PDA. Types of Bala Sharks Fish Disease, Benefits of Maintaining Bala Sharks Fish at Home, Everything You Need to Know about Bala Sharks Fish Feed, The Easy Way of Spawning of Bala Shark Fish Yourself, Maintenance of Bala Sharks in An Aquarium The shark reaches a length of 14 inches in the wild, although it will mostly grow to 12 inches in captivity. Diseases Learn about all the different diseases that can reak havoc on your fish! Warning: Tiger Barb may become food for Bala Shark. More common than not a Bala Shark will grow to be roughly 12 inches long in a tanked environment. Bala Sharks are among the popular aquarium fish species. These creatures have a lifespan of about 10 years. The long, torpedo-shaped silver bodies end in forked yellow tails, while black picks out the fin edges. Bala Shark; Unsuitable Tankmates for Red Tail Shark. Overall the Bala Shark is easy to care for, and would be a good choice for beginner fish keepers. (This disease is often confused with another disease called Head and Lateral Line Erosion ... cat 1raphael cat 1 tetra 1 comet gold fish 2 shumbunkins 1 gold gourami 1 needlenose gar 1 tire track eel 1 red tail shark 3 angels Please help! I have gold fish food and people in the pet store told me that that food is fine. Nikki. By stressing out the fish you will make them more susceptible to diseases. Bala Shark Care Guide: Food, Tank Size & Setup, And Breeding Tips March 5, 2021 No Comments For any aquarist looking to add a new freshwater shark to jazz up their tank, the Bala Shark is a popular choice. Join Date: Dec 2009. I have try the espom salt bath and still saw no improvments. Bala sharks are shoaling fish meaning they must be in groups of 6 or more, if not they will get stressed. Shoaling fish are typically found in small groups, or schools, of 4 to 6. The Bala Shark (Balantiocheilus melanopterus) is a member of the Cyprinidae family and is found in fast flowing rivers across Thailand, Cambodia, Malaysia, Sumatra and Kalimantan.They’re also commonly known as Silver Bala, Silver Shark, Tricolor Shark and Tri Color Minnows. Thread Tools: Display Modes: 12-16-2009, 05:52 PM #1: she_wolf8807 . Bala Sharks The Bala Shark is not really a shark, as it is a freshwater species. Furthermore, since they are a bottom-dwelling fish, try to avoid keeping other bottom-dwellers with them. Good filtration is a must too. This is how I cure any swim bladder disease in my goldfish, with a tried and true age old remedy. Posts: 3 Bala shark turning yellow?!?! In the aftermath of the velvet/ich outbreak, I now have a serious problems with my 7" and 2" bala sharks. Thanks ! Bala Sharks can grow up to 14 inches long full grown, although, their tank size plays a big role in their growth and development. I have a 55 gallon tank with 2 Bala Sharks, 2 Tinfoil Barbs, 1 Blue Gourami & 1 Pleco. Bala Shark, Silver Shark - Balantiocheilos melanopterus. Farm-bred in Thailand, the Bala Shark originates in Southeast Asia and can grow up to 13 inches (25-30 cm). There is nothing more important than maintaining a proper environment (temperature, water quality, aeration). Bala Shark size. 21 Posts . He also has lost his appitite and wont eat much. Hi I have a bala shark, had him around 4 months and he has got something wrong with his swim bladder (I assume) as he is swiming in a funny way and just starts to float upside down and occasionally he fixes his position. Bala sharks are classified as shoaling fish in the wild. A member of the Cyprinid family, Balantiocheilos melanopterus has a shiny metallic silver body with well-defined scales, large eyes, and a deeply forked yellow-tinged tail. It can even be dangerous to some fish (for example, cory catfish). In appearance, the fish is very similar to a real shark, it has a high fin on the back, the general shape of a shark's body, but … I don't want to lose another fish! If you are interested in breeding your Bala sharks, you may want to learn the basics about breeding requirements for this species first. This basically treats most fish diseases in one shot. How to Prevent Fin Rot . Many of the measures to prevent fin rot are the same preliminary steps used to treat fish that have the disease. For a juvenile bala shark, a tank that holds 30 gallons of water will work, but the fish will outgrow this size. They are not aggressive in their current group. One of my Balas has Red Fins, they all torn or split, and there looks like there is a little bit of white stuff growing on him, he did not have red fins when I got him so I know he is a Bala Shark. I filtered out the velvet/ich medication after the last signs disappeared on my bala shark. My daughter's Bala Shark is sick. Fish will grow into their tanks, if they are in a relatively smaller tank, they will be a relatively smaller Shark. Bala Sharks are another popular aquarium shark that is deceptively small when purchased as juveniles (2-3 inches or 5-7 cm) and quickly become too large for many home aquariums. Also what kind of food should I give to it. Reply. Bala sharks can get up to 12 to 16 inches, and need a large aquarium to suit their size and activeness which would be about 130 gallons. The main concern of course is their size and the required space they need. Velvet (Gold Dust Disease) OTC medication for parasites. Unfortunately, only a few beginner aquarists know how big the bala shark can get. Species that should NOT be kept with a Red Tail Shark are as follows. Bala sharks (Balantiocheilos melanopterus) enchant aquarists with their appearance. This fish isn't a shark at all though. Bala Sharks are great … This is the main reason why I think bala sharks are not for beginners – as I already mentioned in one of my previous articles. Size: Up to 14 inches (35cm) Most Bala Sharks in captivity will only grow to be about 10 to 12 inches in size. It was eating normally (Loved bloodworm's), No clamped fins or any signs of disease. About Bala Sharks . Silver Shark is a most commonly seen inhabitant of home aquariums. It is about half an inch big and I was wondering how big is it going to grow, if it is going to grow. Seems to be a mold or flaking. When you first introduce your new Bala shark to their tank, or an old Bala shark to a new tank, they should be given a month to settle in. Bala Shark (Balantiocheilus melanopterus) A profile of the Bala Shark (Balantiocheilus melanopterus), including habitat, care, feeding, and breeding. You also need to avoid keeping any fish that are prominently red-colored. Lifespan. I did a 40-50% water change after I had removed the dead shark. Anybody know what this is? But they are named shark because of their appearance. FAQs on: Bala Sharks, Bala Shark Identification, Bala Shark Behavior, Bala Shark Compatibility, Bala Shark Selection, Bala Shark Systems, Bala Shark Feeding, Bala Shark Disease, Bala Shark … That scheme grants them the additional names of tri-colored shark, silver shark, and silver bala. Warning: At least 5 x Bala Shark are recommended in a group. Feeding the Bala Shark. It is a freshwater species, with a maximum size of 14-16", and it is commonly kept in larger aquariums. Save Share. To emulate the fast-flowing water of the shark’s natural habitat, you should invest in an effective filtration system. Tri-color/Bala Shark Hello My name is Matija and I just got a tri color shark. 04-11-2010, 08:26 PM. The Bala shark is also commonly known as the silver shark but is no relation to the sharks that we all know, ... territorial and will harass the Bala shark making it stressed which will inevitably lead to your fish becoming prone to disease. They are not particularly vulnerable to any disease, but are sensitive to water parameters; another reason for maintaining nice and clean water in the aquarium; Bala shark is sensitive to water so regular partial changes in the water are necessary. The best prevention against fin rot is good aquarium maintenance.Change the water regularly, vacuum the gravel, and monitor the water chemistry by having a regular testing schedule and documenting the results. Even though the bala shark is not a shark at all, it has a large triangular-shaped dorsal fin and a torpedo-shaped body, giving it a distinctly shark-like appearance, but that’s where the similarity ends. Warning: Bala Shark is not recommended for your tank - it may eventually outgrow your tank space, potentially reaching up to 12 inches. The Bala shark are becoming extinct in some of their natural habitats, no clear reason for this is known but the two main factors appear to be depletion if stocks due to overfishing to supply the aquarium industry and also many waterways have been dammed up reducing their natural habitat. Golden barbs are around 4cm. Hi One of my balas is getting a Michael-Jackson-style loss of pigment spreading from the snout. None of my other fish seem to look like theres anything wrong with them at all. Aquarium Forum > Other aquarium topics > Fish Diseases > Bala shark - nose turning white. Bala shark can live up to 6 years in the aquarium. The tanks water is fine as I have tested it multiple times. Not fluffy, not anything growing on him. Discussion Starter • #1 • Jan 2, 2012. LarsLoris. The male Bala sharks grow larger than the females. View Full Version : Bala shark - nose turning white. Bala shark Care guide. Has anyone experienced this with a bala before? Updated May 13, 2020 Author: Mike - FishLore Admin Social Media: The Bala Shark is also known as the Silver Shark and is a growing favorite among tropical fish hobbyists. She has many other fish and he's the only one with it. Warning: Platy may become food for Bala Shark. Freshwater Bala Shark Bala Shark Aquarium Large Bala Shark Bala Shark Fish Big Bala Shark Rainbow Shark Size Albino Bala Shark Bala Shark Tank Mates Bala Shark Full Size Grown Bala Shark Fully Grown Bala Shark Adult Bala Shark Red Fin Bala Shark Tricolor Shark Silver Shark Fish Bala Shark Baby Bala Catfish Small Fish Tank Shark Silver Sharks Tropical Fish Bala Shark Care … Bala sharks are an omnivorous species, to keep them at their optimum health they will require a varied diet. Information on all types of freshwater fish, aquarium setup, diseases and more! Silver shark is also known as Bala Shark, Shark Minnow, Tricolor Shark, etc. Peaceful fish shouldn’t be kept with them under any circumstance. If you are just starting out, you may want to choose another fish to learn the aquatic hobby. The Bala Shark is known as an active swimmer, and they can even jump out of the aquarium. In the wild they have been known to grow slightly larger. Habitat & Tank Requirements. Salt Treatments: Understand that while salt is frequently used as a treatment/preventative for sick fish, it is no guarantee. Post by Nikki Casali Thanks for the last help with my clown loaches. The bala shark, Balantiocheilos melanopterus, also known as the tricolor shark, tricolor sharkminnow, silver shark, or shark minnow, is a fish of the family Cyprinidae, and is one of the two species in the genus Balantiocheilos.This species is not a true shark, but is commonly so called because of its torpedo-shaped body and large fins. To keep a bala shark through adulthood, you’ll need a tank that holds at least 150 gallons and is at least 72 inches long. The Bala shark does not even reach sexual maturity until it is around four inches (10 or 15 cm) in size, so Bala shark breeding can be difficult for the average aquarium enthusiast. The Bala shark, Balantiocheilos melanopterus, is also known as Silver shark, Tricolor Shark and Tricolor sharkminnow. Yes the bloodworm's were thawed No, The bala shark showed no signs of stress. I will let you know how the silver sharks get on. It belongs in the Cyprinidae family. freshwater shark rainbow, redtail, bala, apollo, silvertip and black shark species.
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