caro. Another word for dear: beloved, close, valued, favourite, respected | Collins English Thesaurus dearly Übersetzung, Englisch - Englisch Wörterbuch, Siehe auch 'dear',deadly',deal',delay', biespiele, konjugation 2. suggest new. hell to pay. pay handsomely. What does cost us dearly expression mean? 9 dearly his errors have cost him dear (Old English deore; related to Old Norse dyrr) ♦ dearness n Dear John letter n Informal a letter ... English synonyms & Thesaurus . Find more about cost dearly, the meaning of cost dearly and translation of cost dearly to Indonesian on dear synonyms and antonyms in the English synonyms dictionary, see also 'debar',dearly',dearth',dare', definition. dear adj. Cost dearly - definition of cost dearly by The Free Dictionary. dear. What are synonyms for cost someone dearly? Parts of speech. Synonyms Arabic German English Spanish French Hebrew Italian Japanese Dutch Polish Portuguese Romanian Russian Turkish Chinese. Synonyms for High Cost (other words and phrases for High Cost). Synonyms for cost dearly This thesaurus page is about all possible synonyms, equivalent, same meaning and similar words for the term cost dearly. These examples may contain colloquial words based on your search. Another way to say High Cost? Learn more. Definitions of cost dearly, synonyms, antonyms, derivatives of cost dearly, analogical dictionary of cost dearly (English) cost someone dearly (= cause a serious loss): We made two mistakes that cost us dearly. Register Login Facebook connect Google connect. What are synonyms for Seashores? Maybe you were looking for one of these terms? Cost definition is - the amount or equivalent paid or charged for something : price. … I would dearly love to know 1; dearly form of dear: dear adj. Understand dear meaning and enrich your vocabulary Antonyms for cost dear. Synonyms for Heavy Cost (other words and phrases for Heavy Cost). Definition of cost us dearly in the Idioms Dictionary. These examples may contain rude words based on your search. Schauen Sie auf Youtube nach Tutorials wie man 'cost dearly' ausspricht. or cost out. Coast definition is - the land near a shore : seashore. Translation Context Conjugation Synonyms. What is the definition of cost someone dearly? phrases. is the web's best resource for English synonyms, antonyms, and definitions. Advertising. Costing Dearly synonyms. Explore Thesaurus 3. cost. Add Reverso to {0} It's free. Advertising. Brechen Sie 'cost dearly' in Geräusche auf: Sagen Sie es laut und übertreiben Sie die Geräusche, bis Sie sie konsequent produzieren können. Another way to say Heavy Cost? to cost sb dearly Übersetzung, Englisch - Deutsch Wörterbuch, Siehe auch 'cost accountant',cost accounting',cost centre',cost clerk', biespiele, konjugation cost dearly synonyms, cost dearly pronunciation, cost dearly translation, English dictionary definition of cost dearly. ‘These extended redemption penalties can cost you dearly in the long run.’ ‘His two losses in a row in the fifth and sixth rounds cost him dearly.’ ‘It's a tough movie to watch at times and whatever redemption its characters find costs them dearly.’ ‘Impulse buys and rash decisions might end up costing you dear.’ Expression index: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200, More. Sie können Ihre Fehler ganz einfach markieren. dearly definition in the English Cobuild dictionary for learners, dearly meaning explained, see also 'pay dearly/cost dearly',dear',deadly',deal', English vocabulary Translation Context Spell check Synonyms … ... Voice translation, offline features, synonyms, conjugation, learning games. Alternate Synonyms for "dearly": in a heartfelt way; dear; affectionately; Related Definitions for "dearly": at a great cost 1. he paid dearly for the food 1; with affection 1. she loved him dearly 1; in a sincere and heartfelt manner 1. Synonyms for Seashores in Free Thesaurus. How to use cost in a sentence. Synonyms (Other Words) for Pay dearly & Antonyms (Opposite Meaning) for Pay dearly. Register Login. Word of the Day: scrofulous. damage. Dearly definition: If you love someone dearly , you love them very much. How do you use cost someone dearly in a sentence? pay for this. An amount paid or required in payment for a purchase; a price. Definitions by the largest Idiom Dictionary. words. definitions. cost us dearly phrase. לך ביוקר 39. spoil. Look it up now! antonyms. synonyms. Translation of "dearly" in Spanish. Advertising. Sie können Ihre Fehler ganz einfach markieren. Schauen Sie auf Youtube nach Tutorials wie man 'cost dearly' ausspricht. dearly: 1 adv in a sincere and heartfelt manner “I would dearly love to know” Synonyms: in a heartfelt way adv with affection “she loved him dearly ” Synonyms: affectionately , dear adv at a great cost “he paid dearly for the food” Synonyms: dear pay dearly / synonyms. pay a heavy price. Synonyms for Dearly (other words and phrases for Dearly). | Meaning, pronunciation, translations and examples It puts City under pressure and cost them dearly yesterday. Dearly definition at, a free online dictionary with pronunciation, synonyms and translation. Join Reverso. idioms. Adverb. 3 synonyms for seashore: coast, seacoast, sea-coast. pay a lot. Top synonyms for costing dearly (other words for costing dearly) are too much expensive, too much pricey and very costly. pay for it. Italian. examples. Brechen Sie 'cost dearly' in Geräusche auf: Sagen Sie es laut und übertreiben Sie die Geräusche, bis Sie sie konsequent produzieren können. What is the meaning of cost someone dearly? Antonyms for Seashores. Collaborative Dictionary English Definition. dear. See also: Dear John letter, for dear life, for dear life, deary. dearly | definition: in a sincere and heartfelt manner | synonyms: in a heartfelt way. Search dearly and thousands of other words in English definition and synonym dictionary from Reverso. Search it cost him dearly and thousands of other words in English definition and synonym dictionary from Reverso. Advertising. Synonyms and related words +-To have a bad effect, or to reduce a good effect. past tense: costed: past participle: costed: to calculate exactly how much something will cost. n. person who is very important and dear without formally being the spouse. Word index: 1-300, 301-600, 601-900, More. Join Reverso, it's free and fast! verbs. Define cost dearly. Suggest an example. Download our free app. dear. Suggestions: dearly beloved pay dearly dearly loved. How to use coast in a sentence. Nehmen Sie auf wie Sie in ganzen Sätzen 'cost dearly' sagen, und beobachten Sie sich selbst und hören Sie zu. mucho. pay a high price. What does cost us dearly … similar meaning - 66 Lists. dearly definition: 1. very much: 2. in a way that is expensive: 3. to suffer a lot as a result of a particular…. Times, Sunday Times ( 2016 ) If he fails he will pay dearly at mid-term elections that are less than two years away . Another way to say Dearly? Gabrielle de Polignac is a folly which cost her dearly. ‘Expansion costs money, but revenue has never been a problem for this entrepreneur.’ ‘It costs money to improve security and make those kind of things happen.’ ‘On the flip side of the coin they cost the British tax payer millions every year, and have become out of touch with the public.’ pay a price. Synonyms for cost dear in Free Thesaurus. Log in. profundamente. pay through the nose. signficant other . We couldn't find direct synonyms for the term cost dearly. Nehmen Sie auf wie Sie in ganzen Sätzen 'cost dearly' sagen, und beobachten Sie sich selbst und hören Sie zu. Translation Dictionary Spell check Conjugation Synonyms new Documents. How to say cost dearly in Bahasa Indonesia? n. 1.
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