What is the Chemical Weapons Convention? [49] On 14 September Syria deposited its instrument of accession to the CWC with the United Nations as the depositary and agreed to its provisional application pending entry into force effective 14 October. The OPCW staff member questioned the report's finding that OPCW's inspectors had "sufficient evidence at this time to determine that chlorine, or another reactive chlorine-containing chemical, was likely released from cylinders". 2. For the preparation of OPCW inspections and preparation of declarations, member states have to constitute a National Authority. [54] Syria gave the OPCW an inventory of its chemical weapons arsenal[55] and began its destruction in October 2013, 2 weeks before its formal entry into force, while applying the convention provisionally. The treaty also deals with carbon compounds called in the treaty "discrete organic chemicals", the majority of which exhibit moderate-high direct toxicity or can be readily converted into compounds with toxicity sufficient for practical use as a chemical weapon. The Convention on the Prohibition of the Development, Production, Stockpiling and Use of Chemical Weapons and on their Destruction (the Chemical Weapons Convention or CWC), is comprised of a Preamble, 24 Articles, and 3 Annexes — the Annex on Chemicals, the Verification Annex, and the Confidentiality Annex. Department has been appointed by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs as one of the agencies in the National Authority Chemical Weapons Convention (NACWC) to meet the requirements of the Chemical Weapons Convention (CWC) as well as implementing the Chemical Weapons Convention Act 2005, which regulated by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. On 3 September 1992 the Conference on Disarmament submitted to the U.N. General Assembly its annual report, which contained the text of the Chemical Weapons Convention. The Technical Secretariat of the organization conducts inspections to ensure compliance of member states. In addition to controlling the 3 Schedules of specified chemicals, the Convention also monitors other chemicals not specifically listed in the Schedules (called Discrete Organic Chemicals). 1993 Chemical Weapons Convention The Convention on the Prohibition of the Development, Production, Stockpiling and Use of Chemical Weapons and on their Destruction belongs to the category of instruments of international law that prohibit weapons deemed particularly abhorrent. Member states are represented at the OPCW by their Permanent Representative. This includes all such chemicals, regardless of their origin or of their method of production, and regardless of whether they are produced in facilities, in munitions or elsewhere. Chlorine gas is highly toxic, but being a pure element and extremely widely used for peaceful purposes, is not officially listed as a chemical weapon. This page lists articles that used to be featured articles, but were demoted because they do not meet current featured article criteria.Featured articles can only be demoted through a consensus derived through discussion at the Featured article review page. [44] These weapons, produced before the 1991 Gulf War, contained sarin and mustard agents but were so badly corroded that they could not have been used as originally intended. [1] Following the treaty's entry into force, it was closed for signature and the only method for non-signatory states to become a party was through accession. [54] Their deadline for destruction was the first half of 2014. Article I sets out the general obligations of each State Party under the Convention, Article II sets out the definitions and criteria to be used in implementing the Convention, Article III requires each State Party to submit declarations to the OPCW within 30 days after the Convention enters into force for that particular State Party, Article IV sets out the requirements for States Parties to destroy their chemical weapons, Article V relates to the requirement for States Parties to destroy and/or convert their Chemical Weapons Production Facilities (CWPFs), Article VI covers “activities not prohibited under this Convention”, otherwise known as the non-proliferation or industry verification regime, Article VII covers national implementation of the Convention and requires each State Party to enact implementing legislation at the national level, Article VIII establishes the OPCW as the implementing body of the Convention, Article IX provides for the consultation and clarification if concerns about possible non-compliance arise, Article X provides for assistance and protection to a State Party if it is attacked or threatened with attack by chemical weapons, Article XI provides international cooperation for the economic and technological development of States Parties, Article XII deals with measures to ensure compliance, including sanctions against a State Party that fails to uphold its treaty obligations, Article XIII deals with the relations with other international treaties, Article XIV deals with the settlement of disputes that may arise concerning the application or the interpretation of the Convention, Article XV deals with the amendments to the Convention, Article XVI deals with the duration of the Convention and the States Parties’ the right to withdraw from the Convention, Article XVII relates to the status of the Convention’s annexes, Article XVIII deals with the signature of the Convention, Article XIX related to the ratification of the Convention, Article XX relates to the accession to the Convention, Article XXI deals with the entry into force of the Convention, Article XXIII relates to the Depositary of the Convention, Article XXIV covers the authenticity of texts, Delineates the three Schedules and shows lists of Toxic Chemicals and their Precursors, Sets out all of the detailed procedures to be followed by the States Parties and by OPCW inspection teams during verification/inspection activities at chemical weapons facilities or sites and industrial facilities, Guarantees the protection of sensitive, national security related information and confidential business information during inspections and when such information is submitted by States Parties to the OPCW, 193 States committed to the Chemical Weapons Convention • [1] Of the four United Nations member states that are not parties to the treaty, Israel has signed but not ratified the treaty, while Egypt, North Korea, and South Sudan have neither signed nor acceded to the convention. A unique feature of the Convention is its incorporation of the ‘challenge inspection’, whereby any State Party in doubt about another State Party’s compliance can request a surprise inspection. After several changes of name and composition, the ENDC evolved into the Conference on Disarmament (CD) in 1984. Though it receives less attention, the Chemical Weapons Convention is a real success story in comparison. The Chemical Weapons Convention (CWC) entered into force on April 29, 1997 and currently has 193 states-parties. [1][5] Most recently, the State of Palestine deposited its instrument of accession to the CWC on 17 May 2018. [8] The convention has provisions for systematic evaluation of chemical production facilities, as well as for investigations of allegations of use and production of chemical weapons based on intelligence of other state parties. An unlimited number of other facilities may produce Schedule 1 chemicals, subject to a total 10 kg annual limit, for research, medical or pharmaceutical purposes, but any facility producing more than 100 grams must be declared.[16][20]. [63], Fourteen states parties have declared chemical weapons production facilities (CWPFs):[24][64], Currently all 97 declared production facilities have been deactivated and certified as either destroyed (74) or converted (23) to civilian use. Complete destruction of empty munitions, precursor chemicals, Prohibition of production and use of chemical weapons, Destruction (or monitored conversion to other functions) of chemical weapons production facilities, Destruction of all chemical weapons (including chemical weapons abandoned outside the state parties territory), Assistance between State Parties and the OPCW in the case of use of chemical weapons, An OPCW inspection regime for the production of chemicals which might be converted to chemical weapons, International cooperation in the peaceful use of chemistry in relevant areas, 1 non-disclosed state party (referred to as "A State Party" in OPCW-communications; said to be. A The Historical Context of the Chemical Weapons Convention; B The Chemical Weapons Convention. More Numbers, Copyright © 2021 Organisation for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons, Advisory Body on Administrative and Financial Matters, Responding to the Use of Chemical Weapons, Article V – Chemical Weapons Production Facilities, Article VI – Activities Not Prohibited Under this Convention, Article VII – National Implementation Measures, Article IX – Consultations, Cooperation and Fact‑Finding, Article X – Assistance and Protection Against Chemical Weapons, Article XI – Economic and Technological Development, Article XII – Measures to Redress a Situation and to Ensure Compliance, including Sanctions, Article XIII – Relation to Other International Agreements, Part II – General Rules of Verification, Part III – General Provisions for Verification Measures Pursuant to Articles IV, V and VI, Paragraph 3, Part IV(A) – Destruction of Chemical Weapons and Its Verification Pursuant to Article IV, Part IV(B) – Old Chemical Weapons and Abandoned Chemical Weapons, Part V – Destruction of Chemical Weapons Production Facilities and Its Verification Pursuant to Article V, Part VI – Regime for Schedule 1 Chemicals and Facilities Related to such Chemicals, Part VII – Regime for Schedule 2 Chemicals and Facilities Related to such Chemicals, Part VIII – Regime for Schedule 3 Chemicals and Facilities Related to such Chemicals, Part IX – Regime for other Chemical Production Facilities, Part X – Challenge Inspections Pursuant to Article IX, Part XI – Investigations in cases of Alleged Use of Chemical Weapons, Declaration Requirements for Scheduled Chemicals, Determining Declarable Industrial Facilities, Electronic Declaration Information System (EDIS), Implementation Capacity Assessment and Support, Declarations and Inspections (Article VI Obligations) Training Course, Chemical Industry and National Authorities Meeting, National Authority Mentorship / Partnership Programme, Internship Programme for Legal Drafters and National Authorities, Stakeholders Forum on National Implementing Legislation, Instructor Development and Exchange Programme, Chemical Safety and Security Management Programme, Chemical Safety and Security Needs Assessment and Best Practices, Executive Programme on Integrated Chemicals Management, Basic Analytical Chemistry Course for Women, Policy and Diplomacy for Scientists Workshop, Medical Aspects of Assistance and Protection Against Chemical Weapons, Practical Guide for Medical Management of Chemical Warfare Casualties, Decision: Addressing the Threat from Chemical Weapons Use, Public Information Requests and Media Guidelines, Article VI – Activities Not Prohibited under this Convention, Article IX – Consultations, Cooperation and Fact-Finding, Article X – Assistance and Protection against Chemical Weapons, Article XII – Measures to Redress a Situation and to Ensure Compliance, Including Sanctions. The 1993 Chemical Weapons Convention (CWC) was a similar legal development, extending the prohibition on use in the 1925 Protocol to the development, production, stockpiling, retention and transfer of chemical weapons, including their delivery systems. For a guide to the convention, see The Chemical Weapons Convention (CWC) at a Glance. The removal discussions for the former featured articles listed below can be found in the featured article review archive. The Convention aims to eliminate an entire category of weapons of mass destruction by prohibiting the development, production, acquisition, stockpiling, retention, transfer or use of chemical weapons by States Parties. Each type of controlled chemicals has different requirements. The Chemical Weapons Convention (CWC), officially the Convention on the Prohibition of the Development, Production, Stockpiling and Use of Chemical Weapons and on their Destruction, is an arms control treaty administered by the Organisation for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW), an intergovernmental organization based in The Hague, The Netherlands. [35] However, the Khan Shaykhun chemical attack in April 2017 indicated that undeclared stockpiles probably remained in the country. This function is generally combined with the function of Ambassador. under the Chemical Weapons Convention (CWC). Some chemicals which have been used extensively in warfare but have numerous large-scale industrial uses (such as phosgene) are highly regulated; however, certain notable exceptions exist. In 2009, before Iraq joined the CWC, the OPCW reported that the United States military had destroyed almost 5,000 old chemical weapons in open-air detonations since 2004. Three states have neither signed nor ratified (Egypt, North Korea, and South Sudan). States Parties have also agreed to create a verification regime for certain toxic chemicals and their precursors (listed in Schedules 1, 2 and 3 in the Annex on Chemicals) in order to ensure that such chemicals are only used for purposes not prohibited under the Convention.Â. The Convention on the Prohibition of the Development, Production, Stockpiling and Use of Chemical Weapons and on their Destruction (the Chemical Weapons Convention or CWC), is comprised of a Preamble, 24 Articles, and 3 Annexes — the Annex on Chemicals, the Verification Annex, and the Confidentiality Annex. 98% of the global population live under the protection of the Convention • One state has signed but not ratified (Israel). The U.N. Security Council ordered the dismantling of Iraq's chemical weapon stockpile in 1991. No country reached total elimination by the original treaty date although several have finished under allowed extensions. [62], Financial support for the Albanian and Libyan stockpile destruction programmes was provided by the United States. If you have any queries on how to accurately complete the declaration form(s) please contact the UKNA for further guidance and advice. The States Parties to this Convention hereby establish the Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons to achieve the object and purpose of this Convention, to ensure the implementation of its provisions, including those for international verification of compliance with it, and to provide a forum for consultation and cooperation among States Parties. Online text of the Chemical Weapons Convention: This page was last edited on 12 March 2021, at 14:20. set up systems to verify that chemical production facilities are not being used to produce chemical weapons; allow inspections of chemical facilities; help others in the event chemicals weapons are used or threatened to be used. On 25 November 2019, OPCW Director General Fernando Arias, in a speech to the OPCW's annual conference in The Hague, defended the Organization's report on the Douma incident, stating "While some of these diverse views continue to circulate in some public discussion forums, I would like to reiterate that I stand by the independent, professional conclusion" of the probe. Scheduled chemicals, which are explicitly specified in the Convention for monitoring purposes, include chemical warfare agents and their key precursors. [56][57] All declared Category 1 materials were destroyed by August 2014. The Convention aims to eliminate … If you have any queries on how to accurately complete the declaration form(s) please contact the UKNA for further guidance and advice. Chemical Weapons Convention. As of February 2021, 98.39% of the world's declared chemical weapons stockpiles had been destroyed. The convention is administered by the Organisation for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW), which acts as the legal platform for specification of the CWC provisions. Chemical and biological weapons; Children; Detainees; Migrants; New technologies and IHL; Nuclear weapons; Occupation; Refugees and displaced persons; Respect for IHL; Security detention; Sexual violence; Terrorism and IHL Chemical Weapons Convention (CWC) Certain toxic chemicals and their precursors are subject to legal requirements under the CWC, the first arms-control treaty to introduce a verifiable ban on an entire class of weapons of mass destruction. via the Chemical Weapons Convention Declarations Database no later than the Deadline Date as specified on the Legal Notice for this declaration. Separate from the precursors, the convention defines toxic chemicals as "[a]ny chemical which through its chemical action on life processes can cause death, temporary incapacitation or permanent harm to humans or animals. A total of 72,304 metric tonnes of chemical agent, and 97 production facilities have been declared to OPCW. [26][27], Japan and China in October 2010 began the destruction of World War II era chemical weapons abandoned by Japan in China by means of mobile destruction units and reported destruction of 35,203 chemical weapons (75% of the Nanjing stockpile).[25][28]. [46] As of 2012, the plan to destroy the chemical weapons was still being developed, in the face of significant difficulties. [25] The destruction of Libya's Category 1 chemical weapons was completed in 2014; destruction of its chemical weapon precursors was completed in November 2017. Russia received support from a number of countries, including the United States, the United Kingdom, Germany, the Netherlands, Italy and Canada; with some $2 billion given by 2004. "[18], A treaty party may declare a "single small-scale facility" that produces up to 1 tonne of Schedule 1 chemicals for research, medical, pharmaceutical or protective purposes each year, and also another facility may produce 10 kg per year for protective testing purposes. [21] These are any carbon compounds apart from long chain polymers, oxides, sulfides and metal carbonates, such as organophosphates. "Russian President Vladimir Putin has announced that Russia is destroying its last supplies of chemical weapons": Syria applied the convention provisionally from 14 September 2013, Organisation for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons, List of parties to the Chemical Weapons Convention, United Nations Security Council Resolution 2118, List of weapons of mass destruction treaties, List of parties to weapons of mass destruction treaties, Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons, Day of Remembrance for all Victims of Chemical Warfare, "Convention on the Prohibition of the Development, Production, Stockpiling and Use of Chemical Weapons and on their Destruction", "Angola Joins the Organisation for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons", "U.S. sanctions Syrian officials for chemical weapons attacks", "Third report of the Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons United Nations Joint Investigative Mechanism", United Nations Office for Disarmament Affairs, The Intersection of Science and Chemical Disarmament, "Syria chemical weapons monitors win Nobel Peace Prize", "Official press release from Nobel prize Committee", "Monitoring Chemicals with Possible Chemical Weapons Applications", "CWC Article II. The collapse of the Soviet Union reinvigorated the long-dormant chemical weapons … [24], 1997 treaty that outlaws producing, stockpiling, and using chemical weapons, Convention on the Prohibition of the Development, Production, Stockpiling and Use of Chemical Weapons and on their Destruction, Participation in the Chemical Weapons Convention, Organisation for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW), Known chemical weapons production facilities, Worldwide treaties for other types of weapons of mass destruction, CS1 maint: multiple names: authors list (. 4) The Biological Weapons Convention (1975), which prohibits the use, stockpiling, production and transfer of biological weapons. [23], At the end of 2019, 70,545 of 72,304 (97.51%) metric tonnes of chemical agent have been verifiably destroyed. The CWC is an international arms control treaty that entered into force in 1997 and is administered by the Organisation for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW) in The Hague, Netherlands. The purpose of this featured articles image survey is to better organize the images on our Wikipedia:Featured articles.This is important to ensure Wikipedia's status as a free content resource (including images) and to comply with criterion #3 of Wikipedia:Featured article criteria.. Survey goals. The classification is based on the quantities of the substance produced commercially for legitimate purposes. CHEMICAL WEAPONS CONVENTION Convention on the Prohibition of the Development, Production, Stockpiling and Use of Chemical Weapons and on their Destruction Intergovernmental consideration of a chemical and biological weapons ban was initiated in 1968 within the 18-nation Disarmament Committee, which, after numerous changes of name and composition, became the Conference on Disarmament (CD) in 1984. The 2013 Nobel Peace Prize was awarded to the organization because it had, with the Chemical Weapons Convention, "defined the use of chemical weapons as a taboo under international law" according to Thorbjørn Jagland, Chairman of the Norwegian Nobel Committee. By 1998, UNSCOM inspectors had accounted for the destruction of 88,000 filled and unfilled chemical munitions, over 690 metric tons of weaponized and bulk chemical agents, approximately 4,000 tonnes of precursor chemicals, and 980 pieces of key production equipment. Other chemicals, such as white phosphorus, are highly toxic but are legal under the CWC when they are used by military forces for reasons other than their toxicity. [14][15], The convention distinguishes three classes of controlled substance,[16][17] chemicals that can either be used as weapons themselves or used in the manufacture of weapons. 4. [12] On 3 September 1992 the CD submitted to the U.N. General Assembly its annual report, which contained the text of the Chemical Weapons Convention. Use of chemical agents of all kinds has been forbidden by numerous international treaties starting with the 1925 Geneva Protocol (not to be confused with the Geneva Convention), with the 1993 Chemical Weapons Convention being the most modern treaty which also outlaws production, stockpiling and transfer of such weapons. Developing, producing, acquiring, stockpiling, or retaining chemical weapons. [10] The CWC also includes extensive verification measures such as on-site inspections, in stark contrast to the 1975 Biological Weapons Convention (BWC), which lacks a verification regime.[11]. [8], The treaty set up several steps with deadlines toward complete destruction of chemical weapons, with a procedure for requesting deadline extensions. 3. The use of riot control agents “as a method of warfare.” [24], Seven State Parties, namely Albania, an unspecified state party (believed to be South Korea), India, Iraq, Libya, Russia and Syria have completed the destruction of their declared stockpiles. The main obligation of member states under the convention is to effect this prohibition, as well as the destruction of all current chemical weapons. It also covered their destruction. The OPCW must be informed of, and can inspect, any plant producing (or expecting to produce) more than 200 tonnes per year, or 30 tonnes if the chemical contains phosphorus, sulfur or fluorine, unless the plant solely produces explosives or hydrocarbons. The General Assembly approved the convention on 30 November 1992, and the U.N. Secretary-General then opened the convention for signature in Paris on 13 January 1993. Before the CWC came into force in 1997, 165 states signed the convention, allowing them to ratify the agreement after obtaining domestic approval. Under the Convention’s ‘challenge inspection’ procedure, States Parties have committed themselves to the principle of ‘any time, anywhere’ inspections with no right of refusal. Chemical Weapons Convention. [40][46] In 2014, ISIS took control of the site. It came into force in 1997. [47], On 13 March 2018, the Director-General of the Organisation for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW), Ambassador Ahmet Üzümcü, congratulated the Government of Iraq on the completion of the destruction of the country's chemical weapons remnants. The direct or indirect transfer of chemical weapons. The chemical weapons convention is a legacy of the end of the cold war. The Chemical Weapons Convention prohibits: 1. All destruction activities must take place under OPCW verification. As of March 2021, 193 states have become parties to the CWC and accept its obligations. [61] The staff member alleged this finding was "highly misleading and not supported by the facts" and said he would attach his own differing observations if this version of the report was released. The United States has spent $20 billion and expected to spend a further $40 billion. Costs for Albania's program were approximately US$48 million. 98% of the chemical weapons stockpiles declared by possessor States have been verifiably destroyed • The convention, which came into force in 1997, is almost fully supported around the world. [43] The UNSCOM inspectors left in 1998. It introduced a verifiable ban on an entire class of weapons of mass destruction by prohibiting the development, More than 57% (4.97 million) of chemical munitions and containers have been destroyed. An Act to promote the control of chemical weapons and of certain toxic chemicals and precursors; and for connected purposes. The United States is in the process of destruction and scheduled to complete in 2023. Chemical weapons use or military preparation for use. As of March 2021, 193 states, representing over 98 percent of the world's population, are party to the CWC. Syria is the last country in the world with a large stockpile of chemical weapons … United States Chemical Weapons Convention Web Site: A resource of information about chemical weapons and the Chemical Weapons Convention (CWC) includes extensive material in HTML and PDF format, links to other sites related to the CWC, and access to the Web-DESI application used by U.S. chemical users to submit information in compliance with the CWC. The General Assembly approved the Convention on 30 November 19… The Chemical Weapons Convention—Objectives, Principles, and Implementation Practice. OPCW has implemented measures for addressing the novel coronavirus (COVID-19). All States Parties have agreed to chemically disarm by destroying any stockpiles of chemical weapons they may hold and any facilities which produced them, as well as any chemical weapons they abandoned on the territory of other States Parties in the past. Each class is split into Part A, which are chemicals that can be used directly as weapons, and Part B, which are chemicals useful in the manufacture of chemical weapons. [13] The Conference of the States Parties is mandated to change the CWC and pass regulations on implementation of CWC requirements. The treaty entered into force on 29 April 1997, and prohibits the large-scale use, development, production, stockpiling and transfer of chemi… [32] The bunker entrances were sealed with 1.5 meters of reinforced concrete in 1994 under UNSCOM supervision. The Chemical Weapons Convention (CWC), officially the Convention on the Prohibition of the Development, Production, Stockpiling and Use of Chemical Weapons and on their Destruction, is an arms control treaty administered by the Organisation for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW), an intergovernmental organization based in The Hague, The Netherlands.
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