Tank Requirements . If you are interested in keeping Amano Shrimp, there are a couple of things to keep in mind. Although they are usually sold as babies, these algae munchers can grow up to be the size of a baseball, so make sure you have enough tank space to accommodate them. 3. Some plecos are 100% veggatarian so maybe look into something like that. Often these are areas with flooded trees and their roots… The SAE is a great addition to most 30+ gallon tanks. The male will display the characteristic bristles on his snout and round his mouth. While snails are not the greatest algae eaters available in the fish keeping hobby, they are still a great choice. Last friday: CAE name is very missleading. Freshwater Fish and Invertebrates. Instead, he recommends this sucker called a Plecostomus. They are cheap, they can help to increase the diversification of wildlife in your tank, and they keep your tank clean, what more could you ask for? Fish-keepers have voted this snail number one as an algae eating snail, eating most types of algae in fish tanks. They grow to around 2 centimeters in length, and they need to be kept in high alkaline waters. The only algae they will resist eating are green spot algae, and blue-green algae. There are a couple of various algae eaters to pick from, including snails, shrimps as well as particular algae-consuming fish. The fish will even gobble up types of algae that other creatures ignore. As well as being cool to watch, freshwater shrimp can also help with algae control in your home aquarium. Care Level: Easy. It has a wider head and is much shorter, fatter, and flatter than the Common Pleco.. The only problem with these snails, is that they tend to climb out of the tank, if you don’t keep it covered. Minnows will eat algae when there is no other food source available in a pond. pH 6.5-7.5 Slightly Soft – Slightly Hard Water. Possibly the most popular algae eating shrimp is the Amano Shrimp. Otocinclus Catfish, an algae eater, fish profile and care information such as tank size, tank mates, life span, diet, foods, breeding, behavior, tank setup and temperament. A good algae eating fish for larger aquariums is the Bristlenose Pleco. Catfish are generally OK with smaller tanks, and the Twig Catfish is no exception. Malaysian Trumpet Snails are usually resting underneath the gravel during the day, and at night, when they are most busy, you will find them digging their way through the substrate, sweeping up any matter and algae that has fell through the cracks. It’s easy to see where Ghost Shrimp get their name from, too, with their almost see through bodies. I would also LOVE some extra information as well as websites for caring for golden algae fry. Because of their size, Malaysian Trumpets are very susceptible to being eaten, so practice caution when keeping them with other predatory fish. However, there are other morphs that stay even smaller. If you are trying to breed them, it’s great, but they can be quite the eye sore if not. I dont even think my dads tank has even seen a spot of algae since he put a common in it, and when he did the tank was absolutely riddled with algae, then about 2 days later it wasnt, and the common was only an inch or two long at the time, and the tank is huge. Their shells are most commonly bright yellow, but they can be found in brown, and some shades of purple and red. Mystery Apple Snails will consume most types of algae, but you most commonly find them eating plant algae, substrate algae and aquarium glass algae. Dies geschieht in Ihren Datenschutzeinstellungen. Nowadays species caught in the wild are not exported, all chinese algae eaters you see on sale were bred in fish hatcheries. The biggest benefit of choosing the Bristlenose Pleco is their ability to consume Green Spot Algae, which the majority of other algae eaters will not touch. most popular being their Turbo Twist Sterilizer, Zebra Danio Care Guide (Diet, Tank & Breeding), Neon Tetra Care Guide: Everything You Need To Know, 13 Best Freshwater Fish For Your Home Aquarium, 12 Best Freshwater Algae Eaters For Your Aquarium, Swordtail Fish Care Guide: Everything You Need To Know, Dropsy In Fish: Causes, Symptoms and Treatment, What Exactly Is Fin Rot? I created this website to help fellow fishkeepers get accurate and helpful information at the click of a few buttons. The biggest benefit of adding otos to your aquarium is their small size, which allows them to squeeze into the smallest spaces, to perform their algae destroying tasks. I just added a soft nose spotted pleco to my cage and it is working out really well I think there cuter that bristolnose plecos. Name: Siamese Algae Eater. Mature Siamese Algae Eaters (2.5 or more years old) will have different body shape depending on the sex. They have a malign reputation in some circles, but the same qualities that make them a pain also make them an excellent algae eater. Crossocheilus Siamensis eating hair algae. They have a flattened body covered in bony plates, and as they reach maturity, they sprout tentacle-like branches from their head. The salesperson steers you, oddly enough, away from the fish labeled “algae eaters,” explaining that they get kind of big, don’t eat algae when they get big, and can kill your fish. Otto Fish Profile. They generally show their faces at night, but even then, their size and passive behavior is enough to keep them out of trouble. Although their appetite is big, and they are willing to eat most types of algae, it’s still recommended that you feed Mystery Snails a wide range of aquarium safe vegetation. Their job is to eat algae, not to be eaten themselves. Sie können Ihre Einstellungen jederzeit ändern. Tank Size and Conditions: Min tank size of 30 gallons. Growing up to 15 centimeters in length, these sucker-mouth fish can cover a lot of ground, and can consume a lot of algae. There might be an issue with your water temperature, PH or you may have ammonia or nitrite. Ramshorn Snails are perfect for cleaning your plants, the walls of your aquarium, the rocks and the decorations. Larger Mystery Snails are usually safe, and will keep to themselves, but the smaller ones may become a target for larger, predatory fish. If your aquarium is busy with plants, Ramshorn Snails would be the better choice for you. Excessive amounts of copper, which is typically found in plant fertilizers can cause harm to these shrimp, so if your tank is filled with a lot of plants, more aggressive water changes of 30 to 50 percent are required to balance out the toxicity. The biggest issue with algae eaters is their uncertain compatibility with other fish within your aquarium. You should also keep in mind the overall compatibility of the other fish in your aquarium. Siamese Algae Eaters are a great tank-cleaning fish that work hard to keep things looking spotless. A visit to the fish store reveals an entire world of algae eaters. A true Siamese Algae Eater Fish will have a long body with a ragged looking black horizontal stripe on the sides of the fish. I know common plecos will eat eggs, and get really big. sure they do a number on the bioload, but if algae is a major problem, those things will keep a tank right down spotless. So the mother fish is above the \ / and the babies are below the \ / . These busy algae eating snails will only grow to around 2 centimeters when fully grown, and they are brilliant at keeping your aquarium clean. CAE name is very missleading. “Dwarf Suckers” will thrive on all types of algae and vegetation, but they prefer brown algae, and soft green algae. So, I now have the current fish in the tank. Large amounts of commercial fish food will reduce their appetite, so they will not work as well in community tanks that are packed full of fish. This fish has got so popular in the fresh-water aquarium hobby, because it is the only fish, which will consume black beard algae. It is hardy, will tolerate a range of environments and will surprise you with its breeding habits. They have also been known to eat fish eggs, and leftover food. CaptainAquatics. However, as with Nerite Snails, Cichlids, Loaches and other large fish will usually eat all snails, so you can either keep them separate, or avoid snails all together if you currently keep anything that can easily swallow them. even Chinese algae eaters… Onto your second point – you can differentiate females from males in mature fish only. Nerite Snails are known to eat every type of algae found in a freshwater aquarium, including the harder to eradicate ones such as Green Spot Algae and Green Beard Algae. Some of the known types of fish to eat algae are Blennies and Tangs, but along with fish there are snails, crabs, and sea urchins who also eat algae. Although algae can look good when kept in small quantities, it’s easy to spread out of control if you don’t keep it in check. You will also notice that they will hangout on plants often eating algae off of the leaves. The second time the leaves that it laid the eggs on rotted. They’re covered in beige and have a … This helps us stay afloat and producing new content. They are very small, usually growing to only a couple of centimeters in length, and they get eaten by bigger fish pretty quickly. Let us know in the comment section below! If it has a gold stripe on top of the black stripe it is not a Siamese Algae Eater. In terms of living conditions, the Siamese Algae Eater is generally easy to care for. While they are little to no use in combating the filmy types of algae, they are effective at getting rid of thread and bush varieties. Despite the fish name, it doesn’t inhabit in China. ( I removed all the other fish from the tank due to angel aggressiveness) (I did put the algae eater back in the tank, due to the algae growning on the glass.) Corydoras catfish are a great algae eater to add to your tank, especially with a betta. If you don't want to raise the Otos, then just leave them to eaten. Combine this with a huge appetite, and you will see exactly why they made our list of the best algae eating fish. The fish inhabits in mountain streams and lakes that flow over large part of Thailand and some areas of Laos, Cambodia, Vietnam as well as in Borneo. Don’t rely on Mollies to get rid of all your algae, but if you are looking for a beautiful looking fish with the added benefit of them scraping away some of that unwanted algae, then Mollies whould be a perfect choice. Algae eaters actually eat more fish food than algae. These bright red crustaceans are very small, and are great at cleaning algae from the hard to reach places that algae eating fish can’t reach. While they do consume algae when they are young, they tend to eat less algae as they mature – as well as becoming large and territorial – making them a poor choice for most community fish tanks. On the opposite side of the size spectrum when it comes to snails, is the Mystery Apple Snail. The only downside is the fact that they are small, and are a preferred food for a lot of freshwater fish, so keeping them in a tank with other fish can be tricky. Bristlenose Plecos. They also leave hundreds of small white eggs around your tank, sometimes completely covering your plants and rocks. They like consistency, so heavy water changes can really affect them. Overall, the Mystery Apple Snail is a great addition to any tank, if you can get your hands on them. Chinese algae eater fish are egg layers with one female Chinese algae eater laying up to three thousand eggs. Any of the Ancistrus group make great algae eating additions to the tropical tank. The Bristlenose Catfish is one of the smallest aquarium catfish and will grow up to an average of 3-5 inches. They are constantly hungry, and they will consume just about any type of algae, as well as leftover food and detritus. So I don't think it starved. This fish will not get much bigger than 8-10cm. They can keep your tank free of algae without the need of adding chemicals or high tech equipment. They are one of the larger growing aquatic snails available and will consume a greater deal of algae … Some plecos are 100% veggatarian so maybe look into something like that. Unlike the Mystery Apple Snails, the Malaysian Trumpets will not eat your plants, so if your aquarium is busy with live plants, these are the perfect fit. Commonly known as the Whiptail Catfish, these algae eating machines can grow up to 20 centimeters in length, and their slender, brown colored bodies can sometimes be hard to spot in busier aquariums. Do get rid of the bad eggs with a turkey baster as they're covered in fungus which could be detrimental to the rest of the eggs. Ramshorn Snails get their name from the shells resemblance to the horn of a ram, and the snails themselves are usually red or brown. I read something on this in Tropical Fish magazine. I love sharing my tips and tricks to help make you a better fishkeeper, so stay updated by following us on Social Media! You have entered an incorrect email address! Tank Size and Conditions: Min Tank Size- 25 gallons. The Chinese algae eater (Gyrinocheilus aymonieri), also known as the Indian algae eater, or the sucking loach, is a fish with a somewhat misleading name. Another Catfish on the list, is the Otocinclus Catfish (also known as dwarf suckers and otos). Early/Mid Oct: Algae eater (corydoras) laying eggs all over the tank two different times. They work far better than any chemicals or manual methods of controlling cloudy water and they are completely harmless to your fish and plants. It seems like theyre such a bad idea and people are becoming more aware of their size, bio-load, etc. The Siamese Algae Eater Fish is often mistaken for an Otocinclus Catfish, Chinese Algae Eater Fish and Siamese Algae Eater Fish. 4. > Henry > Fish eggs are like candy to children. If you are going to keep ghost shrimp, you should build a place for them to hide, and you will need to keep a lot of them if you want to do some serious damage in terms of algae control. Full grown, an Amano Shrimp will only be around 4 centimeters, so they are perfect for smaller tanks. The colors that they come in are grey and gold with a black stripe that spans from their head to their tail. How many eggs does an average female Golden Algae eater lay? I would recomend plecos, but most would eat the eggs while the fish are sleeping. Daten über Ihr Gerät und Ihre Internetverbindung, darunter Ihre IP-Adresse, Such- und Browsingaktivität bei Ihrer Nutzung der Websites und Apps von Verizon Media. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. The Chinese Algae Eater is very low maintenance and only needs a 30 gallon tank to live comfortably. Unlike the Twig Catfish and the Siamese Algae Eaters mentioned before, otos are a schooling fish, and should be kept in groups of at least 5. Measuring around 3 centimeters when they are fully grown, Nerite Snails are easy targets for larger predatory fish such as Cichlids and Loaches, so we don’t recommend keeping them together. The cheapest, and most widely available shrimp is the Ghost Shrimp. Keep that in mind if you currently keep any of them. You will typically find them on the bottom of the time, grazing the substrate for algae, and picking up any pieces of leftover food. They’ll probably always be a thing simply because they are just so darn effective at their job. Their small size also allows them to hide away from predatory fish, if you have any in your tank. Ghost Shrimp are often sold as fish food, so you can see why the live versions are so tempting. How small of a tank. These snails come in different color morphs and sizes. Fishkeeping Advice is a member of the Amazon Affiliate Programme. One of the most popular algae eating snails are the Nerite Snails. Just look it up online or pick up any fish mag. Combined with Nerite snails, they are a good choice for keeping your entire aquarium clean. They will eat all types of algae, as well as any leftover food and vegetation. I mean, I hate them; they get so dang big and they are so freaking ugly and creepy, and when they get older they end up armored and sharp edged, but bar none, they do excellent work and because of that i wish my little tank could support one, because algae is just a pain in the neck to deal with. Go to a pet store, they have /sell a device where you seperate the mother from the rest of the fish, the mother drops the babies, they fall thru a \ / shaped componentat the bottom. I purchased a baby golden algae eater but he/she is very nervous. In terms of their diets, Twig Catfish will typically consume all types of algae, but if you want them to thrive, and survive as long as possible, then we recommend supplementing them with spirulina algae tablets every now and then (2 to 3 times per week). As some of you may know, in my 36 gallon biocube aquarium I have two firemouth cichlids that have been spawning and laying eggs. If there is enough algae, and dead plant matter to keep them busy, they will keep to themselves. They are a suckermouth catfish that predominantly live off of algae & algae wafers. A female Siamese algae eater will have … Wir und unsere Partner nutzen Cookies und ähnliche Technik, um Daten auf Ihrem Gerät zu speichern und/oder darauf zuzugreifen, für folgende Zwecke: um personalisierte Werbung und Inhalte zu zeigen, zur Messung von Anzeigen und Inhalten, um mehr über die Zielgruppe zu erfahren sowie für die Entwicklung von Produkten. There are several choices on the market but it’s commonly accepted amongst the community that Coralife make the best UV Sterilizers, with their most popular being their Turbo Twist Sterilizer, which is available in multiple sizes depending on the size of your tank. As well as the most common types of algae you will find in a home aquarium, the Siamese Algae Eater will also consume leftover pellets, vegetables, flake foods, and live foods. As with all snails, a higher alkaline water balance is preferred, to keep their shells nice and hard. Here are some of the best algae eating shrimp that are most commonly found in the fishkeeping hobby. While snails are not the greatest algae eaters offered in the fish maintaining pastime today, they are still a popular option. The majority of other algae eating snails will attack your plants, but Ramshorn tend to leave them alone. Although this list of algae eaters is not listed in any particular order, if we were to rate the following 13 species in terms of their effectiveness, the Siamese Algae Eater would certainly top the list. Mar 26, 2019. reply #6. Algae eaters are a must in any freshwater aquarium. The only downfall they might have is that they do leave unsightly little eggs … While Mollies are not generally considered an “algae eating fish”, their ability, and willingness to eat pretty much any type of aquarium algae is enough to grab their place on our list of the best algae eaters. Bristlenose Pleco. They have also been known to eat fish eggs, and leftover food. Angels need to be in tall tanks and they do need some space lengthwise too. If you are currently suffering from an outbreak of algae, or if you want to prevent an outbreak from occurring at all, then algae eaters are the perfect solution. A good sterilizer can turn green and cloudy water into crystal clear water within a few days. The Otocinclus affinis, also known as Otocinclus catfish or simply Oto cat is a small south American fish native to Brazil where it can be found in heavily vegetated streams and rivers. Just keep an eye on them, to make sure they are getting their share. Having the knowledge and an understanding of which algae eaters live harmoniously with the species of fish in your tank is crucial if you want them to survive. Aquarium Stocking . They can't resist them. They are algae eaters and can be feed vegetables and food made for algae eaters. With their beautiful zebra like shell, and their huge appetite for algae, it’s no surprise why these little gems are as common as they are. Siamese Algae Eaters are very good jumpers, so we recommend keeping the lid on your aquarium at all times. Okay, so I need an algae eater!” A visit to the fish store reveals an entire world of algae eaters. The instantly recognizable Poso Sulawesi rabbit snail is an amazing algae eater, rare among aquarium keepers but prized for its delightful orange body coloration. Besides from these two small problems, Nerite Snails are a great little algae eater, and we would definitely recommend them. There are many types of algae eaters: fish, shrimp, and snails. Siamese Algae Eater, SAE (Crossocheilus siamensis) Family: Cyprinidae: Temperament: Peaceful, active and social: Care Level: Easy: Diet: Omnivorous; prefers live foods but will eat algae. Ramshorns breed prolifically. Member. There are a few different algae eaters to choose from, including snails, shrimps and certain algae-consuming fish. Do you think common plecos will ever “not be a thing” in the aquarium industry? Two days later the clear eggs were gone, I thought they were viable. Some breeds of plecos and Chinese algae eaters, for instance, can get more aggressive as they age. The good eggs are transparent with a bit of dark inside, the bad eggs are fluffy white. In terms of tank mates, the Bristlenose Pleco will usually bode will with any other type of fish. Back on the other side of the sizing spectrum, you will find the Malaysian Trumpet Snail. Also, they do require a varied diet to thrive, but they are voracious eaters, and they will eat any leftovers. The mother may also eat the young that's why you have to seperate the babies. If you provide Siamese Algae Eaters with enough room to swim, and plenty of algae to eat, they will definitely be a welcomed addition to your tank. True Siamese fish algae eater. Ramshorn Snails get their name from the shells resemblance to the horn of a ram, and the snails themselves are usually red or brown. Colors: Chinese algae eaters come in grey, tan, yellow and albino colors. If you have a large tank, and you currently keep larger, aggressive fish, then the Bristlenose Pleco could be your best option. Mystery snails are a little larger, the have a heavier bioload but do a quicker job when eating algae. They are becoming increasingly harder to find. I know common plecos will eat eggs, and get really big. They can consume more algae than you think! Not only are they hardy and beautiful to look at, they are also relentless in their cleaning abilities. Nerite snails are great for small fish tanks, reaching only about an inch in size. The Siamese Algae Eater fish, is one of the best algae eaters out there. Here are 13 of the best, and most common algae eaters that you can introduce to your tank straight away. They need a oposite gender mystery snail to breed, but even if they do lay eggs they will lay them above the water line and you can easily remove them after a few days when they harden. Twig Catfish like a lot of places to hide, so a tank with plenty of plants and bog wood is preferred. I had eggs on the glass from a cory that I saw > get eaten. Next up on my list is one of the few fish that will actually eat hair algae. Acidic water will dissolve the shells of all snails, so if you are thinking about keeping them, you should make sure your water is at least a 7 on the pH scale. Pick one based on the size of your tank and the type of fish your are keeping. The salesperson steers you, oddly enough, away from the fish labeled “algae eaters,” explaining that they get kind of big, don’t eat algae when they get big, and can kill your fish. They consume all kinds of algae. Their bright colors can be a great addition to any tank, and the brighter, more deeply colored ones can be worth a lot of money if they happen to breed. Angels are only aggressive toward their own until they pair up, then they are willing to wipe out anything in the tank they can. > yes they will, eat the eggs. The male will defend the eggs, which is … Due to their small size, Amano Shrimp will work better with docile fish. So, if you want to save them, separate them. They are commercially bred in large ponds and induced to spawn by adding hormones to the water. In order for them to survive, though, their diet needs to be supplemented with algae wafers and fresh veggies. An algae eater fish is always a must have in a fish tank. Skilled breeders can do that in … In order for Nerite Snails to thrive, and to keep their shells hard, they do require a pH level of 7 or above, and hard water is preferred, as the calcium in hard water helps to keep their shells healthy. Name: Bristlenose Pleco, Bristle Nosed Pleco, Bristlenose Catfish, Bushynose Catfish (Ancistrus temminckii, Ancistrus sp.) Extra Information: Will eat algae from plants, glass and decorations as well as left over flake food, vegetables and live food. They for sure will drive the other fish to the opp. (As long as you get the real thing and not one of the imposters that are sold as a Siamese algae eater.) Growing to around 2 inches in length, these relentless feasters are perfect for tanks of all sizes, and they tend to live harmoniously with other species. It is worth noting however, that otos do have a large appetite, so if your aquarium is lacking the algae to keep them happy, we recommend adding some aquarium friendly vegetation such as zucchini, from time to time. If you don’t have the time, or the attention span to sit and learn which fish live well with which algae eaters, then a simple solution is to keep your algae eaters in a separate tank, and move them into your main tank temporarily, whenever their algae eating services are required. Freshwater Aquarium Fish Forum. In recent years, however, the demand for freshwater snails has increased, and people are becoming more and more open to the idea of keeping snails as pets. One of the best algae eating fish you'll ever keep, Bristlenose are hardy, easy to keep, easy to breed and they don't get too large, topping out at about 12.5cm, depending on species.
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