compete with the discus for food. The larger Discus will eventually take the whole control in the tank, especially about the food portion. All rights reserved. These vibrant fish with an easy-going nature make good tank mates for plenty of community-friendly fish including molly fish. We pride ourselves for our superb customer service and high quality discus. On the other hand, there are fish that are peaceful tank mates for discus and can even survive the warm water, but they are messy and can easily disturb the water conditions of your aquarium. Ideally, your discus aquarium temperature should be 84 to 86 degrees Fahrenheit. Because Oscars typically grow about 10 inches long in captivity, the minimum tank size recommended for a single Oscar is about 55 gallons. My dream is to supply people with healthy quality Discus and Friendly tank mates. iii) Angelfish Other discus fish keepers are also known to keep angelfish with their discus fish. Keep in mind that discus school move and eat slowly. Muddy and clayey water gets into the ponds with crystal clean water. Discus fish are the type of fish that are slow moving schooling fish. Join our friendly community of discus collectors: Copyright © 2013-2021 Discus.com. But if you’re willing to put in the extra effort, the Discus and Gourami can still be friends. If you plan to add Sterbai Ancistrus as your Discus tank mates, make sure that you feed them with some good-quality algae for their diet on the regular basis. source: Discushatchery¹, aquaencyclopedia². Thank you! Some of the best tank mates for your 10-gallon tank would be fish that occupy the lower levels of the aquarium, such as small Loaches and Catfish. Advantages and disadvantages to a Wall Mounted Fish Tank. 12 Awesome Discus Tank Mates #1 Cardinal Tetras. ii) Cory cats Another set of common discus fish tank mates are cory cats. In the meantime, visit our boutique and build your dream tank today. Discus can often be shy, but this can be helped by surrounding them with a couple of other fish (known as dither fish) that show them they are not in danger. Discus Tank Mates. Tropical fish type is the type of fish that is fun and interesting to watch. Fish Compatible with Discus. First, your discus fish eat the fish. Maximum size of dwarf cichlids ranges between 10 to 12 centimeters, and this makes them perfect for this purpose. Name: Discus Family: Cichlidae Size: 6 inches Care Level: High maintenance Minimum Tank Size: 3 feet (36 inches) Temperature: 25 to 28 degrees Celsius Water Conditions: Soft to medium (4.0 to 7.0 pH) Diet: Omnivorous Tank Size: 25 gallons Temperament:Highly social Discus fish does not keep well with all the fish types. Beautiful #discus tank setup ideas. This species cannot compensate, so the mates should be those that can share similar points. Tank Size and Requirements . This will depend on your preferences most of the times. Tank mates must meet two criteria: they should be able to live in high temperatures and they cannot outcompete the discus for food. Once 6-8 weeks have passed and if all water perimeters are where they should be, it would be possible to add your discus. Last week I decided to purchase two discus which has settled well in my tank along with, 2 small silver sharks, 3 small silver dollars, 6 kribs and a big angel. They are Rosy Tetras, Glowlight Tetras, Rummy Nose Tetras, German Blue Ram and Clown Loaches. My Goal To Every Fish Hobbyist . In this case, Discus is the larger type of fish compared to Cardinal Tetras. The Discus Community Aquarium, by Uncle Bill, The Number of Discus to Safely House in an Aquarium. The likes of Tinfoil Barbs, Danios, or Tiger Barbs will eventually endanger the Discus by nipping their fins, making them look so skittish. Compatible Tank Mates for Freshwater Angels. Discus Tank Mates make up an essential part of your discus fish aquarium. While it’s unwise to add fish to the tank, you can still add snails and shrimp. Cory cats prefer to stay at the bottom of the tank looking for uneaten food. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Welcome to The FishTankWeb.Com. Furthermore, only some fish owners who have known that this type of fish is also categorized as dither fish. We love to take pictures and show them to the world. Most of the... read more, In this article, we will help you navigate your material, height, size, and vendor options when choosing your discus... read more, Did you ever come home one day and find your aquarium leaking? This means therefore that you must keep a close eye when keeping angelfish and discus together. Use anti-parasite medications, change the tank water frequently, keep the temperature around 80 degrees Fahrenheit, and add aquarium salt in the amount recommended on the box. We also carry timeless classics such as the Peter Thode Turquoise and Schmidt-Focke Striated Red Discus. Talking about the tank mates you can put, Cardinal Tetras fish are possibly the most proper option you have for Discus fish tank mates. Antoher thing you should note is never put small Discus and large Discus in the same tank. I am here to supply the highest quality and healthiest Discus and friendly tank mates available. It will not only prevent your Discus from stress of getting wrong tank mates, but also give them longer live by putting proper tank mates. Discus fish are naturally not meant to exist alone. Unfortunately, as docile as Oscar fish are around humans, they can be relatively aggressive when raised in a tank. v) Stingrays Other very experienced discus fish keepers keep stingrays in their discus fish aquariums. Therefore if you have sting rays in your tank you must cater to both the eating habits of the sting ray and the discus fish. The main factors to consider is the habitat, the water condition, temperature, aquarium size and temperament. Fish Disease : Freshwater Fish Disease - Diagnose, Symptoms and Treatment. Their movement and habit inside the tank will please you at most of their time. In this case, deciding the most suitable fish for your Discus fish tank mates can be crucial since it can affect your Discus lifespan. For example, we are the sole breeders of discus legend Marc Weiss’ original breeding stock in the world. HEATER OPTIONS … You'll... read more, Here's the base for the wet/dry filter. Betta Tank Mates For 5 Gallon Tanks. Common Discus ailments: (credit Nicole on the forum) However, many bottom-dwelling fish can make great tank mates as long as they are large and aggressive enough to match the fast-paced aggression they will encounter from the African cichlids. Discus Fish Tank Mates, FishTankWeb.com – Since there are so many types of Discus fish, there are also a lot of Discus fish tank mates that you can consider. The Discus and the blue rams would be the only thing I would keep an eye on (and wouldn’t recommend), as well as the betta’s temperament – at least during the first few days. Synodontis Catfish. The flooded forest that surrounds the Amazon River turns into one single slow flowing bog. Secondly, your discus fish is eaten by the fish. Tetras happen to be slow moving schooling fish as well so that makes them tank mates for discus fish. They are happy with only some of the species. As long as neither of the fish are spawning however, they can get along pretty well in the same aquarium. Therefore, it is important to be very selective in choosing a discus tank mate. If... read more, In this article, we will explain how to insert aquatic plants into your aquarium and prevent these buoyant plants... read more, Similar to land plants, aquarium plants need to be pruned and thinned on a regular basis. This video will show you about amazing Discus tank mates. The larger Discus will also bully the smaller Discus, causing the smaller Discus to get weaker and sick. Adding more than one Corydoras Catfish will help you to keep the water in the tank clean and it means your Discus fish will get more comfortable. There are several types of tetras which include; neon tetras, cardinal tetras, blood eye tetras, and penguin tetras. Because discus fish are somewhat picky when it comes to water conditions in the tank it is wise to select tank mates that have similar preferences so you can design the tank to suit the needs of your discus. It's really just an aquarium (36"x10"x18") with some glass panels siliconed inside... read more, It is the dream of a great many would-be and current discus keepers to have a fully landscaped, planted... read more, How many discus can I safely keep together is a very common question I receive from many discus keepers. They can get so overprotective to high levels such that they will start fighting with and chasing after other fish in the tank. If you have calm, peaceful angelfish, it could be a match made in heaven. Despite being categorized as Tetras family, Neon Tetras are also not recommended to be added since they will prefer cooler water, while your Discus prefers the warm one. Blue rams might need to be relocated because they are bright and can be aggressive too. Platy Fish. Cardinal tetras is the best tank mate for your discus. Fish Tank Mates : It is usually best to keep them in a species only tank because of their water requirements. The main reason why you are allowed to add this type of fish into the tank is because of their ability. At 30ºC / 86ºF, this will make it imp… In this article, we'll help you navigate your options about discus tank heaters. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. 5 gallons is the minimum size tank you should keep your betta in. If you plan on keeping tank mates with them in a 5-gallon tank then your choices are going to be a little bit limited. Conclusion In conclusion, you should choose carefully the type of discus fish tank mates that best serves your aquarium needs without you going out of your norms in maintaining them. Discus requires a little more care and husbandry than most bread-and-butter tropical fish. Please Support Us with Share and Like! Harlequin rasboras have a silver body with a black patch and orange fins and reach sizes of up to 2 inches. Gallery. Therefore, you need to understand the types of fish that can be mates for Discus fish. Let us start from the first one. Therefore, adding Sterbai Ancistrus and Corydoras Catfish as your Discus tank mates will ease your job in cleaning the tank water. We specialize in the finest discus and discus-related products. Discus fish come from the same region of the world as angelfish and are potentially great tank mates. It is adiced to add few discus fish in the start and when they are acclimitaized and stabilized, then add few more fish. It will also give them more confidence to swim out in the open fearlessly. Natural gravel or river sand is the best substrate for the bottom, and temperature should be set at 86f (30c). Rainstorms … The larger type fish, in this case Discus fish, will notice that those smaller fishes feel safe in their new environment. Make sure you … You also need to keep a close eye on plecos when they grow larger as they suck up to glass and objects in the aquarium. The safe feeling from the dither fish will send a signal to your Discus fish that everything in their tank is safe. As a result, you need to make sure you select your tank mates and the tank itself quite carefully. Basically, they like to swim around the tank and look for food particles that haven’t been eaten, especially by your Discus fish. A tank mate should be able to get along well with the discus. Temperature:The higher-than-normal water temperature stimulates a fish’s metabolism, so it will eat more and grow to its full potential. The Corydoras Catfish are not really comfortable with higher temperature. Tank Mates Some fish keepers will house their Discus in a species only set up without, or just a few area selected species of tank mates, however in a domestic living room people like to keep what catches their eye in the shop rather than a dedicate biotope aquarium. What tropical fish should you avoid putting in with discus? Despite the fact that platies in the wild exhibit dull coloration with no distinctive marks, … Corydiras Catfish are well known in helping fish owners with cleaning maintenance. Synodontis Catfish have almost similar behavior as that of the African Cichlids. The lifespan the Discus fish sometimes depends on two basic things; the tank mates and the tank setup. i) Tetras The most common discus tank mates you see in a discus aquarium are tetras. At times they may even have the tendency to suck up to the side of your discus fish due to the shape of the discus fish body. Lots of tributaries change their streamline into the opposite one, till the overflowing river doesn’t flood a huge territory. The next type of fish that you may choose as your Discus fish tank mates is Corydoras Catfish. The most common discus tank mates you see in a discus aquarium are tetras. Cardinal tetras are another kind of tetras that will fit well as tank mates for your Discus fish for one reason, they… The is the most commonly used word in the English language; studies and analyses of texts have … Stocking Discus Tank. The Discus requires a little more maintenance than the Gourami and some of its other preferred tank mates. The next recommended type of fish that can be added as your Discus tank mates is Sterbai Ancistrus. Most other small and peaceful species of fish (guppies, tetras) won’t last long. iv) Plecos Plecos are also a common fish found in discus aquariums. however I am looking to bring in some colour to the tank so ideas appreciated. Some of the best tank mates to keep in a discus community tank are non-aggressive schooling fish like characins. When you have to decide the proper tank mates for your Discus fish, there are only two things that you have to consider; The tank mates you can put and the tank mates you have to avoid from your Discus fish. Always quarantine any fish for at least two to four weeks before mixing them in with Discus. With the fish that will end up becoming the discus tank mates settling in and doing well, keep checking water perimeters on a weekly basis. Use our fish community creator tool to plan your tank set up and ensure that the Discus is the right fish for your aquarium. We also carry timeless classics such as the Peter Thode Turquoise and Schmidt-Focke Striated Red Discus. Our latest and best photos. Diet: Omnivorous Temperament: Aggressive Description. The best size to … However this does not mean that they are not a substitute for water changes. Cardinal tetras are suitable with warm and acidic water like discus. It is also an absolute rule to keep the water requirement as it is. This means therefore that you need to keep a close eye on plecos as they mature. Ideally, however, a 75-gallon tank is best for one adult Oscar and, if you plan to keep more than one, you will need a tank at least 100 gallons in … Non-fish inhabitants like Snails, Shrimp, and Frogs would also work well in an aquarium of this size. Some fish are also likely to introduce parasites to your discus, so you need to be very careful. The next type of fish that you may choose as your Discus fish tank mates is Corydoras Catfish. This is due to the fact that both discus fish and angel fish are very territorial especially during spawning. More than that, it is fair to say that they can be labeled as one of the beautiful tropical fish types. The first and the most acceptable reason is because they are categorized as tropical fish. Fish that come from the same warm Amazon waters are a great place to start, and shoaling Tetras can look amazing. Read more. If there are items you are looking for but can’t find on our state-of-the-art website, please contact us and we will do our best to find what you need. Wall Mounted Fish Tanks. For tank mates, you could add cardinals, corydora cat fish, L plecs, harlequins, and even some dwarf cichlids. The … Use a heater to maintain this... read more, A clean tank is not only good for your fish and plants; it also helps you appreciate the beauty... read more, Discus flourish in warm water. The Cardinal tetra and Corydoras, Cory Cat are sometimes kept in tanks with them and make good tank mates. Discus Tank Mates. You’ll find a general profile as well as more specific facts and information on important issues such as ideal water parameters, tank mates, and tank size. Nothing makes us happier than sharing the love of discus and their tank mates Offering quality affordable Florida grown discus and their tank mates for all the discus lovers out there. These types of fish actually have similar characteristic like the previous types and are allowed to be added as your Discus tank mates. Another reason why you cannot add Angelfish as your Discus tank mates is the fact that they are also quick eaters. The main reason why you are allowed to add this type of fish into the tank is because of their ability. For this reason, any aggressive mates won’t be good. In case you have ever owned skittish and shy Discus fish that like to hide most of their time, adding Cardinal Tetras as their companions can be the best option. This should however be done with extreme caution. It may cause the Discus fish have no chance to eat the food. Did you find a great deal on... read more. Fish size you’ll choose for this type of tank: So for the first time you keep discus and you keep in a … Here are some great Electric Blue Acara tank mates that we recommend: Cory catfish; Discus fish; Oscars; Rainbowfish; Otocinclus; Bristlenose Pleco; Moga cichlid; This is just a small example of the potential tank mates you can pair with this fish, but it’s a good starting point. Quick Stats. They go around eating algae and uneaten food and debris from the aquarium. Avoid tank mates with bright coloring and long fins. Overstocking of discus tank should be avoided. If you want to have tank mates for your discus with other. It was at … The same reason with Corydoras Catfish, Sterbai Ancistrus will help you in keeping the tank clean since they like to consume unnecessary algae that are automatically formed in your tank. Opting for a larger tank can reduce some issues related to aggression – try to keep a tank that is at least 75 gallons in … This therefore means that you should always look for mates for your discus fish in your aquarium. Cardinal tetras are beautiful and fun to watch. Discus Tankmates Keep in mind that your tank should be a Discus tank first - make sure the other fish you intend to keep conform to Discus conditions, and not vice-versa! The South American dwarf cichlids are also excellent when one has to select compatible tank mates for discus fish. Adding a tiny piece of driftwood to the tank will also help them to swallow the food. They will generally make good community tank mates with mollies and guppies if you just want to add some angels to your tank. However, you cannot just pick the mates without any strong reasons. Whatever fish you decide to keep with your Discus, they will benefit from the extra attention. Name: Bumblebee Cichlid Scientific Name: Pseudotropheus crabro Size: 15 cm for males and 12 cm for females Care level: Moderate Minimum tank size: 50 gallons Water conditions: Freshwater, although they have a slight tolerance for brackish water. Our facilities collectively house over 30,000 gallons, 25,000 discus fish, and 90+ strains at any given time. ... From: Discus with Angelfish I kept a pair of angelfish with my 4" Blue Diamond Discus, they got along together ok until the Angelfish matured and ended up as a mated pair. We pride ourselves for our superb customer service and high quality discus. The smaller type fish or dither fish like to swim forth and back in the tank. For those who haven’t known yet, fish that are categorized as dither fish tend to have calming and strong influence on larger and more timid types of fish. NOTE: Ensure that your fish tank is large enough to accommodate all the fish. Secondly, Cardinal Tetras are also flexible with their environment since they are so comfortable with the acidic and warm water too; the typical water that your Discus fish will always like. More Tank Mates That Can Live With Bettas The Amazon River basin biotopes change substantially during a year: when the rainy season comes in December the Amazon River floods. Tetras happen to be slow moving schooling fish as well so that makes them tank mates for discus fish. Tropical showers and ice water from highlands increase water stage in the streamway. Bear in mind that you cannot also add any fin nipping and fast swimming fish. They will get more when they are on the peak of their sexual maturity. At Discus.com, you will find some of the rarest and most sought-after strains of vintage and original discus bloodlines available in the hobby. Besides, they will also tend to take control your entire tank and force your Discus fish to hide and feel being intimidated. I am planning on setting up a tank centered around 5 or 6 discus (probably a 75-90 gallon tank, depending on how long/high it is), and I was wondering what some good tankmates would be. PH range: 5-6 Cardinal Tetras make good Discus tank mates because they not only share some common... #2 Corydoras Catfish. There are many different colors of cory cats to choose from, hence most people find them interesting to keep. Our facilities collectively house over 30,000 gallons, 25,000 discus fish, and 90+ strains at any given time. Take note, don’t make mistake with buying a wrong fish compatibility, Put wrong fish will give you 2 possibilities. Discus Tropical Fish Learn all about the Discus's feeding habits and food types, its behaviour, its origins, its natural habitats, is it male or female, breeding advice and information, suitable tank mates, its sizing and growth range, minimum tank size, water PH and more. However, the diet of a stingray is completely different from the diet of a discus fish. Overall, you cannot add the types of fish that don’t like acidic and warm water, since the criteria of water that your Discus fish prefer. Corydiras Catfish are well known in helping fish owners with cleaning maintenance. Angelfish are one of the most popular species of freshwater … When the tank is running properly, it is best to add the tank mates first. The Best tank mates for your Discus would be small, fast, and active fish that don’t have long fins, such a fish will surely provide your Discus a comfy environment and will enhance the beauty of your tank. Many people do not like keeping sting rays in their discus aquariums due to the fact that sting rays grow quickly and require fairly large aquariums. Discus fish are a joy to keep in the home aquarium and a discus community tank is even better! During the spawning process, angelfish and discus fish become very aggressive in an effort to protect their spawning site. The intent of this article is to provide an overview of angelfish care needs and behaviors so you stand a better chance of succeeding with this unique fish. For the last mentioned type, make sure you provide a hiding place in your tank in case you want to add them as your Discus tank mates. In general, discus are slow feeders, so if you put them with speedy, bullet-shaped fish (like barbs or even huge schools of tetras), the discus … Other suitable tank mates for discus include: clown loaches (make sure they have a place to hide in the aquarium), German blue rams, rummy nose tetras, glowlight tetras and rosy tetras.
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